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Re: [Homestead] touche on running mates and the origin of uppity
- From: Akka Homestead <akkabhomestead AT>
- To: Homestead List <homestead AT>
- Subject: Re: [Homestead] touche on running mates and the origin of uppity
- Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 08:00:19 -0700 (PDT)
Robert Walton wrote:
Palin has me scared
> shitless that she might even be vice president. It's not her
> politics, its the fact that she says God is backing them up. (Isn't
> that what the terrorists do?)
> Asking people to pray for public works projects because they are the
> "will of God" in an address. Her longtime (she changed churches when
> last elected) minister questioned if people that voted for Kerry in
> 2004 could go to heaven. He also says the war in Iraq is Gods work,
> on and on and on.
This just provides balance for all the similar crap Jeremiah Wright
This 'longtime' minister is obviously an idiot, a racist, or both.
Perhaps he is related to Wright even.
When I first saw her the other day with her 'librarian' look, I thought
to myself, dang, she looks, I know why...long skirt,
long hair, up-do..she's Pentecostal like 10% of the population here in
town! She may have changed churches, but you can still see the
Pentecostal influence in her makeup and dress.
I saw a blurb on one of the news stations...maybe CNN...the reporter was
a black guy..he was talking about the candidates, and said something to
the effect of, this election is unique. While we would hope that people
vote on the issues, we will probably see votes based on 'lesser evils'.
You have to decide what bothers you the most, age, gender, religion,
or race...
I thought *that* was pretty telling.
I think this whole Palin thing is funny. Obama loses the punch of some
of his arguments because he has Biden, and McCain loses the punch of
some of his arguements because of Palin. It makes you wonder just how
much Obama really worries about those politicians entrenched for decades
in DC, and it makes you wonder how much McCain really thinks experience
> I'm sure there's a bunch out there that see all this as good. It's the
> same ones that think Obama is a Muslim trying to take over the
> country. Muslim fundamentalist, Christian fundamentalist, same
> tactics. Scary.
You think? I don't see any of it as good. As for those who think Obama is a
Muslim Manchurian candidate, that makes about as much sense as McCain being
one..they were, after all, in SE Asia at about the same time, I's a plot, yeah, that's the ticket...
However, in modern times, there is a difference between Muslim and Christian
fundies...It's been a while since the Christies blew up any embassies,
airliners, or beheaded other Christians. Great works of Buddhist art were
destroyed by the Taliban, and yes, in fundamental Muslim countries, raped
women are beaten and imprisoned. There are a host of differences. I think
you probably just didn't think it through long enough..I'm not really a
Christian and I am most certainly not a fundamentalist; I know there have
been many, many atrocities committed in the name of Christ, so I don't mean
to imply that they are innocent, but in this case, in the twenty-first
century, there is a difference.
On a separate note, I was surprised yesterday to hear people, mostly
blacks, say that the word uppity applied to them. They apparently
believed that it was a derogatory term to a black person who 'advanced
out of their station in life', or some such crap. I've lived in this
state almost all of my life, and I have never, ever, heard of the word
uppity being used like that or to describe black people. I mean, do you
think a snob is only a white person who would only eat organic food?
That is about as silly as this whole thing sounds to me. Snob is snob,
Uppity is uppity, elite is elite. There are no color references, no
racial overtones to any of those words as far as I have ever heard. I
was totally shocked to hear people on an Atlanta street claim otherwise.
When did this happen? When did 'uppity', a word I have used all my life
to describe people who flaunt money and/or their upbringing(like the
whole debutant thing), become a racial slur? Was this idea imported from
another part of the country?
Lynn Westmoreland is only ten years older than me and was raised in the
same area. I believe him when he says he was not aware of that meaning
of the word. This is a man who serves in the area of South
Atlanta...not exactly a white dominion-he's been there and done that and
would have known that, you would think...when asked to clarify his
remarks(obviously by someone who *had* heard the term used against
blacks before, he said 'uppity, yeah'. That reminds me of that funny
scene in My Cousin Vinny where Ralph Maccio is being interogated and
said " I shot the clerk!", a confession that was later used against him
in court.
I kind of feel bad for the guy-he offended people and incriminated
himself and yet had no idea that he had done so. I think, he, like me,
looked at the words this way...snob is bitchy. If you call someone a
snob, it sounds bitchy,rude and disrespectful. You can lighten that
tone and still mean the same thing by saying uppity. Uppity adds an
aspect of comic relief to the situation, too. Just the way the word
sounds as you say it provides a mini comic distraction to its meaning.
Elite is more of a neutral term, almost complimentary, but one showing
respect. Elitist still means snobbish, but it has a respectful tone.
Both Uppity and Snobbish retain the derogatory tone, but Elitist has
almost escaped it. I say almost because earlier in the campaign when
Obama was being called elitist, it certainly was used derogatory and in
a disrespectful way. In general use of the word, I think most folks
would consider it more respectful, i.e. Tiger is now golf elite.
My take is that Westmoreland knew, of course, that Barack had been
labeled elitist a few months ago and as a good Republican wanted to get
a few jabs in. Instead of going for elitist or snob, he chose uppity,
because of it's more comical edge and tone. It is less rude than calling
someone a snob, but doesn't give the respectful tone that Elitist would
carry. It definitely was derogatory, but IMO, it was not racist.
I think much of this whole matter has its origins with Michelle, not
Barack. Obama himself, as he described meeting her and trying to ask
her out, described someone who was snobbish. By her own statements,
Michelle definitely acted that way when she wondered what kind of name
Barack Obama was and was surprised when he turned out to be different
than she had imaged him to be from talking to him on the phone. These
first impressions may be still lingering in the minds of some and are
inflencing the way people see them now. There is something about
Michelle's eyebrows and look that says "I am all that". I think she
should soften her look some. I know that as an attorney she (and other
women working in a male dominated world to include Sarah Palin) has to
present herself in a strong manner and show no weakness when in front of
an audience or a courtroom. I can see how the words snob, uppity, and
elitist would slowly work its way into describing such women, but it is
not least not yet. But the meaning of words do change, and
perhaps that is what we are seeing, a word in transition.
Akka B
>From akkabhomestead AT Tue Sep 9 11:09:19 2008
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I welcome Palin as a candidate, too. She brings even more diversity-it's a
real test.
As to God speaking directly to the president, realize that many Presidents
have claimed such-that's what a "personal relationship" with God means. It
is an inherent Christian belief that people can talk/pray to God and that God
will will speak back...maybe in a whisper, maybe in an action, maybe as a
lightning bolt, maybe as the voice of your conscious, but that he will speak
back. George Bush didn't invent that..(Al Gore did<G>)
Akka B
--- On Tue, 9/9/08, Gene GeRue <genegerue AT> wrote:
You may recall that our president said God spoke to him directly.
All zealots are dangerous and must therefore be protected against. The
god-driven terrorism worldwide is proof for anyone with an open mind
that while a god-of-choice may well cause a happier life, that must be
a personal condition, not public.
I welcome Palin as a candidate. She will cause the god stuff to be
more fully discussed.
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Don, as you know, I live in a very conservative area, a hotbed of right
wingers, as you say, and I have never heard anyone propose that we should
bring back lynching-not in public or private. I swear sometimes I wonder if
I am living in the same country as some of you because I see things so
Love Her or hate Her, I am very glad that I live in a country where you and I
can write what we believe and not be lynched for it. This country was
founded on freedom of religion or lack thereof. And with that, I will add my
own one-liner:
There may be no God, but to believe in nothing requires no
imagination-mankind's arrogance and feeble brain is what truly belittles the
wonders of the universe.
Peace and Love, Don, Peace and Love.
Akka B, who will anxiously await the spin-up of the Large Hadron Collider
--- On Tue, 9/9/08, Don Bowen <don.bowen AT> wrote:
I doubt it. Religion is given a pass in any discussion. Try to tell people
that belief in a mythology to magically cure their problems gets them all
upset. Weak minds need this crutch.
We may not have beheadings on TV but there are groups hiding under the cover
of christianity that would like to see some thing similar. How many right
wing groups would like to bring back lynching?
There is no god and to believe in one belittles the real wonder of the
Don Bowen KI6DIU
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12 years ago, we put an orphan foal out with a steady reliable
gelding. The foal was Lefty Lefty Lou, the gelding was Uncle Leo.
A year or so later, Uncle Leo went on the show circuit and Lefty Lefty
Lou went to pretend he was a real horse with someone else.
Upon reintroduction a couple of years ago, they became inseparable
buddies. I like to believe they remember each other.
If anyone wants a stupid horse, Lefty Lefty Lou is unsteady,
unreliable and evergreen.
On Sep 7, 2008, at 10:45 PM, Gene GeRue wrote:
> Horse Map
> Published: September 6, 2008
> I have enormous respect for a horses sense of place, its acute memory
> for terrain. I have been riding when my horse suddenly pauses because
> some detail in the landscape has changed a fallen branch has been
> moved aside or a stream bed has gone dry while I struggle to
> remember what that detail might have been. A horses attention is
> particular, not abstract or symbolic. It shows in the cant of its
> ears, the flicker of its eyes, the fluidity or hesitation of its gait.
> In the mid-90s, my wife and I used to haul our horses to Wyoming, to
> ride in horse-training clinics and with ranching friends. The horses
> stood quietly in the trailer, watching as Ohio or Iowa or South Dakota
> went past. I wondered, as I always do, just what they were noticing,
> and how it was being imprinted on their minds. Thinking of those
> things somehow made it clear that the signs along the freeway
> flashing neon, enormous billboards were designed for a less
> attentive species. And its true. Every time Ive gotten in trouble on
> horseback, it was because my attention had wandered.
> Last week I drove past the farm I lived on when I first moved to the
> country. I hadnt really expected to go that way. But there I was
> suddenly, in a little hollow along a river, and there was a shed Id
> built and, now that I think of it, the creek that trickled down off
> the mountain to the east. I thought of a border terrier named Tonic
> who lived there too, and it all seemed impossibly distant. I wondered
> if the human ability to map our world is somehow connected to how
> separate the past sometimes seems.
> Its a question Id like to be able to ask my horses. Are the past and
> the present the same for you? Do you remember those trips west and the
> herd you came from? Or would you have to relive it all for the
> memories to come alive?
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Re: [Homestead] touche on running mates and the origin of uppity,
Akka Homestead, 09/09/2008
Re: [Homestead] touche on running mates and the origin of uppity,
Robert Walton, 09/09/2008
Re: [Homestead] touche on running mates and the origin of uppity,
Akka Homestead, 09/09/2008
- Re: [Homestead] touche on running mates and the origin of uppity, Gene GeRue, 09/09/2008
Re: [Homestead] touche on running mates and the origin of uppity,
Akka Homestead, 09/09/2008
Re: [Homestead] touche on running mates and the origin of uppity,
Lynda, 09/11/2008
- Re: [Homestead] touche on running mates and the origin of uppity, Akka Homestead, 09/11/2008
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
Re: [Homestead] touche on running mates and the origin of uppity,
DSanner106, 09/09/2008
- Re: [Homestead] touche on running mates and the origin of uppity, Robert Walton, 09/09/2008
- Re: [Homestead] touche on running mates and the origin of uppity, Akka Homestead, 09/11/2008
Re: [Homestead] touche on running mates and the origin of uppity,
Robert Walton, 09/09/2008
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