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freetds - RE: Version 0.45

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  • From: Michael Peppler <mpeppler AT>
  • To: "TDS Development Group" <freetds AT>
  • Subject: RE: Version 0.45
  • Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 00:53:31 -0700 (PDT)

Craig Burton writes:
> Hi Brian and Michael,
> I have got it to install now, 0.45 works much better.
> Can you please direct me to any resources on how to call
> it via iODBC/PERL? Am now using freetds to link in DBD-Sybase
> by Michael Peppler... am having trouble, won't compile.
> Can someone direct me to how I might use freetds with DBD in
> PERL? Should I now use the freetds lib to compile DBD:Sybase,
> or is this the wrong approach?

You should probably try to build the Sybase::DBlib portion of sybperl
instead. That will probably work fine.

It seems that the Client Library side of Freetds isn't quite ready

When I try to build DBD::Sybase I get a lot of missing or undefined
symbols. These can probably be added pretty easily, and I'll see if I
can do that tomorrow, but I don't know if it will link, as several
libraries are missing...


> Thanks very much...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: bounce-freetds-92240 AT
> [mailto:bounce-freetds-92240 AT]On Behalf Of Brian
> Bruns
> Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 1999 7:41 AM
> To: TDS Development Group
> Subject: [freetds] Version 0.45
> Version 0.45 is available for ftp from metalab
> (
> It should be quite a bit better than previous versions. New stuff (from
> the change log):
> - Capabilities added to ctlib code
> - Numeric support working
> - MONEY to string conversions now support > 32 bit values
> - Fixed underread in message handling
> - Fixed various buffer overflow problems
> - Fixed NULL handling
> - Added support for length binding (copied arguement to ct_bind)
> - Converted ODBC to use iODBC driver manager
> - SQSH 1.7 runs
> - PHP 3.0.x with ctlib now runs
> I'll be sending announcements to c.o.l.a, comp.databases.sybase, and
> freshmeat tonight. So enjoy and as usual let me know about problems.
> Brian
> ---
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Michael Peppler -||- Data Migrations Inc.
mpeppler AT -||-
Int. Sybase User Group -||-
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