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sm-discuss - Re: [SM-Discuss] Buggy grimoire

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  • From: Alexander Tsamutali <astsmtl AT>
  • To: sm-discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] Buggy grimoire
  • Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2007 01:11:28 +0500

I am rather fond of Grand Solutions and have had little time to fix
lately, so I feel somewhat hypocritical voicing an opinion like this.
But I
think this all boils down to unpleasantness. I don't think splitting
the main
grimoire into parts is a solution rather than a creative attempt to
circumvent some harsh realities.

But let's face it, there's absolutely nothing else wrong with stable
buggyness. Some of our best practices may not be the best possible
ones, but
that's not stopping anyone from fixing bugs.

Ok, i can agree that splitting grimoire into two part can lead to some problems. This thread was started to discuss our problems. So the another one was pointed by sandalle: too much attention is spent on test grimoire. Maybe we can change the process of stable release a little. Currently test and stable grimoires live in parallel and many use test. Example of how we can change this (6 month cycle):

* new grimoire created and populated with latest versions of spells, general development (3 month)
* bug fixing, version updates are not recommended (2 month)
* freeze, version updates prohibited, integrations handled by grimoire, QA leads (1 month)

or in schematic form:


test -> test -> test -> test ->
stable-rc -> stable -> support;


test -> stable-rc -> stable; test -> ...
Alexander Tsamutali

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