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homestead - Re: [Homestead] Ramble on Christmas rush/ideas

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  • From: EarthNSky <erthnsky AT>
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] Ramble on Christmas rush/ideas
  • Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2006 10:53:28 -0500

Lisa K.V. Perry wrote:
Are any of you in or near holiday panic mode?

Nope, I don't do holiday panic any more.

This is the beginning of the
big week. We mail 15 packages to parents (3), siblings (4),
grandparents (3) and aunts/uncles (5).

How do you afford that?
I quit sending packages years ago because I had to allow more for
shipping than the gift and it was increasing my budget to the point
where I had to sacrifice on gift number and quality. When I stopped
mailing packages, I went to direct ship, i.e. order from
Amazon and let them ship it. That was easier for me as I wouldn't have
to make a trip to town, etc. The last few years, financially, have
slackened further, and now I am down to gift cards if I give anything at
all. They are just convenient to mail and order. Last year, we only
gave to kids under 15 in the family. This year, we probably won't be
able to give presents at all. So, if you can swing mailing 15 packages,
you are doing better than me!
I just refuse to get caught up in the holiday, even when I could afford
it. I hate shopping...bah humbug...I hate the post office...bah
humbug...and I never feel comfortable with the gift I am giving...bah
freakin humbug. Sometimes, I feel that the easiest way for me to get
through the holidays is to not celebrate at all, and in fact, some years
we don't even put up a tree. Such would be the case this year, except
that there is a small chance that TJ might get to come home, and if he
does, I want there to be a tree.

Sending mostly our own baked goods. Trying hard to go
lightweight and making beef jerky (for the men), roasted tamari
pumpkin seeds, chocolate truffles (new this year, for the women)
other things we might include: a box of tea (grandparents/aunts), a
sm. bar of locally made goat's milk soap, local handmade earrings
(cheap) for my mom, husband's mom and sister, that sort of thing. The
time and energy it takes to bake and put together boxes is more every
year, or so it seems.

I did this for a while, too, and like you, I found that it did not ease
my stress level when I am trying to finish a project to get it in the
mail in time. Many in my family would rather have something bought over
something made-sad but true.

I (mostly) enjoy doing
it, but it is overwhelming when there are also cards to mail and
daily life to get through.

I don't do cards either.

Our tree has been up since the 26th with lights but not decorated.
I'm the one that decorates after husband puts it in the tree stand,
sometimes my youngest son helps. So far I've made a pan of no-cook
chocolate peanut butter fudge and gingerbread cookie dough (ready to
roll out and cut into little stars and people).

I brought the ladder up to the house yesterday, but I'm not climbing
into the attic to pull out the tree. I usually decorate it alone, even
when the kids were at home. No one likes to do it, so again, it just
seems like a chore. We usually put our tree up around the 10th.
I do plan on doing some baking this year, mostly to have something sweet
and Christmassy when people drop by.

My only advice for you Lisa is to put the kids to baking and go with the
gift cards. Less decoration for Christmas, more family
time...incorporating the two never worked for me, it just added more stress.
I always seem to pick friends who go overboard for the
friend Ava isn't even in her new house yet, and in fact the house
doesn't even have sheetrock on the inside(or flooring, etc.), but she
does have wreaths in every window, a pine garland draped on the front
railing, and lights on the eaves. The house is 1/2 mile off the road-no
one sees it unless they are visiting, but she is obsessed with making it
look Christmassy for the workers in hopes of spurring them on to finish
the job. ?!?!
Oh well, to each his own.


BevanRon of EarthNSky Farm NW Georgia USDA Zone 7
34.498N 85.076W Bev is Earth, Ron is Sky

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