sm-sorcery AT
Subject: Discussion of Sorcery related topics
List archive
- From: "Eric Sandall" <eric AT>
- To: <sm-sorcery AT>
- Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery] ldconfig problem...
- Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 00:02:37 -0800 (PST)
Julian v. Bock said:
> Hi
>>>>>> "TS" == Tony Smith <tony AT> writes:
> TS> The other one that looks good is LD_BIND_NOW which will force the
> TS> loader to resolve all symbols at startup instead of waiting till TS>
> their referenced. That might allow you to replace by TS>
> hand and run an ldconfig.
> No. *is* the dynamic linker which resolves symbols and loads
> shared objects. If the dynamic linker does not work this won't help
> either.
> As I wrote before, install glibc manually if you want to avoid
> problems.
> Julian
Well, if installing glibc manually can work, then there is a way to have
it work via a spell. Do we have to modify sorcery? If so, should this
modification only affect glibc, or will it help (or at least not hurt) the
other spells if it affects all?
-One of Four
a.k.a. sandalle
PGP Key 0x5C8D199A5A317214
Eric Sandall | Source Mage GNU/Linux Developer
eric AT | | SysAdmin @ Inst. Shock Physics @ WSU #196285 |
[SM-Sorcery] ldconfig problem... (resend from the subscribed address),
Tony Smith, 01/16/2003
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
Re: [SM-Sorcery] ldconfig problem... (resend from the subscribed address),
-- Sybex --, 01/16/2003
Re: [SM-Sorcery] ldconfig problem... (resend from the subscribed address),
Tony Smith, 01/17/2003
Re: [SM-Sorcery] ldconfig problem...,
Andrew, 01/17/2003
Re: [SM-Sorcery] ldconfig problem...,
Tony Smith, 01/17/2003
Re: [SM-Sorcery] ldconfig problem...,
Julian v. Bock, 01/17/2003
- Re: [SM-Sorcery] ldconfig problem..., Eric Sandall, 01/18/2003
Re: [SM-Sorcery] ldconfig problem...,
Julian v. Bock, 01/17/2003
- Re: [SM-Sorcery] ldconfig problem..., Julian v. Bock, 01/17/2003
Re: [SM-Sorcery] ldconfig problem...,
Tony Smith, 01/17/2003
- Re: [SM-Sorcery] ldconfig problem... (resend from the subscribed address), Julian v. Bock, 01/17/2003
Re: [SM-Sorcery] ldconfig problem...,
Andrew, 01/17/2003
Re: [SM-Sorcery] ldconfig problem... (resend from the subscribed address),
Tony Smith, 01/17/2003
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