Subject: permaculture
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- From: Lawrence London <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?
- Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2015 18:31:16 -0400
More on uses for aquaponics in the context of communities, food deserts,
I sent this to a friend yesterday...a few general thoughts on improving the
lot of willing folks in
low income communities. Maybe Jason Gerhardt will add good ideas to this.
The Permaculture Community in the USA: lots of community spirited good
hearted people have or are working with various existing resources
(organizations, agencies, welfare agencies, city agencies, non profits,
NGO's, private companies and consultancies) to address the needs of ghettos
or, the new term, Food Deserts, by empowering and enabling people to
produce their own food, in gardens, on rooftops, on waste land, using
aquaponics, hydroponics, aquaculture and orchards and berry gardens. The
people have to want to do this and those who do not need to not disrupt the
process. There are very many resources, techniques, methods, systems,
materials, tools and equipment that can be applied to urban food, energy,
biomass and fiber production. It is a fascinating topic always stirring the
creative juices. Grow and eat insects for a quality high protein nutrition.
Add small livestock to a diversified small scale food production system for
meat, dairy products, eggs and manure. Take the manure and 1) add it to
biomass (weeds) to make compost 2) cultivate black soldier fly larvae to
feed to poultry or to earthworms to make castings for fertilizer and add
beneficial microorganisms to the garden soil or make compost tea out of the
castings and feed that to plants 3) take everything else that remains, add
recycled water and let it flow into a constructed wetland to be remediated
or recycled into nutrients to feed soil based plants growing there through
the action of earthworms and microorganisms with the remaining effluent
flowing into an aquaculture pond or lagoon where duckweed is cultivated to
be harvested for livestock feed or dried and added to soil as plant food.
In cold climates scale this system so it can be partially or completely
covered by permanent or temporary (removed and stored for annual reuse each
greenhouse or high or low tunnel structures I think a lot of people in such
situations could really get into this to contribute to the welfare of their
communities, feed themselves royally, help each other and thereby
themselves, upgrade community spirit and have a whole lot of year round
fun, possibly evolving into paying work for themselves full or part time or
into managerial positions within the various community projects associated
with food production and other related worthwhile activities.
Can this be done in the USA? It actually is happening in many places but
needs to expand across the country. Get people off drugs, alcohol and
tobacco which bad attitudes, uncooperativeness, gang activities and
distracts them from immersion in community activities that would benefit
them, their families and community members for many lifetimes to come. This
should help address the problems and challenges facing people in food
deserts as they try to upgrade their lives, build community and provide for
themselves sustainably and eliminate bad habits from their lives and
Scott's reading list would be helpful:
Rudolph Steiner
Viktor Schauberger
Rupert Sheldrake
Paramagnetic Agriculture
Paramagnetism --
Rediscovering nature's secret force of growth: How to farm properly as god
Philip Callahan
'The usual subdivision of science into chemical, physical, botanical, and
other departments, necessary for the sake of clarity and convenience in
teaching, soon began to dominate the outlook and work of these
institutions. The problems of agriculture -- a vast biological
complex_began to be subdivided much the same way as the teaching of
science. Here it was not justified, for the subject dealt with could never
be divided, it being beyond the capacity of the plant or animal to sustain
its life processes in separate phases. It eats, drinks, breathes, sleeps,
digests, moves, sickens, suffers or recovers, and reacts to all its
surroundings, friends and enemies in the course of twenty-four-hours.
Neither can any of its operations be carried on apart from all the others;
in fact, agriculture deals with organized entities, and agriculture
research is bound to recognize this truth at the starting point of its
In doing this, but adopting the artificial divisions of science as at
present, established conventional research on a subject like agriculture
was bound to involve itself and magnificently has got itself bogged down.
An immense amount of work is being done, each tiny portion is a separate
compartment; a whole army of investigators has been recruited; a regular
'profession been invented. The absurdity of team work has been devised as a
remedy for the fragmentation which need never have occurred. This is
nonsensical. Agricultural investigation is so difficult that it will always
demand a very special combination of qualities which from the nature of the
case is rare. A real investigator for such a subject can never be created
by the mere accumulation of the special and rare.
Nevertheless, the administration claims that agricultural research is now
organized, having substituted that dreary precept for the soul-shaking
principle of that essential freedom needed by the seeker after truth. The
natural universe, which is one, has been halved, quartered, fractionized,
and woe betide the investigator who looks at any segment other than his
own! Departmentalism is recognized in its worst and last form when councils
and super-committees are established; they grade (?) the latest exercises,
whose purpose is to prevent so-called overlapping... strictly.... to hold
each man to his allotted narrow path and above all to enable the bureaucrat
to dodge his responsibilities.
--- "The Soil and Health", by Sir Albert Howard
Years ago while I was enjoying leisure travels in Ireland, I picked up a
book titled "Farming end Gardening for Health and Disease," by Sir Albert
Howard. It was read, or I should say scanned, so quickly that I retained
only dim memories of its content. What I do remember is that it dwelled on
farming techniques in India that have been in use since ancient celtic
times by the Irish.
My bible for pre-World War II Irish farming is the masterpiece 'Irish
Heritage"by the astute professor of Queens University, Belfast, E. Estyne
Evans. It is the only book I have two copies of- one in my lab, and one in
my den.
I had, between 1944 end 1946, before deadly chemical farming intruded,
lived in Fermanagh County, Northern Ireland on the Donegal border. I was,
in truth, a sergeant in the Arrny Air Corps, but may as well have been a
19th-Century potato farmer, for I was far more interested in the natural
history and agriculture of the beautiful Erne Valley than I was in the
exactitudes of my job as a low-frequency radio range technician.
Liebig, a laboratory chemist, equated life with NKP. I doubt very much if
as a lad he ever chewed on a fresh piece of grass on his back while cloud
watching. He published Chemistry in theApplication to Agriculture around
1840. His book preceded the great book on soil formation by Charles Darwin
titled The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through theActions of Worms, with
Observations of Their Habits. This book shines as Darwin's real aura of
genius, not his treatise on the unprovable but elegant theory of
evolution.God probably has a hundred differentways of creating life,
evolution being only one among many. Like creationism, it is a reductionist
either/or science. Because Darwin, like Liebig end other biological
chemists, overlooked the elegant work of the two T's, John Tyndell and
Nikola Tesla, they failed miserably in their understanding of naturel
forces. It remained for another chemist, Julius Hensel, to point the way
with his beautifully titled book, Bread from Stones. He also had little use
for the concepts of von Liebig. He talks about von Liebig's"mistake":
Ideas that are meaningful develop slowly. Sometime, long after I left
Ireland, I came to realize that plants, insects and soil (all loves of
mine), and the nebulous photons of electronic systems were all in one.
Everything is connected to everything to everything else, especially by the
electromagnetic spectrum.
If I had really paid much attention to what Sir Albert was writing about I
would have, even in my younger days, realized that his life's work was
built on a solid foundation and keen understanding of the inner
connectedness of all of nature. He had little use for the reductionist
method eof modern science. I might add, neither do I! More than any other
agricultural scientist of his time he understood that reductionism, like
communism, might wel lead to the destruction of viable agriculture.
Physics is the science that connects chemistry to biology. That being so, a
scientist that does not have a basic understanding of physics is more
ignorant of life than a leaping flea hopper that at least knows it must
jump (physics) to feed (chemistry) on a plant (biology).
I was delighted when in the mid 1970s I learned that my editor Devin
Garrity of the Devin-Adair Company had published Sir Albert's book in the
United States. He gave me a copy of the book under the new title The Soil
and Health. Needless to say I studied it more thoroughly this time around.
Soil end Health is, of course, about the biological-chemical make up of
agriculture. It is one of the original treatises on composting and crop
rotation. It also talks about the mess that the German chemist Justus von
Liebig stared in agriculture with his "pure" chemistry concept of plant
Liebig, a laboratory chemist, equated life with NKP. I doubt very much if
as a lad he ever chewed on a freshpiece of grass on his back while cloud
Liebig; published Chemistry in the Application to Agriculture around 1840.
His look preceded the great book on soil formation by Charles Darwin titled
The Formations of Vegetable Mould Through the Actions of Worms, with
Observations of Their Habits. His book shines as Darwin's real aura of
genius, not his treatise on the unprovable but elegant theory of evolution.
God probably has a hundred different ways of creating life, evolution being
only one among many.
Like creationism, it is a reductionist either-or science. Because Darwin,
like Liebig end other biological chemists, overlooked the elegant work of
the two T's, John Tyndell and Nikola Tesla, they failed miserably in their
understanding of natural forces. It remained for another chemist, Julius
Hensel, to point the way with his beautifully titled book, Bread from
Stones. He also had little use for the concepts of von Liebig. He talks
about von Liebig's "mistake":
Very simply, Liebig was the first agricultural chemist. He found that the
ashes which remained from grain mainly consisted of phosphate of potassa.
>From this he concluded that phosphate of potassa must be restored to the
soil, and that was very one-sided Liebig had forgotten so take the straw
into account, in which only small quantities of phosphoric acid are found,
because this substance during the process of maturing passes from the stalk
into the grain. If he had not only calculated the seed but also the roots
and the stalks, he would have found what we know at this day, that in the
whole plants there is much more lime and magnesia as potassa and soda, and
thal phosphoric acid forms only the tenth part of the sum of these basic
constituents. Unfortunately Liebig also was of the opinion that potassa and
phosphoric acid have to be restored to the soil as such, while anyone might
have concluded that instead of the exhausted soil we must supply earthly
matter from which nothing has been grown. Such untouched earthly material
of primitive strength we get by pulverizing rocks into which potassa, soda,
lime, magnesia, manganese and iron are combined with silica, alumina,
phosphoric acid, fluorine and sulfur. Among these substances fluotine,
which is found in mica -minerals, has been neglected by Liebig, by all his
followers, and has never been contained in any artificial fertilizer. But
as we know from later investigations that fluorine is regularly found even
in white and yellowbirds' eggs, we must acknowledge it is something
essential to the organism. Chickens get this fluorine and other earthy
constituents when they have a chance to pick up little slivers of granite.
Where this is denied them. as in a wooden hen house, they succumb to
chicken cholera and chicken diphtheria. The key to Bread from Stones is
contained in this one paragraph where he says, 'we must supply earthy
material" and later "little slivers of granite."
His use of the word granite implies that he not only knew that good soil is
made from eroded stone but also which kind of stone was best suited to a
viable agriculture.
Because he was a chemist, like von Liebig he emphasized the chemical
constituents of stone, and therein lies the crux of what this and
subsequent articles are about. It is a dismaying fact that there are some
rocks, including some granite, that when ground up and added to the soil
(they may contain all the afore mentioned chemicals) accomplish little for
plant growth.
The simple and irrefutable fact is that if the force, called in the physics
handbook paramagnetism, is not in the stone, although certain proportions
of the chemicals are, little benefit will accrue.
This series is about that force, one among many, but the one most often
missing from poor soil around the world.
Poor soil produces sick plants, and since insects are scavengers they are
attracted to both old and sick plants. They are nature's recyclers.
Crop plants should be young as they are harvested to eat. If they are young
and healthy, insect losses are almost nil. If they are young and sick,
losses from insects can be devastating.
We will deal then with growing healthy plants, but it does not imply
excluding the need to learn about the other two necessities of agriculture:
composting and soil organisms.
Books on composting and soil organisms abound. Add them to these words, and
all of the ingredients of a flourishing and viable agriculture will attain.
Composting, Organisms of the soil, and the Paramagnetic force (COP) might
well prevent a worldwide famine from destroying mankind.
One last thought; this is for farmers, but it equally applies to all of an
ecological mindset who, in positions of leadership, are attempting to save
our wilderness and our wildlife from destruction.
Because plants are healthy and do not attract hoards of insects does not
mean that insectivorous wild creatures, e.g.birds, will suffer. The hoards
of redwinged blackbirds that descend on corn infested with corn earworm
larvae not only further damage the corn, but would live more beneficially
in the cattail marshes free from insecticide-contaminated crops.
One half of the population of North America wood warblers has disappeared
over the last twenty years-probably due in part to insecticides veld freely
by the American agribusiness industry to the Central and South American
Countries to which North America warblers migrate. There are few government
controls in certain southern regions on the spread of insecticides by the
tons. There are more pounds per acre utilized worldwide now than when
Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring, that epic treatise on the subject.
Insecticides and weed killers are the modern curse of environmental health,
we do not and never did need them. The simple fact is they both destroy
viable soil. A healthy soil ecology through healthy agriculture means a
healthy world population reinforced by that most democratic foundation: the
family farm.
...The physics of volcano formation is a surface phenomena that follows
large earthquakes triggered by a subsurface movement of what geologists
call tectonic plates. The earth is made up of a number of such huge
platelike platforms floating on a sea of viscous, flowing, iron-rich,
glassy rock called magma. The more brittle crust rock on top moves about
separating-colliding and triggering powerful interactions that, over eons
of time, effect the physical makeup of the earth's surface.These moving
continental plates are the mountain and ocean builders of time.
Volcanic cones usually arise and form in chains where the denser subsurface
mantle rock is carried by a portion of the molten magma.
Theorists believe that the thermal energy required for convective movement
within the mantle, and the melting of the viscous material, is caused by
the disintegration of small amounts of the radioactive elements of uranium,
thorium and potassium contained within the earth surfaces. In other words,
complex and terrifying energies of molten rock generate steam that expands,
and under tremendous pressure, bursts through the surface crust, forming
volcanic cones and spewing out, so to speak, our most fertile soils.
Few realize that if the theorists are correct (and they do make sense), our
earth is one huge soil-forming, atomic-steam powerplant and that a volcano
is in reality the steam explosion of an atomic energy system.
The silicate formed by the partial atomic-steam explosion end then thrown
off by active volcanoes gives rise in atmosphere, where it is cooled, to a
form of rock called basalt.
A moving plate curves down beneath a crust plate where friction, added to
the atomic pump, feeds the melt. This energy cracks the earth under
pressure and carries the liquid basalt rock upward where dust and rock
forms the cone and the folds round the cone.
Of course this is a simplified description of the whole process which in
detail is complex beyond all imagination. It has, however, been researched
by numerous geologists over the years since the German meteorologists.
Alfred Wegener, in a book titled The Origins of Continents and Oceans (
1915), came upwith what is now known as the tectonic theory of land
(continent.) formation. He was, of course, ridiculed in his own day.
Bread from Stones has been republished in English by Acres U.S.A. It is
available for S10.00 (plus $1.00 postageend handling U.S.; $2.00 foreign).
The ELF growth pattern force of energy focused into the ground by the
paramagnetic soil, round towers, or rock can be easily plotted by planting
radish seeds around the rock, round tower, or in veil mixed with ground up
In this red sandstone tower example it will be noted tower is oriented
with the door facing 95- toward the rising sun in mid-September in
Gainesville, Florida. In such a system, the least energy is to the east
resulting in slow growth end small plant size and the greatest energy is to
the west producing fast growth end large plant size . Side growth is
intermediate. Such a plot based on plant size end root-dirt weigh tat an
eight day harvest, is very similar to plots of energy from my World War II
radio range station in Belleek.
The largest root growth, with the most fine rootlets, is at top left to the
west of the round tower. The smallest is at 95_east at the lower right of
the photo. The north growth at the top right is slightly smaller than the
south growth at bottom left.
Note from compass that the strongest growth is to the east at 95_, in
contrast to tower and tomb plantings. The higher growth rate and root
complex is always off the sharp corner of such highly paramagnetic rocks. I
first noticed this growth effect while climbing cliffs and searching rock
canyons for eagle and falcon nests as a youth.
Note energy is weak at front entrance and strong along the sides end rear.
This model is of a Vermont megalithic stone structure. Constructed of
diamagnetic wood interior and paramagnetic pink granite exterior.
It appears that most healing/religious structures such as gothic
cathedrals, round towers, and megalithic tombs are facing east so that the
weak energy is at the entrance and the strong energy is at the back where
the altar of hearing chamber is located. There is also stronger energy at
the sides, where the arms of the tomb cross the main tuinnel as seen in
gothic cathedrals.
PICRAM, Photonic Ionic Cloth Radio Amplifier Maser, is my name for the
patent (No. 5,247,933) I obtained for my ELF (extremely low frequency)
antenne detector. As you censee from the bottom photo, it is mounted
directly on the Tekmeter oscilloscope input with no leed. On the 5 mV
range, it accurately measures ELF atmospheric waves generated bylightning
which are detectable even underground in soil. These waves stimulate plant
root growth.
The PICRAM is constructed by soaking wool-linen clothor burlap in seawater.
In the top photograph, the cloth is connected to a simple banana plug at
the corner end wrappedaround the plastic of the plug where it is held in
place by tworubber bands.
Harry Kornburg, my patent co-author, translated the Hebrew which describes
such a piece of cloth worn by the Jewish High Priest. It enhanced his
immune system in order that he could safely examine lepers like those sent
to him by Christ. The bible is by far the best science book for low energy
systems ever written. The Hebrew name for my PICRAM ELF detector is
Shatnez. It was worn as a long ribbon strap wrapped around the high
priest's body.
GLOSSARY to the book 'Paramagnetism' by Phil Callahan
Amplitude -- Strength of an electromagnetic wave, usually shows as the
height of the wave on an oscilloscope.
Antenna -- A metal or dielectric (insulative) substance fromwhich
electromagnetic waves (photons) are transmitted orreceived.
Aperture -- The cross-beam diameter of a focused beam oflight or other
photon energy; also the effective diameter of alens or mirror.
C.G.S.-- Centimeter/grams/second_the measurement ofthe magnetic flux
density (gauss), see text for explanation.
Coherent (radiation) -- Electromagnetic radiation in which two or more
waves travel in unison which peaks and troughs together
Clast -- A fragment in sedimentary rock.
Cleavage -- The breaking of some minerale long one or moreregular
Diamamagnetic -- Magnetization in the opposite direction to the applied
field, e.g., away from a magnet. All plant life is diamagnetic.
1 12 Paramagnetism
Dielectric -- A nonconductor of electric charges that undercertain
conditions can be a semiconductor, insulative substance.
Dike -- An intrusive thick vertical sheet of igneous rock which cuts across
other types of rock.
Doping -- mixing a minute amount of one substance into a large volume of
liquid, gas or solid.
ELF-VLF -- Extremely low frequency (radio) from 1 Hz to 10,000 Hz for ELF,
end 10,000 Hz to the broadcast band for VLF. See the definition of spectrum
in author's Exploring the
Erosion -- The disintegration of rock due to wind, water, or soil, or the
movement of the soil.
Fault -- A fracture of the earth's crust.
Fiberization -- the ability of the roots of weeds to penetrate compacted
veil with the aid of secreted chemicals.
Field_A region in which a body experiences a force as the results of the
presence of some other body or bodies.
Fold -- The plastic deformation of rock strata.
Form -- Shape of a mineral or rock.
Fracture -- Random way which minerale break.
Gauss -- The CGS unit of magnetic flux density. See CGS.
Geode -- A rock concentration, rounded end often hollowwhich contains
Harmonic -- An oscillation having a frequency that is a simple multiple of
a fundamental oscillation.
Hertz -- The unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second.Symbol Hz.
Igneous rock -- Rocks formed when volcanic magma solidifies, for example,
Incoherent -- Frequency (cycles) that are out of step, nonresonant.
Karni -- Japanese term for the spirit of an object, rock tree,etc.
Lava -- Molten rock reaching the earth's surface where it rapidly cools.
Fine grained.
Magma -- Molten rock beneath the surface of the earth.
Magnet -- A piece of magnetic material, e.g. iron, nickel or cobalt, that
has been magnetized end is therefore surrounded by a magnetic field.
Mantle -- Zone between the earth's crust end iron-nickel core.
Metamorphic rock -- Rock that has been altered from itsoriginal form by
heat end pressure at great depths.
Oolite -- Spherical grains of calcite that build into limestone.
Paramagnetism -- The atoms or molecules of a substance that have a net
orbital or spin magnetic moment end are capable of being aligned in the
direction of the applied field.
Photonic -- Pertaining to photons. A photon may be regarded as a unit of
radiation (light) energy. It is a mathematical concept
Radio Wave -- A wave for transmitting information in which the medium is
long wave electromagnetic energy (above ELFVLF region).
Schist -- Type of metamorphic rock with layerings of mica.
Schuman Waves -- Long wave extremely low frequency (ELF) radio waves in the
8, 14, 21, 27 end 3 3 Hz region. They are generated by lighting in the
Sedimentary rock -- Rocks formed by the accumulation of sediments from
weathering end erosion.
Sensilla -- The minute spines on insects of many diverse shapes that
resonate to infrared frequencies from oscillating molecules.
Sill -- A horizontal sheet of intrusive rock injected between layers of
sedimentary or metamorphic rock.
Susceptibility -- A magnetic term for the ability of a substance, e.g.
rock, to receive end transmit magnetic fields from the cosmos.
Vein -- A more or less upright deposit of mineral that cut through other
Volcano -- A vent in the earth's crust through which magma gasses, and
volcanic ash are ejected.
Waveguide -- A substance that guides radiation, e.g. light, radio, etc.,
along its axis with very little energy loss.
Yang -- The male (+) force in Chinese lore.
Yin -- The female (-) force in Chinese lore
On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 4:40 PM, Ben Martin Horst <>
> Hi Steve,
> To me it is problematic to dismiss techniques like aquaponics as "not
> connected to the earth." While I have a vague sense as to what you mean,
> one could easily make the same statement about all agricultural techniques.
> It isn't a precise enough criticism for me.
> Further, I have to admit that I cringe to hear esoteric terms like "etheric
> and astral energies" thrown about as if they are factual categories. While
> I firmly believe that there are aspects of our universe that cannot be
> explained within a rationalist framework, I simply do not see how it
> furthers discussions about permacultural practice to throw around New Age
> terms. It makes no more sense to me than it would if someone were to talk
> about the intervention of saints and angels in permaculture practice. I
> firmly support anybody's right to their own religious beliefs, but to throw
> faith-based terminology around as something that contributes meaningfully
> to broader permaculture discourse seems misguided.
> -Ben
> On May 31, 2015 10:16 PM, "Steve Hart" <>
> wrote:
> > Hi Jason..great to hear spring has been goood. My argument all along with
> > aquaponics and hydroponics similarly is that it is still an artificial
> > system if it is not connected directly to the earth. This direct
> connection
> > is critical for us to receive many if not all the nutrients our body
> needs
> > for good if not optimal health. It is within dimensions greater than just
> > simple food elements of vitamins sugars and minerals it is in micro
> > nutrients etheric and astral energies as well as electromagnetic values.
> If
> > the body is missing out on these which are most often in micro
> measurement
> > our health falters.
> >
> > This connection with the earth and natural water can not be imitated.
> This
> > also applies to the multitude of foods that we eat that live in water. eg
> > watercress fish etc etc etc.
> >
> > Therefore it is also difficult for me to consider any value in any such
> > systems no matter where they are built, desert, damaged land, roof tops
> > wherever, the same applies. Perhaps for the argument we jump on the
> "Beyond
> > Organic" bandwagon and call this "Beyond Permaculture". But, having done
> > several courses with Mollison and other learned first generation pioneers
> > I'm sure that such view is clearly inherent within Mollison/Holmgren
> > Permaculture so there is no need to go beyond. It is inherent..Steve Hart
> >
> > On 1 June 2015 at 16:57, Jason Gerhardt <> wrote:
> >
> > > I know I'm late to this...been a busy spring, but anyone looking for a
> > good
> > > example of aquaponics can go to the link below. Flourish Farm is one of
> > the
> > > microenterprises within the Growhaus in Denver. It's the most
> productive
> > > and flourishing aquaponics system I've ever seen. I see it all times of
> > the
> > > year and it totally out produces indoor soil growing, and the
> neighboring
> > > hydroponics system (not the same as aquaponics). Best of all, their
> > > criteria for using the technique is desert...polluted
> > > soils...repurposed building infrastructure. While it is not a fully
> > closed
> > > loop system, there are some loops being closed, which is the purpose of
> > > closing provide a means to understand energy flow. The
> > > educational yield of that alone is likely the greatest product of the
> > > system, which makes it an open system, which is infinitely more
> > > regenerative than anything described as closed.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Jason
> > >
> > > --
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > 720-496-9744
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> > *Steve Hart*
> > *Ecology Architect*
> > *Designer, Teacher, Builder of Ecologically Sustainable Resilient
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> > and Systems Ecology.*
> > Skype: tipenemanawa
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> Avant Geared
> Permaculture: -- portal to an expanding global network of landtech
> pioneers practicing and teaching permaculture
> while designing ecological, biointensive land use systems with integrated
> elements for synergy, sustainability, regeneration and enhanced
> nature-compatible
> human habitat --
Lawrence F. London
Ello: @ecoponderosa <>
Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?,
Jason Gerhardt, 06/01/2015
Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?,
Steve Hart, 06/01/2015
Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?,
Ben Martin Horst, 06/03/2015
Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?,
Steve Hart, 06/03/2015
Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?,
Toby Hemenway, 06/03/2015
- Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?, Lawrence London, 06/03/2015
Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?,
Toby Hemenway, 06/03/2015
- Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?, Lawrence London, 06/03/2015
Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?,
christopher nesbitt, 06/05/2015
- Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?, Lawrence London, 06/05/2015
Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?,
Lawrence London, 06/07/2015
- Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?, Lawrence London, 06/07/2015
Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?,
Steve Hart, 06/07/2015
Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?,
Lawrence London, 06/07/2015
Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?,
Steve Hart, 06/07/2015
- Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?, Lawrence London, 06/07/2015
Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?,
Steve Hart, 06/07/2015
Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?,
Toby Hemenway, 06/08/2015
- Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?, Scott Pittman, 06/08/2015
Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?,
Lawrence London, 06/07/2015
Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?,
Steve Hart, 06/03/2015
Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?,
Ben Martin Horst, 06/03/2015
Re: [permaculture] Is This Aquaponics Then?,
Steve Hart, 06/01/2015
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