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sm-discuss - Re: [SM-Discuss] Buggy grimoire

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  • From: seth AT
  • To: Pol Vinogradov <vin.public AT>
  • Cc: sm-discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] Buggy grimoire
  • Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2007 14:08:45 -0800

On Wed, Jan 03, 2007 at 02:57:53AM +0500, Pol Vinogradov wrote:
> On Tue, 2 Jan 2007 14:32:09 +0500
> "Alexander Tsamutali" <astsmtl AT> wrote:
> > The biggest problem, IMHO.
> >
> > My proposal, i know that many would not like this, but i see no other
> > ways. Let's make our stable grimoire smaller, say ~1000 spells or even
> > smaller.
> that's what i'd spoken about in "[SM-Discuss] Let's make Source Mage not
> suck!" thread
> > Thus we can cut down resources needed to run prometheus and
> > fix bugs and prepare better release. Something like "core" and
> > "extras" in Fedora. For ex. we can include the following:
> >
> > DE, WM: xfce, fluxbox, ion3 (no KDE, no GNOME)
> > Web: firefox, dillo, elinks
> > Mail: thunderbird, claws, mutt, fetchmail, getmail, procmail
> > Audio: quodlibet, mpd, various mpd clients
> > Video: xine, mplayer
> > IM: gaim, gajim, psi
> > Web servers: apache, lighttpd
> > MTA: postfix, exim
> > POP, IMAP servers: dbmail, dovecot
> > FTP servers: vsftpd, pureftpd
> > etc...
> >
> > I mean for each task or set of tasks we can choose 1-3 _best_ software
> > packages, make good spells, test them, release them and finally
> > support them.
> i prefer only one spell for each class of software
> public

Considering the fact that we already have over 2000 spells that pass
testing with prometheus, perhaps you should propose a different angle,
say, graveyarding buggy spells, instead of whitelisting good ones.

I don't think it would hurt to "tag" each spell with a "stable/unstable"
qualifier as long as we don't do it the gentoo way and use it as our
"upgrade-ready" tag.

At one point I thought it would be nice to add into gaze a way to see
filed bugs aginst a particular version of a spell. I think that would
go a long way toward making smgl easier to use. If a spell is buggy
they'd know instantly rather than having to find all the bugs for a
particular spell testing or after the fact.

I wanted to tie this into prometheus so that it could skip known buggy
spells as a poor-man's form of blacklist "IPC", which is the main thing
that would need to be done to prevent bug dupes and bug ease

A single field added to bugzilla could enable this. Triaging the spells
by having volunteers associate existing bugs to buggy spells would then
need to be done, but at that point at least you've benefitted by having
an improved dataset to work off of.


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