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Subject: RTP-area local music and culture
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- From: grady <grady AT>
- To: RTP-area local music and culture <ch-scene AT>
- Subject: Stuff to Do, Week of April 6, 2006
- Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 18:18:41 -0400
Thursday, April 6
Dead Meadow ( ) , Dinosaur Jr ( ) , Priestess ( )
Cat's Cradle, Carrboro
Thursday, April 6 - Saturday April 8
Signal Electronic Music Festival ( )
various locales, Chapel Hill
The Signal Electronic Music Festival is a giant multi-venue festival
that is about 80% DJ-based; the other 20% encompasses a range of other
options, from Jett Rink's Mike Walters playing his
homebrew/circuit-bent synths at Fuse on Friday night, to Robo Sapien's
laptop/hip-hop/electro-disco at Local 506 on Saturday night, to the
roll-on-the-floor noise of Boyzone, and the 21st-century-experimental
composers' collective Pulsoptional, both at Nightlight on Saturday
Check out the complete lineup of events [*> <*] here.
Thursday, April 6
Volcano ( )
Duke Coffeehouse, Durham
Thursday, April 6
Ahleuchatistas ( ) , Calabi Yau ( ) , Apis Bull ( )
Kings, Raleigh
Huge night of scribble- scrabble- scrobble gtr/bass/drums weirdness
from across NC. Ahleuchatistas are from Asheville, and they make fast
fluid mathy instrumental "rock" (as close to jazz, albeit with the
aforementioned g/b/d, so is that "post-rock"?) that reminds me a lot
of that classic 90s Chapel Hill band Tractor Hips.
Calabi Yau are from Charlotte, and they're a little more pulsing &
throbby. I've previously compared them to Primus-meets-Naked City but
that's not really accurate; I just like the mental picture it evokes.
And it's close enough.
Apis Bull are from New Bern (see, I told ya, statewide), and from what
I understand they're a duo featuring at least one ex-member (drummer?)
of the Kick Ass.
Thursday, April 6
David Karsten Daniels ( ) ,
Dogme95 ( )
Bickett Gallery, Raleigh
David Karsten Daniels is my current favorite of the Bu Hanan stable of
artists (which is kinda funny, since he's in pretty much all of the
other Bu Hanan bands, and half of them are in his band as well), which
I guess means it's all down to the songwriting, and the singing. And
upon further reflection, I think it's likely simply that he writes
more songs with choruses than do his friends. I'm a sucker for a good
Friday, April 7
Manamid ( ) , Maple Stave ( ) , Monsonia ( )
Chaz's Bull City Records, Durham
Manamid are from Greensboro, and it has been so long since I've seen
them that I can't provide an accurate description. When they were
teenagers they were snotnosed punks, but that was (literally) 15+
years ago. Last time I saw them they were doing a chuggy/riffy
post-Fugazi postpunk thing.
Maple Stave are from Durham; they make a coiling/uncoiling powertrio
post-Slinty racket. Monsonia are from various points around the
Triangle; lately they're a gtr-drums duo. They're pretty Slinty/mathy
as well, or rather they were when they were a trio. I'm told they've
got a whole new set now. Both they & the Maple Stave are two of my
current fave bands in the Triangle.
Friday, April 7
Thunderlip ( ) , Colossus ( ) , Hell Razor ( )
Kings, Raleigh
Thunderlip are from Wilmington and they make an utterly overamped
"hell yeah!" evangelical hardrock/metal that takes a page or three
from the Valient Thorr playbook, only without all the stuff about
Colossus are one of the several bands that ex-Scaries guitarist Bill
Fischer is in.
Saturday, April 8
Pleasant ( ) , Charles Latham ( ) , Private Eleanor ( )
Duke Coffeehouse, Durham
Pleasant used to be less-so; their first album is filled with crazy
squawked vocals and great torrents of guitar. Pixies-ish, sure, but
also Wiggle-ish. Their second album, recorded after a 2- or 3-year
break, finds them all married & mellow & introspective. For some
reason I haven't seen them since the release of their album, so I
don't even know how this new marital bliss has affected their live
Saturday, April 8
Joe Romeo ( )
The Cave, Chapel Hill
Joe Romeo used to front the dearly-departed Fake Swedish; he has a new
backing band called the Orange County Volunteers. They've played maybe
a half-dozen shows around town over the past few months, so they
should be good and warmed up at this point. If Fake Swedish were any
indication, Joe's a great songwriter (and singer to boot), so feel
free to let those expectations rise on up.
Saturday, April 8
Dexter Romweber ( )
Carolina Theatre, Durham
This is part of the [*> <*] Full Frame
Documentary Film Festival. The new Flat Duo Jets documentary, [*> <*] Two
Headed Cow, is having its world premiere, and Dexter's playing
immediately after the screening.
Hmm, and now that I've looked again at the Full Frame site, it appears
that Chris "Crow" Smith is also going to be playing. & according to
David Menconi of the N&O, as of yesterday the plan is for them to play
a set *together*, which would be their first since a rather acrimonious
breakup in 1999.
Sunday, April 9
Pleasant ( )
WXDU 88.7 FM, Durham
Pleasant make moody mid-tempo indie-rock that's all about guitar
textures and weird momentary inflections in singer Sean Parker's
voice. Bassist Maria Albani has an utterly filthy mouth, which may
result in unintentional on-air hijinx, not that I would ever encourage
anyone to tune in in hopes of hearing profanity. That's why you pay
$12/month for HBO, kids.
5:00 p.m. 88.7FM or
Sunday, April 9
Municipal Waste ( ) ,
Street Sharks ( ) , Double
Negative ( ) , Baroness ( )
Kings, Raleigh
Baroness & Municipal Waste are from somewhere up the east coast;
Street Sharks & Double Negative are from Raleigh. By now you've
perhaps heard the whole story about Double Negative: How the age-old
tradition of punkrock house shows has lately poked its head far enough
aboveground in Raleigh to attract the attention of Raleigh hardcore
veterans Scott Williams (Days Of...), Justin Gray (Willard), Brian
Walsby (fukkin' everybody), and Kevin Collins (Erectus Monotone)
(there's actually way more overlap in bands there, but I'm too lazy to
type it all up again).
Truth be told, I can't remember whether we were in a "trust no-one
over thirty" mindset back in the mid-80s, or if it was more like "fuck
arbitrary age-ism," or whether we were just so desperate to find other
people who liked punkrock in the deep south that we just didn't give a
fuck. Either way, nostalgia is weird, so kill it with loud noise.
Sunday, April 9
Roman Candle ( )
Local 506, Chapel Hill
Sunday, April 9
Vibrant Green ( ) , Eyes to Space ( ) , The Physics of Meaning ( )
Wetlands, Chapel Hill
Three whole different varieties of nerds. Physics of Meaning =
orchestra nerds, all grown up & making intricate chamber-pop-rock.
Vibrant Green = three homeschooled brothers, kinda like Hanson if
they'd grown up in Eastern NC listening to U2 and Pearl Jam. Eyes to
Space = dorks in funny outfits who try to out-nerdify They Might Be
Giants by increasing the "songs about outer space" factor like
Monday, April 10
Cantwell, Gomez, Jordan ( ) ,
des_ark ( ) , A New Dawn Fades ( ) , Pykrete ( )
305 South, Durham
Now that the weather's warming up, it's time to return to 305 South
(their "heat" - a couple of gas logs & one of those redi-jet things -
never quite lived up to the task in the winter months). Here's what
Dave Cantwell had to say:
CGJ="Tooth chippers left and right / Skinheads in another fight /
Banging heads and broken jaws / Because there are no laws / IN THE
DES_ARK=Has traded in loud&crushing&amazing for
You'd better bring yr earplugs AND yr Whisper 2000.
A NEW DAWN FADES=Awesome space-punk-improv-drone duo from Richmond.
(You might recognize them from the Durham Music Fest.) Their drummer
Nathan gets the
"just-about-to-completely- fall-apart-yet-triumphantly-
holding-it-all-together" medal for the Southeast Region. Killer.
PYKRETE=When we asked him to play, Chuck was very interested in
whether the PA at 305 South is stereo. Needless to say, this means
you'd better be there.
They really *really* want to start this show at 8:00 p.m., so show up,
Monday, April 10
Dave Rempis ( )
Nightlight, Chapel Hill
Dave Rempis is a Chicago-based sax player whom you might recognize
from his work with the Vandermark Five or his band Triage. The
Nightlight website lists the lineup as follows, with no hint (as of
this writing) as to the exact config: Dave Rempis/ Anton Hatwich
/Daisy&Rosaly /Shull /Eubank /Hershberger
Tuesday, April 11
Legendary Shack*Shakers ( ) , Scott
Biram ( )
Cat's Cradle, Carrboro
Tuesday, April 11
Arab Strap ( ) , A Whisper in the Noise ( )
Local 506, Chapel Hill
Tuesday, April 11
John Harrison
The Cave, Chapel Hill
Wednesday, April 12
Neko Case ( ) , Dexter Romweber ( )
Cat's Cradle, Carrboro
Wednesday, April 12
Haunted House ( ) , In the Year
of the Pig ( ) , Boyzone ( ) , Gaybeast ( )
Nightlight, Chapel Hill
Std. Nightlight crazy-freaky goings-on; ITYOTP make massed
wall-of-noiserock with cute animal hats. Video here:
Boyzone = never know what, but now that the weather's warming up,
perhaps the return of panties & bodypaint.
Wednesday, April 12
Jack Rose ( ) , Fursaxa ( ) , Baba Yaga
Duke Coffeehouse, Durham
The Coffeehouse website says, or said when I wrote this: Baba Yaga
(Boyzone/Pykrete Collaboration). Mebbe Ryan can be in two places at
once; I wouldn't put it past him.
Wednesday, April 12
Kerbloki ( ) , Ricky Dollars ( ) , Blowfly, Despot ( )
Local 506, Chapel Hill
Thursday, April 13
Neko Case ( ) , The High Dials ( )
Cat's Cradle, Carrboro
Thursday, April 13
Blackstrap ( ) , Dirty Little Heaters ( ) , Red Smokes White ( )
Reservoir, Carrboro
Red Smokes White (OK, I haven't seen 'em, and have only heard one or
two songs, but . . .) are doing a creaky/echoey/Waits-y
carnival-of-the-damned kind of thing. I think.
Dirty Little Heaters you should know by now: powerhouse drumming,
vocals every bit as big as the drums, and classic chukka-chukka
garage-rock guitar.
Blackstrap are Durham's answer to the Avengers, meaning the SF
punkrock band, not the 60s UK spy show.
Thursday, April 13
Park Life ( ) , Stratocruiser ( ) , Army of Me ( )
Local 506, Chapel Hill
Thursday, April 13
The Argument ( )
Raleigh Music Hall, Raleigh
Friday, April 14
Wolf Parade ( ) , Holy Fuck ( ) , The Besnard Lakes ( )
Cat's Cradle, Carrboro
Next-big-Canadian-things make a stop at Cat's Cradle. Wolf Parade's
2nd album was produced by Modest Mouse's Isaac Brock; scored a 9+ on
Pitchfork (aka the NME of the Internets).
Holy Fuck describe their project [themselves] like so: ". . . to mimic
modern electronic music without using modern fail safes like laptops
and programmed backing tracks . . . they armed themselves with a drum
set, a bass guitar, a myriad of toy keyboards, guitar peddles, mixers,
and even a 35 mm film synchronizer . . . what they came up with
sounded more like German kraut rock, or a noisy, hypnotic Suicide."
Friday, April 14
The Capulets ( ) , Elevator to Space ( )
Raleigh Music Hall, Raleigh
Friday, April 14
Billy Sugarfix ( )
, Randy Whitt and the Grits ( )
Local 506, Chapel Hill
This is a CD-release party for Randy Whitt. You may better know Billy
Sugarfix as the theremin and guitar-playing third of Evil Wiener.
Friday, April 14
Dirty5thirty ( ) , Inflowential ( )
Wetlands, Chapel Hill
Saturday, April 15
Somebody I Used to Know ( )
Duke Coffeehouse, Durham
Lotta solo performers, plus some bands, taking on the songs of Elliott
Smith (2 songs each, last I heard). A tentative lineup:
The Tourist, The Prayers and Tears of Arthur Digby Sellers, Jenna
Kole, Bowerbirds, Charles Latham, Doug Campbell, Chris Titchner,
Nathan Asher, Deb O'Nare, American Tourist, Spokane Anne, and The
Sibling Project.
Saturday, April 15
Lud ( ) , Fontana ( )
The Cave, Chapel Hill
Lud are now the keepers of the definitive Chapel Hill Sound, sez me,
even though I dunno if any of them even have a Chapel Hill address
anymore. Nevertheless, they've been around, seen & heard it all, and
more importantly they make gorgeous unclassifiable music that veers
from instrumental surf/bossa nova to anthemic rock about African
politics, to an utterly sincere version of "Shenandoah" that'll leave
you in tears, equally sincere.
Fontana had a cut on that mysterious "Rocking the Blocks" compilation
pressed up & given out by the Downtown Durham Inc. people; it was long
and langorous & shifted gears from loping to cantering & back again.
With pedal steel. It's in [*> <*] the player.
Saturday, April 15
Alphas Wear Grey ( ) , The Men, The
Carbuncles ( )
Kings, Raleigh
Saturday, April 15
Patty Hurst Shifter ( )
Raleigh Music Hall, Raleigh
--------> <--------
Stuff to Do, Week of April 6, 2006,
grady, 04/06/2006
Re: Stuff to Do, Week of April 6, 2006,
bendy, 04/07/2006
Re: Stuff to Do, Week of April 6, 2006,
grady, 04/07/2006
Re: Stuff to Do, Week of April 6, 2006,
Reese Gibbs, 04/07/2006
- Re: Stuff to Do, Week of April 6, 2006, rchrdlln, 04/08/2006
Re: Stuff to Do, Week of April 6, 2006,
Reese Gibbs, 04/07/2006
Re: Stuff to Do, Week of April 6, 2006,
grady, 04/07/2006
- Re: Stuff to Do, Week of April 6, 2006 CORRECTION, ryan, 04/07/2006
- Free Show @ CD Alley Today++I told you once or twice but you don't realize::, ryan, 04/07/2006
Re: Stuff to Do, Week of April 6, 2006,
bendy, 04/07/2006
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