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Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?
- From: "Charles Savelle" <chsavelle AT>
- To: corpus-paul AT
- Subject: Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?
- Date: Sun, 04 May 2003 05:48:22 +0000
Several factors might support Pauline authorship including but not limited to theological similarities (exaltation of Christ, emphasis of faith, New covenant, etc.), lexical overlap, the mention of Pauls coworker Timothy (cf. 13:23), as well as early church tradition.
For a recent defense of Pauline authorship of Hebrews see the following articles by David Allen Black.
On the Pauline Authorship of Hebrews (Part 1): Overlooked Affinities between Hebrews and Paul. Faith and Mission, vol. 16, no. 2 (Spr. 1999): 32-51.
On the Pauline Authorship of Hebrews (Part 2): The External Evidence Reconsidered. Faith and Mission, vol. 16, no. 3 (Sum. 1999): 78-86.
If you have the ability to read German you might want to look at these two articles by Eta Linnemann.
Wiederaufnahme-Prozess in Sachen des Hebräerbriefes (Part 1), Fundamentum vol. 31 no. 2 (2000), 102-112.
Wiederaufnahme-Prozess in Sachen des Hebräerbriefes (Part 2), Fundamentum vol. 31 no. 3 (2000), 52-65.
Although I am agnostic when it comes to Pauline authorship of Hebrews the case for it is not as easy to dismiss as it might first appear. I hope this helps.
Charles Savelle,
From: "David ATTBI" <davidinglis2 AT>
Reply-To: Corpus-Paul <corpus-paul AT>
To: "Corpus-Paul@Lists. Ibiblio. Org" <corpus-paul AT>
Subject: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?
Date: Sat, 3 May 2003 18:26:01 -0700
What evidence is there to suggest why Hebrews was ever considered to have
been written by Paul? Given the differences between Hebrews and the other
Paulines, why would anyone think that Paul wrote it? Is it possible that it
was a simple mistake - an accident, in fact? Suppose for a minute that the
writer of P46 was simply putting together a collection of letters written to
churches, or even was simply putting together a collection of the letters in
his possession at the time. Could later readers just have *assumed* that it
must have been a collection of letters purely from Paul? What evidence is
there for the Hebrews/Paul association having been made independently of
Dave Inglis
davidinglis2 AT
3538 O'Connor Drive
Lafayette, CA, USA
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Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?
, (continued)
- Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, Steve Black, 05/03/2003
[Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
David C. Hindley, 05/04/2003
Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
Steve Black, 05/04/2003
- Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, stephen.finlan, 05/04/2003
RE: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
David C. Hindley, 05/10/2003
RE: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
Steve Black, 05/10/2003
- RE: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, David C. Hindley, 05/16/2003
RE: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
Edgar M. Krentz, 05/10/2003
- RE: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, Steve Black, 05/11/2003
RE: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
Steve Black, 05/10/2003
- Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, Frank W. Hughes, 05/04/2003
Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
Steve Black, 05/04/2003
- Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, Charles Savelle, 05/04/2003
- Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, Jim West, 05/04/2003
- Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, David Inglis, 05/04/2003
Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
Jim West, 05/04/2003
- Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, LARRY SWAIN, 05/04/2003
[Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?,
Brian Sullivan, 05/06/2003
- Re: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, LARRY SWAIN, 05/06/2003
- RE: [Corpus-Paul] Why was Hebrews ever thought to be by Paul?, David Inglis, 05/11/2003
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