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sm-discuss - Re: [SM-Discuss] kde3 removal from grimoire

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  • From: Bor Kraljič <pyrobor AT>
  • To: sm-discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] kde3 removal from grimoire
  • Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2011 11:01:50 +0200

On 13. of Oct 2011 2:38:50 Ladislav Hagara <ladislav.hagara AT> wrote:
> > I plan to pull the branch into test in next few days.
> We discussed on irc, just mention also here.
> In this sentence the "next few days" meant almost immediately.
> It isn't a problem. Problem is that nobody really care, nobody discuss,
> nobody review commits. This thread was discussed only by Bor alone.
Next few days is for me next day or 1-3 days after that. I can't be
responsible if all my emails to SM-discuss are ignored...

> Of course we have no time. Source Mage isn't our full time job. But we
> have to discuss. If mailing lists don't work we need regular irc
> meetings with logs on our web site, we need some regular voting with
> just +1 or -1. Some of our irc channel should be published so all can
> see the reasons of some activity.
Well I got information on this maillist that vote for mayor grimoire changes
is not needed [1].

> BTW, the subject of this thread is "kde3 removal from grimoire". But not
> only kde3 spells have been removed. The spell qt-x11 was also removed
> together with all spells depended on qt-x11. How many developers have
> agreed with this?
Sorry my bad. Choice of email topic was not the best. However I wrote my plan
of work on 3. October which includes removal of qt3. [2] And few mails after
that. Do I really to put all my questions in email topic that I will get any
feedback ?


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