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Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?
- From: Jim West <jwest AT>
- To: Corpus-Paul <corpus-paul AT>
- Subject: Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?
- Date: Sun, 04 May 2003 09:01:52 -0400
At 05:48 AM 5/4/03 +0000, you wrote:
>On the Pauline Authorship of Hebrews (Part 1): Overlooked Affinities
>between Hebrews and Paul. Faith and Mission, vol. 16, no. 2 (Spr. 1999):
It is fair to note that "Faith and Mission" is the publication of
Southeastern Baptist Seminary, taken over by the Fundamentalists in the late
80's (I know- I was there). The motto of the school was changed during
those dark days (by those of us who sorrowed over the death of a fine
institution)- "The Place where the Ax Head Floats"- which nicely sums up the
theological perspective of the school and its "journal".
>If you have the ability to read German you might want to look at these two
>articles by Eta Linnemann.
And Eta lectured at SEBTS after the takeover by the Fundamentalists- and
repudiated all her earlier historical-critical work. She told us- "I burned
all my previous writings, all of my teacher's works (Bultmann was her
Doktorvater), and I will allow no questions during or after my lecture" And
believe me she didn't. The she went off to Indonesia to be a missionary to
all those who had been mislead by all the other Missionaries who had been
there before.
>Wiederaufnahme-Prozess in Sachen des Hebräerbriefes (Part 1), Fundamentum
>vol. 31 no. 2 (2000), 102-112.
Fundamentum- the German Journal of Fundamentalism.
>Although I am agnostic when it comes to Pauline authorship of Hebrews the
>case for it is not as easy to dismiss as it might first appear. I hope this
It should surprise no one that the only people who think Paul wrote Hebrews
are the same ilk of those who think the Bible was verbally dictated and the
KJV is more reliable than the Hebrew or Greek texts.
Jim West, ThD
Biblical Studies Resources
unus quisque mavult credere, quam judicare - Seneca.
[Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?
, (continued)
[Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
David C. Hindley, 05/04/2003
Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
Steve Black, 05/04/2003
- Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, stephen.finlan, 05/04/2003
RE: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
David C. Hindley, 05/10/2003
RE: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
Steve Black, 05/10/2003
- RE: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, David C. Hindley, 05/16/2003
RE: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
Edgar M. Krentz, 05/10/2003
- RE: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, Steve Black, 05/11/2003
RE: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
Steve Black, 05/10/2003
- Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, Frank W. Hughes, 05/04/2003
Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
Steve Black, 05/04/2003
- Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, Charles Savelle, 05/04/2003
- Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, Jim West, 05/04/2003
- Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, David Inglis, 05/04/2003
Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
Jim West, 05/04/2003
- Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, LARRY SWAIN, 05/04/2003
[Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
Brian Sullivan, 05/06/2003
- Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, LARRY SWAIN, 05/06/2003
- RE: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, David Inglis, 05/11/2003
[Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
David C. Hindley, 05/04/2003
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