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corpus-paul - Re: [Corpus-Paul] Did Paul break the Law?

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  • From: "Tim Gallant" <tim AT>
  • To: "Corpus-Paul" <corpus-paul AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Corpus-Paul] Did Paul break the Law?
  • Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 13:51:50 -0700

Ed Krentz wrote,

I want to say this as clearly as I can. Mark Nanos is a good exegete and a good interpeter of
Paul. His books on Romans and Galatians have much to teach all Christian interpreters of Paul.

In some ways I initiated part of this discussion with my comments on Pauline letters that do not
cite the Torah. I want to say bluntly, Paul is not one who says Jews and Jewish Christians should
not observe the law.

Presumably these comments were directed primarily toward me. And I want to say bluntly (as I did in another post): Neither do I think that Paul said that Jews and Jewish Christians should not observe the law - although, as I made equally clear, I do contend that Paul held that Jewish Christians were not *de jure* under the Mosaic covenant - a separate question which we would do well to attend to. Too much of Pauline discussion is confused by failure to make proper distinctions in what is a very sophisticated view of the relationship between Torah and the Christian faith.

And none of my comments were in any way intended as a denigration of Dr Nanos, notwithstanding some rather obvious disagreements.


Tim Gallant
Pastor, Conrad Christian Reformed Church
tim | gallant site group

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