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Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?
- From: Jim West <jwest AT>
- To: Corpus-Paul <corpus-paul AT>
- Subject: Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?
- Date: Sun, 04 May 2003 15:26:44 -0400
At 11:58 AM 5/4/03 -0700, you wrote:
>On Sunday 04 May, Jim West wrote:
>> It should surprise no one that the only people who think Paul wrote
>> are the same ilk of those who think the Bible was verbally dictated and
>> KJV is more reliable than the Hebrew or Greek texts.
>I assume you've performed a survey to back up your statement? However,
>whether or not this is the case is beside the point, because I wasn't asking
>about what people think now. I was asking about why people originally
>thought that Hebrews was by Paul.
The key phrase, which indeed answers your question, is "same ilk". Ancient
and modern folk who ascribe Hebrews to Paul have a uniquely unhistorical or
perhaps a-historical understanding of scripture and the process by which it
came to be. Ancients who attributed Hebrews to Paul were, according to
Origen, of a unique mentality.
Jim West, ThD
Biblical Studies Resources
unus quisque mavult credere, quam judicare - Seneca.
Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?
, (continued)
- Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, stephen.finlan, 05/04/2003
RE: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
David C. Hindley, 05/10/2003
RE: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
Steve Black, 05/10/2003
- RE: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, David C. Hindley, 05/16/2003
RE: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
Edgar M. Krentz, 05/10/2003
- RE: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, Steve Black, 05/11/2003
RE: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
Steve Black, 05/10/2003
- Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, Frank W. Hughes, 05/04/2003
- Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, Charles Savelle, 05/04/2003
- Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, Jim West, 05/04/2003
- Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, David Inglis, 05/04/2003
Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
Jim West, 05/04/2003
- Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, LARRY SWAIN, 05/04/2003
[Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
Brian Sullivan, 05/06/2003
- Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, LARRY SWAIN, 05/06/2003
- RE: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, David Inglis, 05/11/2003
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