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sm-sorcery - Re: [SM-Sorcery] ldconfig problem... (resend from the subscribed address)

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  • From: "-- Sybex --" <sybex AT>
  • To: tony AT, sm-sorcery AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery] ldconfig problem... (resend from the subscribed address)
  • Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 23:14:29 +0000

Running ldconfig is only needed for spells that use and update a dynamic library in one of the system lib dirs. Running ldconfig can take an extremely long time on systems with many library files and would be redundant and unnecessary for spells which do not require the update, and afaik it is already run for many spells that require it.

What spell were you casting that didn't run ldconfig and caused the error?

---- original ----

Hi All,

Just got bitten by the ldconfig problem. What fun. Anyway, in the midst of the
recovery it occurred to me that as a matter of policy, cast should run an
ldconfig after every single spell. That seems to me to be the only surefire
way of avoiding the problem.

Perhaps it's already been done in the devel sorcery, but if not could you give
it some thought and see if you think it's a half-decent idea.



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