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- From: Leslie <cayadopi AT>
- To: gil.white AT, homestead AT
- Subject: Re: [Homestead] more on DC, more on Obamacare
- Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 14:03:33 -0700 (PDT)
< smile and rolling my eyeballs > If you didn't provide subsidized health
care, there wouldn't be any expense to taxpayers in the first place ..... :-)
Now adding what some 100 new government departments - that is a really
serious burdon on the taxpayers............
The problem with all this is that "controlling" doctors controls a symptom
and doesn't attack the underlying cause of inflation in medical costs.
Inflation isn't caused by them, they react to it. Inflation is caused by the
Fed and the government jointly expanding the money supply. Until that is
address, none of these so-called "fixes" will work. They will only seek
scapegoat after scapegoat to blame so the population doesn't learn the truth.
According to Hans Sennholz, "Age of Inflation", Austrian Economic Theory,
less than 5% of the world's population understand the real cause of
From: Gil White gil.white AT
Providing subsidized health care without controlling what doctors and
specialists can charge will end up subsidizing the medical profession at the
expense of the tax payers. -)
>From erthnsky AT Wed Sep 16 17:03:53 2009
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Gil White wrote:
> And where are they going to go? Some of the older one's might retire
> and become cruise ship physicians but most of them are too
> comfortable.
In many part of the country, there is already a shortage of doctors. My
generation was the last generation where there were still some folks
going into medicine for its altruistic benefits. Mostly, people wanted
to make money. It is the same with law school...only the naive want to
go to law school to defend the poor-mostly they go because they know
attorneys make good money. In the last few decades, medical school has
added courses in business, insurance, malpractice, etc. It is a major
wet blanket. It would be interesting to see how many M.D.'s now go into
research instead of practice. (That is what I intended to do many years
ago-I wanted to work for the CDC) Even that, in this day and age, is
not pure science, but science based on greed and grant funding, etc. I
have friends who are physicians, and many are talking of retiring early.
Others will become corporate or personal physicians where there is
little risk of personal lawsuits. I'm sure some may go into research or
even change specialities. Then, there will be a shortage of physicians.
No worries though...there are already, and will be more programs that
encourage people to go into medicine...low interest loans, grants based
on service of a certain location for a certain period of time, etc.
> I'm not a big fan of government involvment, but once they step in
> they have to look at both sides. Providing subsidized health care
> without controlling what doctors and specialists can charge will end
> up subsidizing the medical profession at the expense of the tax
> payers.
You have just described what is wrong with government involvement in
this country. They don't look at both sides(only the side of business)
and everything here is subsidized at the expense of the tax payers, to
the extreme that future generations will be paying for bailouts and
subsidies. Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs gets their 11 BILLION dollar
bonuses on our grandchildren's money, for at least the second year in a row.
Sleep well tonight, for somewhere in the ocean's depths, MY son is
protecting your freedom on the USS Key West, currently deployed
somewhere in the Pacific and/or Indian Ocean. Go Navy!
EarthNSky Farm, NW Georgia, USA
[Homestead] more on DC, more on Obamacare,
Leslie, 09/16/2009
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: [Homestead] more on DC, more on Obamacare, Leslie, 09/16/2009
Re: [Homestead] more on DC, more on Obamacare,
EarthNSky, 09/16/2009
Re: [Homestead] more on DC, more on Obamacare,
Leslie, 09/16/2009
- Re: [Homestead] more on DC, more on Obamacare, Lynda, 09/16/2009
Message not available
- Re: [Homestead] more on DC, more on Obamacare, EarthNSky, 09/16/2009
Re: [Homestead] more on DC, more on Obamacare,
Leslie, 09/16/2009
Re: [Homestead] more on DC, more on Obamacare,
Lynda, 09/16/2009
Re: [Homestead] more on DC, more on Obamacare,
dsanner106, 09/17/2009
Re: [Homestead] more on DC, more on Obamacare,
Lynda, 09/17/2009
- Re: [Homestead] more on DC, more on Obamacare, Leslie, 09/17/2009
Re: [Homestead] more on DC, more on Obamacare,
Lynda, 09/17/2009
Re: [Homestead] more on DC, more on Obamacare,
dsanner106, 09/17/2009
Message not available
Re: [Homestead] more on DC, more on Obamacare,
Lynda, 09/16/2009
- Re: [Homestead] more on DC, more on Obamacare, EarthNSky, 09/16/2009
Re: [Homestead] more on DC, more on Obamacare,
Lynda, 09/16/2009
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