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sm-spell-submit - Re: [SM-Spell-Submit] Mail List or Bug Report? . . .

sm-spell-submit AT

Subject: Submit list for new spells

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Chronological Thread  
  • From: Eric Sandall <eric AT>
  • To: sm-spell-submit AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Spell-Submit] Mail List or Bug Report? . . .
  • Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 09:27:45 -0700

Quoting Jason Flatt <jason AT>:
> I don't think that would be moving us into the position of a better
> maintained
> distribution. First, moving the listing.html to a Wiki page does not
> improve
> the situation. There is still a static list, except that it now has to be
> checked /and/ updated manually. Might as well just use listing.html (which
> is at least generated automatically whenever the grimoire tar files are
> updated) and save the extra effort.


> Second, with a flat file like the Wiki page, there is no indication what is
> being done, or that anything is being done. I realized that with the mail
> list subscriptions. When a new announcement comes in, no one has any idea
> that anything is being done with it. Unless we adopt a policy where anyone
> choosing to update a spell then needs to send an e-mail to the list
> informing
> everyone of that fact, and then send another letting everyone know that it
> was done. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that why we use Bugzilla? The
> main problem I see with using Bugzilla instead of the mail list is that if
> the e-mail is going to an unmaintained section, no one will see the
> announcement.

I thought that was the protocol anyways...perhaps we should add that to the
Handbook? Also all unmaintained sections' e-mails go to the Grimoire Lead, so
someone sees them. :)

> I'm not even sure we can convert a FreshMeat or SourceForge announcement
> into
> a Bugzilla bug. Maybe we just need to adopt and establish some guide lines
> for doing updates through the mail list?

A script could parse the e-mail and grab the pertinent information, then use
Sorcery commands to find out what section it should go in and pass it all to


PGP Key Fingerprint: FCFF 26A1 BE21 08F4 BB91 FAED 1D7B 7D74 A8EF DD61

Version: 3.12
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Eric Sandall | Source Mage GNU/Linux Developer
eric AT | | SysAdmin @ Inst. Shock Physics @ WSU #196285 |

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