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Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead
- From: Andrew Stitt <afrayedknot AT>
- To: SM-Discuss <sm-discuss AT>
- Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead
- Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2007 17:29:18 -0800
I just noticed a problem (easily rectifiable). Since the incumbant lead
is running, he shouldn't count the votes himself due to privacy concerns
(he shouldn't know who voted for him). Normally his assistant (Jeremy)
would count the votes, but Jeremy is also a nominee, and therefore also
inelligable. So, as I understand it, Eric needs to pick another assistant
to count the votes. It can any general or lead developer according to
our org doc[0].
Just to be clear, this wouldnt be because of potential for
vote-tampering. Our signed voting procedure with hashes allows
auditing. Although I cant find a page that documents it...Im sure its
on the ML, so all is not lost.
On Fri, Jan 05, 2007 at 08:06:40AM -0800, Eric Sandall wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> Hey all,
> It's now one of those months, with the position of Project Lead up for
> grabs for those power-hungry souls. ;) Keep in mind that this position
> is more like a democratic president than a dictator, in that you have to
> work *with* the other Leads and will have trouble if you go around
> dictating policies as you wish. :)
> These nominations will last until January 12, 2007 and please follow our
> Voting Policy[0].
> Thank you,
> - -sandalle
> [0]
> - --
> Eric Sandall | Source Mage GNU/Linux Developer
> eric at PGP: 0xA8EFDD61 |
> | #196285
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> iD8DBQFFnneQHXt9dKjv3WERCmgsAJ48Z5B/HmLUJQnH7Xn2aXUhwKWngQCgqAQ2
> C+VJuVG1gu+TmDI9jZS372M=
> =P2YV
> _______________________________________________
> SM-Discuss mailing list
> SM-Discuss AT
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| irc: afrayedknot | Sorcery Team Lead | |
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[SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
Eric Sandall, 01/05/2007
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
Andraž 'ruskie' Levstik, 01/05/2007
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead, Juuso Alasuutari, 01/05/2007
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead, Eric Sandall, 01/05/2007
Message not available
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
Pol Vinogradov, 01/05/2007
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead, Andrew, 01/05/2007
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
Pol Vinogradov, 01/05/2007
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
Andrew Stitt, 01/05/2007
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
George Sherwood, 01/05/2007
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead, Jeremy Blosser, 01/05/2007
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
George Sherwood, 01/05/2007
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
Andrew Stitt, 01/05/2007
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
Eric Sandall, 01/08/2007
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
Andraž 'ruskie' Levstik, 01/11/2007
- Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead, Eric Sandall, 01/11/2007
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
Andraž 'ruskie' Levstik, 01/11/2007
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
Eric Sandall, 01/08/2007
Re: [SM-Discuss] Component Lead Nominations: Project Lead,
Andraž 'ruskie' Levstik, 01/05/2007
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