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sm-sorcery - Re: [SM-Sorcery] ldconfig problem... (resend from the subscribed address)

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  • From: Tony Smith <tony AT>
  • To: "-- Sybex --" <sybex AT>, sm-sorcery AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery] ldconfig problem... (resend from the subscribed address)
  • Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 09:30:47 +0000

Good point. The tail of the activity log sez gettext, but the most recent dir
in /usr/src/ is glibc so I guess that's the most likely (and understandable)
culprit. I was doing a rebuild and the installed version and the cast version
were exactly the same.

Perhaps just adding an ldconfig call in glibc/BUILD would be enough but I
thought Julian had veto'd that idea some time back?


On Thursday 16 January 2003 11:14 pm, -- Sybex -- wrote:
> Running ldconfig is only needed for spells that use and update a dynamic
> library in one of the system lib dirs. Running ldconfig can take an
> extremely long time on systems with many library files and would be
> redundant and unnecessary for spells which do not require the update, and
> afaik it is already run for many spells that require it.
> What spell were you casting that didn't run ldconfig and caused the error?
> ---- original ----
> Hi All,
> Just got bitten by the ldconfig problem. What fun. Anyway, in the midst of
> the
> recovery it occurred to me that as a matter of policy, cast should run an
> ldconfig after every single spell. That seems to me to be the only surefire
> way of avoiding the problem.
> Perhaps it's already been done in the devel sorcery, but if not could you
> give
> it some thought and see if you think it's a half-decent idea.
> Thanks,
> Tony
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