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baslinux - [BL] BL3 networked to Mac (various) and ssh server (LONG!)

baslinux AT

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  • From: baslinux AT
  • To: baslinux AT
  • Subject: [BL] BL3 networked to Mac (various) and ssh server (LONG!)
  • Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 15:40:47 +0000 (UTC)

Sindi wrote:

We were given an iMac (LCD screen) with OS 10.3 ("Darwin", based on BSD) that has httpd, sshd, and some sort of ftp server (I could only load it via the GUI, but could run the first two from command line). I connected via wireless router from a Win98 laptop (dhcp automatic on the Mac, and I ran ipconfig /renew 1 on the Win98) and could ping and ftp files.

I can't figure out how to use puTTy to ssh to login@IP-number, but in theory we could ssh (or dbclient) to the Mac from a linux computer via wireless or wired network and run Mac programs from the console, such as ssh (this would let us share a modem connection). Browsing from a text console would require a text-based browser.

Lynx 2.8.7d9u 2.6MB for the Mac at the Apple Downloads site requires Mac OS 10.5.1 or later (we have 10.3). Opera for the Mac is 13.5MB (!) download (they keep steering you to the latest version, which supports both PPC and Intel hardware, from the archive site, when you try to download 7 or 8). Another site lists dozens of Mac browsers. Elinks for Mac requires OX 10.4. AlphaX tcl text editor includes a text based web browser. links 0.99 for Mac (recent version?). links-0.96.pkg.tgz (532K) that produces a 1.53MB Links.pax (for which version of OS 10?).

I could ssh to some place that has lynx and links already such as sdf.

In theory a palm PDA should also be able to ssh to the Mac, via USB (it has no serial ports) and run Mac programs on it. Links2 javascript is incapable of navigating the Palm download site. (It appears to work only on standard examples).


Is it possible to run BSD programs (such as Safari graphical browser) in an X window on the linux computer?

For using two BL computers, the archives say to 'set up networking' (insert network card modules, ifconfig eth0 and then type startxt on the client computer. On the other (server?) computer you send X applications manually by doing:

export DISPLAY=
icewm &

(or jwm &)

Presumably you can then use the window manager menu to run programs or start an rxvt to do things in.

Would this work with a Mac, if I knew the name of the window manager?
Or is there too much overlay (something similar to KDE or GNOME)?


We could also share a modem connection without being limited to running only Mac programs, if we can figure out how to set the Mac as default gateway at the Mac end (probably with a GUI under System Preferences, Sharing - where I finally found 'remote login' for starting sshd, and webpage server for httpd and ftp server. (In linux I would run rpc.portmap rpc.mountd and rpc.nfsd on the default gateway computer).

When doing this with two linux computers I use a kernel with RPC and NFS support and ifconfig eth0 on client and on gateway

On client:

insmod sunrpc
insmod lockd
insmod nfsd rpc.portmap
mount -t nfs / / mnt

Do I do the above on linux computer (client) to share a modem connection with the Mac (default gateway?).


To go in the other direction (dial with linux, share on the Mac using console links or lynx to browse) I compiled the 'dropbear' ssh server and dropbearkey. I left it as defaults but probably don't need all the features such as shadow lastlog utmpx putuxline. (Compiling without these reduced the file sizes by less than 1K).

I stripped and got 126K dropbear and 58K dropbearkey which I will upload (with two html versions of the man pages and README which explains how to make keys).

I also posted dbclient (ssh client) and scp, with html man pages. 90K 67K

To set up dropbear README says to generate server keys with dropbearkey:
dropbearkey -t rsa -f dropbear_rsa_host_key
dropbearkey -t dss -f dropbear_dss_host_key

'this may take a while' Public key portion is: ssh-rsa (long string)
Fingerprint: md5 ....

The man page says to copy the keys to /etc/dropbear.

I typed dropbear and it is listed in ps. Takes 0.1% mem.

I then inserted network module and ifconfig eth0

ssh user AT
answered 'yes' to the question
user AT's password:
It won't take my user password. Permission denied.
(The password works for a regular login as user.)
Won't work as root either.
Won't work to connect to (local loopback).

The contents of the man pages is mostly in --help.

I am leaving everything as defaults and have not disallowed root logins or disabled password logins or disabled local port or remote port forwarding (should I?). It created its own /var/run/ (the default).
Default port 22. I tried both ssh (gives me a longer message about not accepting the password) and dbclient.

If I run httpd or ftpd I can access my own computer this way. What am I doing wrong, or not doing, with this ssh server?

This should be a short download even via modem if someone such as Steven is willing to get it working. dropbear and dbclient together for glibc225 total less than Steven's static ssh (uclibc?). Can they be compiled for libc5?


Another option (less secure) is to use inetd (busybox) as a telnet server (without root access if connected to the internet). I did this via nullmodem cable - is it possible via network cable or wireless?

The serial dumb terminal solution is invalid for the Mac (no serial port).

We have a few days to play with this before the latest foot of snow melts.


keesan AT
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