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Re: [CC-Europe] Horizon 20/20 open access / open data requirements
- From: Tarmo Toikkanen <tarmo.toikkanen AT>
- To: Ignasi Labastida i Juan <ilabastida AT>
- Cc: cc-europe AT
- Subject: Re: [CC-Europe] Horizon 20/20 open access / open data requirements
- Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 09:54:40 +0200
This is already old news, since Princeton and Harvard started doing this already in 2011.
Tarmo Toikkanen
tarmo.toikkanen AT
Learning Environments research group,
Creative Commons Finland,
Aalto university,
On Tuesday 17. 12 2013 at 9.11, Ignasi Labastida i Juan wrote:
Well, we will see how large publishers react to those embargo periods. They are much shorter than what they currently allow. For instance:
IgnasiEl dia 17/12/2013 7:23, "Tarmo Toikkanen" <tarmo.toikkanen AT> va escriure:Large universities have the option of declaring a policy that states that all publications will be published on the university’s own repository after a short waiting time. Even large publishers seem to respect these policies. If enough large universities implement similar policies, creating publicly browsable university-specific publication collections would become mainstream.
--Tarmo ToikkanenLearning Environments research group, http://legroup.aalto.fiCreative Commons Finland, http://www.creativecommons.fiAalto university,
On Tuesday 17. 12 2013 at 0.11, T. Margoni wrote:
This is great news and things are, slowly, moving.
There should also be a German copyright reform effective as of 2014saying that authors of scientific articles have an unwaivable right torepublish in green oa after 6 months. John, do you have more details onthis?
As far as I know that would be a unique approach in the EU, othermembers have obligations to republish (spain, uk, italy) but don'taddress copyright issue... This is a problem, as it leavesauthors/researchers in the uncomfortable situation to have OAobligations towards funders and request to transfer copyright frompublishers...
On 12/16/2013, 10:32 PM, Timothy Vollmer wrote:Hi all:
Horizon 2020 launched with €15 billion over first two years
There's a new provision that says that EU funded articles should begreen OA and that embargoes will be a 6 month maximum for the life andphysical sciences, and 12 months for the social sciences andhumanities. Here's the link to the model grantagreement:
Articles - Pg 61
Each beneficiary must ensure open access (free of charge, onlineaccess for any user) to all peer-reviewed scientific publicationsrelating to its results. Each beneficiary must, as soon as possibleand at the latest upon publication, deposit a machine-readableelectronic copy of the published version or final peer-reviewedmanuscript accepted for publication in a repository for scientificpublications. Moreover, the beneficiary must aim to deposit at thesame time the research data needed to validate the results presentedin the deposited scientific publications. Each beneficiary mustensure open access to the deposited publication - via the repository -at the latest on publication, if an electronic version is availablefor free via the publisher, or within six months ofpublication (twelve months of publication for publications in thesocial sciences and humanities in any other case.)
Data - Pg 62 (this is optional)
Deposit in a research data repository and take measures to make itpossible for third parties to access, mine, exploit, reproduce anddisseminate - free of charge for any user - the following: (i)thedata, including associated metadata needed to validate the resultspresented in scientific publications as soon as possible; (ii)otherdata, including associated metadata, as specified and within thedeadlines laid down in the "data management plan" (see Annex 1);(b)provide information - via the repository - about tools andinstruments at the disposal of the beneficiaries and necessary forvalidating the results (and where possible, provide the tools andinstruments themselves.
_______________________________________________CC-Europe mailing list
--Dr. Thomas MargoniInstitute for Information Law (IViR) - Faculty of LawUniversity of Amsterdam - The Netherlands_______________________________________________CC-Europe mailing list
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[CC-Europe] Horizon 20/20 open access / open data requirements,
Timothy Vollmer, 12/16/2013
Re: [CC-Europe] Horizon 20/20 open access / open data requirements,
T. Margoni, 12/16/2013
- Re: [CC-Europe] Horizon 20/20 open access / open data requirements, John Hendrik Weitzmann, 12/25/2013
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- Re: [CC-Europe] Horizon 20/20 open access / open data requirements, Tarmo Toikkanen, 12/17/2013
Re: [CC-Europe] Horizon 20/20 open access / open data requirements,
T. Margoni, 12/16/2013
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Re: [CC-Europe] Horizon 20/20 open access / open data requirements,
Ignasi Labastida i Juan, 12/17/2013
- Re: [CC-Europe] Horizon 20/20 open access / open data requirements, Tarmo Toikkanen, 12/17/2013
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Re: [CC-Europe] Horizon 20/20 open access / open data requirements,
Ignasi Labastida i Juan, 12/17/2013
- Re: [CC-Europe] Horizon 20/20 open access / open data requirements, T. Margoni, 12/17/2013
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- Re: [CC-Europe] Horizon 20/20 open access / open data requirements, Ignasi Labastida i Juan, 12/17/2013
- Re: [CC-Europe] Horizon 20/20 open access / open data requirements, T. Margoni, 12/17/2013
- Re: [CC-Europe] Horizon 20/20 open access / open data requirements, Gwen Franck, 12/17/2013
- Message not available
- Re: [CC-Europe] Horizon 20/20 open access / open data requirements, Ignasi Labastida i Juan, 12/17/2013
Re: [CC-Europe] Horizon 20/20 open access / open data requirements,
Ignasi Labastida i Juan, 12/17/2013
Re: [CC-Europe] Horizon 20/20 open access / open data requirements,
Ignasi Labastida i Juan, 12/17/2013
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