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homestead - Re: [Homestead] Is it serious, or is it not?

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  • From: bob ford <bobford79 AT>
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] Is it serious, or is it not?
  • Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 15:23:31 -0700 (PDT)

1)Just like you lynn, they have mortgage payments. Unlike you, they depend
on outside jobs to make those, and other, payments.

2)They 'will' profit, whether we bail them out or not. The really , really
big guys are so tied in ,we don't even notice.

For example. Hank Paulson is the one asking for the bailout, he is worth
half billion dollars, regardless (Goldman-sachs), Franklin Raines Walked away
from GSE (Fannie) with tens of millions after costing taxpayers billions and
is now one of Obama'a (now, unofficial) economic advisors. Betrnake, FGoldman
-Sachs. Barney Frank, big contributions from big banks/finance; lingtime
personal friend of Paulson. Governor of New Jersey (Corzine -Goldman Sach's)
Obama economic advisor, Chris Dodd, VIP loans, buddy buddy with so many Conn.
bankers and hedge fund managers. Robert Rubin, Obama econ. advisor, Goldman
Sachs, former Clinton cabinet.

These people, and thousands more like them, helped to create the problem,
will now help to solve the problem, and they, their friends and families all
will profit, no matter what occurs with bail-out. They are so incestuously
tied to the rule-makers, they are insulated from harm.

3) a long-time economic crisis can cause all sorts of societal ills. Examples
range from urban barrios, to housing projects, to places hit by acute and
chronic economic downturns --south La. in the 80's oilfield bust, for
example. ;Not all but Many different Indian Reservations (sorry Lynda, but
it's true).

Like I wrote before, I hope I'm worrying for nothing. But, most, not all,
certainly, working people are only a few months away from not being able to
pay their bills --being broke.

I'm not even sure the bail-out will help, I'm not saying i'm necessarily for
the bail-out. I'm just hoping this economic "adjustment" can be more gradual
than it appears to be heading. Our economic system, globally is built upon
credit. Good or bad, that is a fact. bobford

--- On Wed, 10/1/08, Lynn Wigglesworth <lynnw1366 AT> wrote:

> From: Lynn Wigglesworth <lynnw1366 AT>
> Subject: Re: [Homestead] Is it serious, or is it not?
> To: homestead AT
> Date: Wednesday, October 1, 2008, 3:46 PM
> bob ford wrote:
> But, I do feel empathy for people I know, you only played
> by the rules
> they were taught. A couple of those people are my baby
> brothers. They
> don't have a clue. Just work hard, pay their bills,go
> to church; wait
> for deer season.
> >
> 1)What do you foresee happening to them? If they aren't
> dependent on
> constant credit, I don't see how it will affect them.
> > We are in a rigged game; the people who should pay
> for this mess, will profit, instead. And, the worker bees
> will face more divorce, substance abuse; poor health; early
> preventable death, in reward for their hard work.
> 2)I think the people who caused it only profit if we bail
> them out.

3)Can a
> credit crunch really cause divorce, substance abuse, poor
> health, etc? I
> think the 'worker bees' will have to give up their
> cell phones and new
> cars and expensive habits, move to houses they can afford.
> Painful, but
> survivable.
> Lynn Wigglesworth
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