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freetds - Re: [freetds] How to set locales.conf in spanish

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  • From: "James K. Lowden" <jklowden AT>
  • To: freetds AT
  • Subject: Re: [freetds] How to set locales.conf in spanish
  • Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 19:27:50 -0500

On Fri, 10 Jan 2003 10:42:17 -0600, Steve Langasek <vorlon AT>
> Is there such a thing as iso_15 in the char set list (for iso-8859-15)?

Not in Sybase, no.

> > I said that the value of LANG was controlled by ISO standards. That's
> > not quite true. It *should* be controlled that way, but some OS
> > vendors use different values. We have no way to cope with that except
> > by adding sections to locales.conf for every conceivable key. Also,
> > the setlocale(3) function is standardized by ANSI, so we should use
> > that instead of reading the LANG variable directly.
> Well, I think we should be able to get rid of locales.conf altogether in
> the long run, and just use libc i18n facilities to figure everything out
> from the locale. I've started work in this direction, but it needs
> polishing before I'm ready to commit it.

I don't think locales.conf has ever done anyone any good. We don't have
many non-English speakers who regularly participate here, and I can't
think of a single time anyone ever said, "Oh, locales.conf saved the
day!". No one's ever sent a patch for a new section. Frediano doesn't
need it, because he uses TDS 7/8, which don't send charset information to
the server. Freddy, are you getting your error messages from the server
in English? Or don't you make any mistakes? :)

In short, I think locales.conf has yet to be used by anyone. We can
eliminate it now. :(

Then we have the problems of L10N and the LANG rat's nest. It could be
two characters, or five, or the English name of the language (eg,
"Spanish"). It might have a charset attached to it, delimited by '.' or
'@' or no doubt something else. Futhermore, there's no rule that LANG has
to be populated; the same information could come from ~./login_conf or

I would like to use setlocale(3), but ANSI standardized the signature
while saying nothing about its inputs or outputs. It gets us a step away
from $LANG, but only a small amount closer to knowing what character set
and language to tell the server to use.

It's tempting to add "server charset" and "server language" to
freetds.conf and go home. But I hate to ignore the work of people who go
to the trouble of setting up their locale correctly.

What to do?

I propose we address this in 4 steps:

1. Get the output of "setlocale(LC_ALL,NULL)"
2. Convert that into 3 cannonical IDs
3. Override from freetds.conf, if provided
4. Convert cannonical IDs to vendor labels.

Steps 1, 3, and 4 are easy.

Step #2 should be a single function, or at most a library with a single
public function:

typedef struct {
char language[4]; /* ISO 639-2 */
char country[4]; /* ISO 3166 */
char character_set[20]; /* Gnu libiconv */

int parse_locale( const char locale[], LOCALE_PARTS *parts );

The parse_locale is an inference engine, an example of Larry Wall's dictum
to "be liberal in what you accept, and conservative in what you emit". It
doesn't query the OS; it heuristically parses the string its given. It
returns a count of how many things it matched, filling indeterminate
fields will nulls.

Then I say we place it in the public domain so no one has to worry about
this again.

I think I can have version 1 ready tomorrow. In case I've lost my mind, I
sure hope someone's listening.


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