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ch-scene - (OT) soliciting advice

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  • From: "5er (martin)" <mdhall005 AT>
  • To: CH-SCENE <ch-scene AT>
  • Subject: (OT) soliciting advice
  • Date: Fri, 24 Dec 2004 08:12:38 -0800 (PST)

Hi everyone,

So I have a bit of a dilema and since I value the
opinions and advice of the fine folks on this list, I
thought I would pick your brains for a second.

The situation is this...

About two weeks ago, I was involved in an automobile
accident. Some yahoo in a Ford Explorer ran a red
light and basically demolished my poor little Dodge
Neon. It was never a fair fight. My Neon was left as
a crumpled piece of scrap metal, while the guy was
able to drive his Explorer home afterwards. Luckily,
no one was seriously injured (thank god i did not have
a passenger) but i did suffer a broken finger (don't
ask me how, i have no idea) that warranted a trip to
the hosptial, eventual surgery, and a lot of general
discomfort and a over all pain in the a
manner of speaking.

My question is this, now that i have all this stuff to
deal with - medical bills, lost time at work, a
crumpled car that is surely totaled - and at this
point its basically me vs this guy's insurance
company, would it be smart move for me to get a
lawyer? and if so, would anyone have any
recommendations on who i should call?

I've never dealt with anything like this before so I'm
not even entirely sure of my options. But I figure
some amongst you might have found yourselves in
similiar situations in the past and might have some
good advice. I really don't want and cannot afford to
get screwed on this one.

Feel free to email me off list if you have any advice,
and thanks in advance to any who might have feedback.

Hope everyone has some festive, happy and safe

-5er (martin)

"A boy wants a car from his dad.
Dad says, first you got to cut that hair.
Boys says, hey dad Jesus had long hair.
Dad says, That's right son, and Jesus walked everywhere."
- David Berman/The Silver Jews

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