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Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release
- From: Thomas Orgis <thomas-forum AT>
- To: sm-discuss AT
- Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release
- Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2015 09:05:27 +0100
Am Sat, 21 Feb 2015 10:09:37 +0300
schrieb Vlad Glagolev <stealth AT>:
> On Fri, 20 Feb 2015 22:21:20 +0100
> Thomas Orgis <thomas-forum AT> wrote:
> > Am Thu, 19 Feb 2015 14:04:16 +0100
> > schrieb Thomas Orgis <thomas-forum AT>:
> >
> > > Am Thu, 19 Feb 2015 15:21:38 +0300
> > > schrieb Vlad Glagolev <stealth AT>:
> > >
> > > > I've repackaged them right now, and they're being reuploaded. So the
> > > > tarballs will be available pretty soon, but you can download them from
> > > > my mirror directly:
> > >
> > > Splendit. The rebuild is now underway, next is upgrade to stable-rc,
> >
> > Rebuild went through without issue. Upgrade to current stable-rc also
> > works. I just wonder about those notes:
> > Spell notices are repeated below:
> > -----------------------------------------------
> > Spell notices are repeated below:
> > texinfo:
> > regenerating the Info Database ...
> > 196 info files listed
> > Finished
> >
> > ca-certificates:
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/Wells_Fargo_Root_CA.pem
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at
> > /etc/ssl/certs/Entrust.net_Secure_Server_CA.pem
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/spi-ca-2003.pem
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/8f7b96c4.0
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/11a09b38.0
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/6adf0799.0
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/6e52cc39.0
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/7d3cd826.0
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/TDC_OCES_Root_CA.pem
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/ed524cf5.0
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at
> > /etc/ssl/certs/TC_TrustCenter_Universal_CA_III.pem
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/5ed36f99.0
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at
> > /etc/ssl/certs/RSA_Root_Certificate_1.pem
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/408e388a.0
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/1155c94b.0
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/ValiCert_Class_1_VA.pem
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/d537fba6.0
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/bcdd5959.0
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at
> > /etc/ssl/certs/Equifax_Secure_eBusiness_CA_2.pem
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at
> > /etc/ssl/certs/TDC_Internet_Root_CA.pem
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at
> > /etc/ssl/certs/Firmaprofesional_Root_CA.pem
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/f4996e82.0
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/1df5ec47.0
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/ValiCert_Class_2_VA.pem
> > Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/ca.pem
> > You MUST remove the above broken symlinks
> > Otherwise SSL validation that use the directory may fail!
> >
> > Is this really how it is supposed to work? I'm not new to these
> > messages, but it makes me wonder if it is nice to have SSL validation
> > broken that way (is it really?) without any funny custom symlinks added
> > by the admin.
> well, we could include the "fixing" command to the message to simplify
> things:
> find -L /etc/ssl/certs -type l -delete
> but we shouldn't do some automated tasks for the SA.
> >
> > Anyhow, I'm doing a rebuild to make sure, but it seems like the upgrade
> > path from 0.61 to 0.62 doesn't have blatantly obvious dealbreakers.
Rebuild of 0.62-rc results in some failures. Mind: The upgrade went
fine, but the subsequent rebuild of the whole system fails.
shell# grep '\(Casting spell\|Problem\)' rebuild-0.62-rc.log | less -isR
Casting spell [smgl-fhs]grep: /var/state/sorcery/uncommitted/smgl-fhs: No
such file or directory
Casting spell [diffutils]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [readline]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [autoconf]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [bash]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [bison]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [flex]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [mpfr]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [xz-utils]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [automake]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [libmpc]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [binutils]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [bzip2]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [coreutils]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [patch]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [cpio]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [dialog]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [zlib]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [file]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [findutils]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [gawk]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [smgl-archspecs]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [libidn]grep: /var/state/sorcery/uncommitted/libidn: No such
file or directory
Casting spell [glibc]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [locale]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [grep]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [gzip]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [iana-etc]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [run-parts]grep: /var/state/sorcery/uncommitted/run-parts: No
such file or directory
Casting spell [simpleinit-msb]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [gperf]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [pkgconfig]grep: /var/state/sorcery/uncommitted/pkgconfig: No
such file or directory
Casting spell [libusb]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [usbutils]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [pciutils]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [pcre]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [metalog]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [udev]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [init.d]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [net-tools]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [dhcpcd]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [sysfsutils]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [pcmciautils]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [wireless_tools]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [libnl]grep: /var/state/sorcery/uncommitted/libnl: No such file
or directory
Casting spell [openssl]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [wpa_supplicant]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [ifupdown]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [tar]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [installwatch]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [make]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [module-init-tools]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [less]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [check]grep: /var/state/sorcery/uncommitted/check: No such file
or directory
Casting spell [kbd]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [e2fsprogs]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [util-linux]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [procps]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [sed]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [shadow]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [nano]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [ca-certificates]grep:
/var/state/sorcery/uncommitted/ca-certificates: No such file or directory
Casting spell [wget]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [openssh]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [bin86]grep: /var/state/sorcery/uncommitted/bin86: No such file
or directory
Casting spell [sharutils]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [lvm]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [lilo]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [sorcery-pubkeys]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [basesystem]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [perl]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [texinfo]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [m4]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [gmp]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [gcc]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [gettext]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [gnupg]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [ncurses]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [netkit-base]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [netkit-ping]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [jfsutils]Dispelling conflicts...
! Problem Detected !
Casting spell [reiserfsprogs]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [elvis]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [bc]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [popt]grep: /var/state/sorcery/uncommitted/popt: No such file
or directory
Casting spell [libpcap]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [ppp]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [unzip]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [groff]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [mdadm]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [man]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [libaal]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [reiser4progs]Dispelling conflicts...
! Problem Detected !
Casting spell [libusb-compat]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [lynx]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [linux]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [fuse]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [libtool]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [castfs]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [cronie]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [dosfstools]grep: /var/state/sorcery/uncommitted/dosfstools: No
such file or directory
Casting spell [gdisk]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [grub2]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [iptables]grep: /var/state/sorcery/uncommitted/iptables: No
such file or directory
Casting spell [lsscsi]grep: /var/state/sorcery/uncommitted/lsscsi: No such
file or directory
Casting spell [man-pages]grep: /var/state/sorcery/uncommitted/man-pages: No
such file or directory
Casting spell [minicom]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [parted]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [rp-pppoe]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [rsync]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [socat]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [sysstat]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [tcpdump]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [traceroute]grep: /var/state/sorcery/uncommitted/traceroute: No
such file or directory
Casting spell [xfsprogs]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [tzdata]Dispelling conflicts...
Casting spell [autoconf]grep: /var/state/sorcery/uncommitted/autoconf: No
such file or directory
Casting spell [automake]grep: /var/state/sorcery/uncommitted/automake: No
such file or directory
Casting spell [wget]grep: /var/state/sorcery/uncommitted/wget: No such file
or directory
! Problem Detected !
Finished processing install requests.
Spells installed successfully:
autoconf iana-etc pciutils
autoconf ifupdown pcmciautils
automake init.d pcre
automake installwatch perl
basesystem iptables pkgconfig
bash kbd popt
bc less ppp
bin86 libaal procps
binutils libidn readline
bison libmpc reiserfsprogs
bzip2 libnl rp-pppoe
ca-certificates libpcap rsync
castfs libtool run-parts
check libusb sed
coreutils libusb-compat shadow
cpio lilo sharutils
cronie linux simpleinit-msb
dhcpcd locale smgl-archspecs
dialog lsscsi smgl-fhs
diffutils lvm socat
dosfstools lynx sorcery-pubkeys
e2fsprogs m4 sysfsutils
elvis make sysstat
file man tar
findutils man-pages tcpdump
flex mdadm texinfo
fuse metalog traceroute
gawk minicom tzdata
gcc module-init-tools udev
gdisk mpfr unzip
gettext nano usbutils
glibc ncurses util-linux
gmp netkit-base wget
gnupg netkit-ping wireless_tools
gperf net-tools wpa_supplicant
grep openssh xfsprogs
groff openssl xz-utils
grub2 parted zlib
gzip patch
Spells that had a check_self trigger succeed:
readline readline tzdata
Spells that have been removed due to conflicts:
Spells that encountered problems:
jfsutils (build) reiser4progs (build) wget (build)
The install queue is not empty,
it still contains the following spells:
jfsutils reiser4progs
Cast deferred installing some configuration files.
The following spells have new pending updates:
elvis netkit-base ca-certificates shadow bash
Please run confmeld to merge them into your system.
The failures:
1. jfsutils:
make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/src/jfsutils-1.1.15/fscklog'
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../include -I../libfs -I../fsck -Wall
-Wstrict-prototypes -fno-strict-
aliasing -march=x86-64 -fPIC -DPIC -pipe -Os -MT extract.o -MD -MP -MF
.deps/extract.Tpo -c -o extract.
o extract.c
In file included from extract.c:32:0:
../libfs/devices.h:45:31: error: unknown type name 'int64_t'
../libfs/devices.h:46:32: error: unknown type name 'int64_t'
../libfs/devices.h:46:41: error: unknown type name 'int32_t'
../libfs/devices.h:46:58: error: unknown type name 'int32_t'
extract.c: In function 'readwrite_device':
extract.c:601:8: warning: implicit declaration of function
'ujfs_rw_diskblocks' [-Wimplicit-function-de
extract.c: In function 'validate_super':
extract.c:743:3: warning: implicit declaration of function
'ujfs_get_dev_size' [-Wimplicit-function-dec
make[2]: *** [extract.o] Error 1
Makefile:272: recipe for target 'extract.o' failed
make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/jfsutils-1.1.15/fscklog'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
Makefile:260: recipe for target 'all-recursive' failed
make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/jfsutils-1.1.15'
make: *** [all] Error 2
Makefile:196: recipe for target 'all' failed
! Problem Detected !
Creating compile log /var/log/sorcery/compile/jfsutils-1.1.15.bz2
2. reiser4progs
make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/src/reiser4progs-1.0.7/libmisc'
/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..
-I../include -D_REENTRANT -
-march=x86-64 -fPIC -DPIC -pip
e -Os -W -Wall -Wuninitialized -Wno-unused-parameter -Wredundant-decls -MT
libmisc_la-ui.lo -MD -MP -MF
.deps/libmisc_la-ui.Tpo -c -o libmisc_la-ui.lo `test -f 'ui.c' || echo
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../include -D_REENTRANT
E -DENABLE_LEXIC_FIBRE -O3 -march=x86-64 -fPIC -DPIC -pipe -Os -W -Wall
-Wuninitialized -Wno-unused-par
ameter -Wredundant-decls -MT libmisc_la-ui.lo -MD -MP -MF
.deps/libmisc_la-ui.Tpo -c ui.c -fPIC -DPIC
-o .libs/libmisc_la-ui.o
ui.c: In function '_init':
ui.c:260:4: error: 'CPPFunction' undeclared (first use in this function)
ui.c:260:4: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each
function it appears in
ui.c:260:17: error: expected expression before ')' token
ui.c: At top level:
ui.c:160:15: warning: 'misc_complete' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
make[2]: *** [libmisc_la-ui.lo] Error 1
Makefile:307: recipe for target 'libmisc_la-ui.lo' failed
make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/reiser4progs-1.0.7/libmisc'
Makefile:300: recipe for target 'all-recursive' failed
make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/reiser4progs-1.0.7'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
Makefile:211: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
! Problem Detected !
Creating compile log /var/log/sorcery/compile/reiser4progs-1.0.7.bz2
3. wget
checking for libgnutls... no
configure: error: GnuTLS has not been found. Use --with-ssl=openssl if you
explicitly want OpenSSL.
! Problem Detected !
Creating compile log /var/log/sorcery/compile/wget-1.16.1.bz2
I'm confused. I thought we had a hack in place for the wget issue.
cat /var/lib/sorcery/codex/stable-rc/VERSION
Do I have the correct version? Ah! The hack is only in the stable
grimoire. We need it in stable-rc, too (and test).
The jfsutils failure doesn't surprise too much: This wasn't cast during
upgrade since the spell did not change, so it just seems to need some
update. The reiser4progs one is the readline 6.3 issue you already
indicated? I see that the stable spell is more up-to-date than the
stable-rc one.
So, we need a refreshment of stable-rc and then it might just work. I'm
off for probably most of the weekend, so I hope I have dumped the infor
that's needed here.
- rebuild 0.61: PASS
- upgrade 0.61 → 0.62-rc: PASS
- rebuild 0.62-rc: FAIL
Alrighty then,
Description: Digitale Signatur von OpenPGP
[SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release,
Vlad Glagolev, 02/17/2015
Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release,
Thomas Orgis, 02/19/2015
Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release,
Thomas Orgis, 02/19/2015
Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release,
Vlad Glagolev, 02/19/2015
Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release,
Thomas Orgis, 02/19/2015
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release, Kevin Monceaux, 02/19/2015
Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release,
Thomas Orgis, 02/20/2015
Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release,
Vlad Glagolev, 02/21/2015
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release, Thomas Orgis, 02/21/2015
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release, Vlad Glagolev, 02/21/2015
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release, Vlad Glagolev, 02/21/2015
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release, Thomas Orgis, 02/22/2015
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release, Jaka Kranjc, 02/22/2015
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release, Thomas Orgis, 02/23/2015
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release, Vlad Glagolev, 02/24/2015
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release, Thomas Orgis, 02/24/2015
Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release,
Vlad Glagolev, 02/21/2015
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release, Vlad Glagolev, 02/22/2015
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release, Thomas Orgis, 02/23/2015
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release, Vlad Glagolev, 02/23/2015
Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release,
Thomas Orgis, 02/19/2015
Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release,
Vlad Glagolev, 02/19/2015
Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release,
Thomas Orgis, 02/19/2015
Re: [SM-Discuss] Announcing stable-0.61 (20150217) chroot image release,
Thomas Orgis, 02/19/2015
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