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homestead - Re: [Homestead] welding

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  • From: "Don Bowen" <don.bowen AT>
  • To: <homestead AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] welding
  • Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2008 09:45:31 -0800

> Is there a minimum size for an arc welder? Considering your suggestions,
> I may buy an AC arc welder now and look for gas welding parts at auctions,
> garage sales, etc.

For a first welder you cannot go wrong with the coffin top Lincoln 225.
They are available just about everywhere and have been the first and only
welder for thousands for 60 years. Most places sell then as a beginners
outfit with shield, rod, and cables.

The number refers to the current output. My Marquette is a 180 Amp. As a
rough guide the size of the rod correlates to the size of the material and
the current requirement correlates to the size of the rod. A quarter inch
rod will weld quarter inch material single pass and starts with 125 Amps.
Adjust the current downward as needed.

As for rod, 6011 if great for rusty or painted material but it splatters a
lot and is moisture sensitive. Buy only what you think you will need and
keep it in a water tight container. 6013 will make a much better looking
bead but wants clean surfaces.

The number (6011, 6013, 7018) refers to the tensile strength (6011 is
60,000#, 7018 is 70,000#) and the coating type. 6013 is basically the old
fleetweld 5, the first successful flux coated rod. With an AC box, 6011 is
used for the first passes and 6013 for the better looking final beads.

The book is by Richard Finch. He is an interesting person to talk to and
has many stories about the aerospace industry and racing and restoring

Don Bowen KI6DIU

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