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Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead
- From: Eric Sandall <eric AT>
- To: SM-Discuss <sm-discuss AT>
- Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead
- Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2007 08:13:11 -0800
Hash: SHA512
Andrew Stitt wrote:
> I just noticed a problem (easily rectifiable). Since the incumbant lead
> is running, he shouldn't count the votes himself due to privacy concerns
> (he shouldn't know who voted for him). Normally his assistant (Jeremy)
> would count the votes, but Jeremy is also a nominee, and therefore also
> inelligable. So, as I understand it, Eric needs to pick another assistant
> to count the votes. It can any general or lead developer according to
> our org doc[0].
> Just to be clear, this wouldnt be because of potential for
> vote-tampering. Our signed voting procedure with hashes allows
> auditing. Although I cant find a page that documents it...Im sure its
> on the ML, so all is not lost.
Any volunteers from among the Leads or shall I use
eenie-meenie-minie-moe? ;)
- -sandalle
- --
Eric Sandall | Source Mage GNU/Linux Developer
eric at PGP: 0xA8EFDD61 | | #196285
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[SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
Eric Sandall, 01/05/2007
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
Andraž 'ruskie' Levstik, 01/05/2007
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead, Juuso Alasuutari, 01/05/2007
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead, Eric Sandall, 01/05/2007
Message not available
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
Pol Vinogradov, 01/05/2007
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead, Andrew, 01/05/2007
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
Pol Vinogradov, 01/05/2007
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
Andrew Stitt, 01/05/2007
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
George Sherwood, 01/05/2007
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead, Jeremy Blosser, 01/05/2007
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
George Sherwood, 01/05/2007
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
Andrew Stitt, 01/05/2007
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
Eric Sandall, 01/08/2007
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
Andraž 'ruskie' Levstik, 01/11/2007
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead, Eric Sandall, 01/11/2007
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
Andraž 'ruskie' Levstik, 01/11/2007
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
Eric Sandall, 01/08/2007
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
Andraž 'ruskie' Levstik, 01/05/2007
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