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ch-scene - Re: best way to support artists?

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  • From: John I <not AT>
  • To: ch-scene AT
  • Subject: Re: best way to support artists?
  • Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 21:07:57 GMT

grady wrote:

> Bryk wrote:
>> ross, WTF that was a little harsh.
> Yes, it was. However, you have to admit that giving bands a binary
> choice between charging <$12/CD or losing a sale to a burned copy is
> also a little harsh. Glenn subsequently pointed out that he was merely
> giving voice to the same decision being made daily by gazillions of
> kids, and that their threshold amount is probably closer to $3. Or maybe
> he didn't point that out exactly, but he was right, in whatever he said.
> Damn these kids today. I should have directed my reaction at the Gods of
> the Youth Market, rather than at Glenn.
> That still doesn't do much to help the artists, however, except for in a
> sort of Bushian sense of "helping" them to confront the reality of how
> fucked they are.
> But most musicians I know don't need any more help with that one, as
> Skillet so eloquently pointed out.
> I suppose one could translate what Glenn was saying into "bands who
> charge more than $12 per CD are probably shooting themselves in the
> foot, because the kids today will have the *perception* (as voiced by
> Matt Hedt earlier) that anything more than $12 is somehow a ripoff,
> regardless of reality."
> What *I* don't understand is why anybody can bitch at all about any
> prices down at the indie-rock level we're talking about. Have y'all been
> to Walnut Creek lately (or to that Stones show at Duke last year)? You
> get half as much music for 100X the price, *and* it sucks ass to boot.
> Plus you have to pay to park, and half the time you get rained on. $8
> for a show at a bar with $3 beers and $12 CDs is quite possibly the last
> greatest entertainment bargain in the universe.

A-Men. Give me a smokey crowded bar where I can see The Pink Slips, SNMNMNM,
and whomever for 6 bones over an overpriced vanity case like Madonna, et al.
any day of the week. Just make it start at 8 and stop by 10.

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