Subject: permaculture
List archive
- From: Koreen Brennan <>
- To: Lawrence London <>, permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] NAPC: Scarcity?
- Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 16:36:36 -0700
Lawrence, This is one of the chief yields that I personally would like to get
out of this event. I know Michael is very interested as well. We had planned
to set up such a communications forum ourselves but I think all concerned
will be happy to work with whoever wants to help set this up. We were
interested in taking it to a larger group to determine what forum is best.
I like google+ for many things and I use it extensively. I don't think it is
any less corporate or more secure than Facebook however.
I think it is really important to document some of these things, and to have
these conversations, and perhaps a neutral body like NAPC could execute this,
and actually get funding for it. Or we could do it together as a group
effort, for free. Or ? One way or other, it needs to happen, I think!
Koreen Brennan
On Sunday, August 10, 2014 3:08 PM, Lawrence London <>
On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 10:48 AM, Koreen Brennan via permaculture
<> wrote:
Thank you Jason - that is sweet! I think this conversation is a needed one.
>I feel that there is quite a bit that we could do to improve the design of
>how we operate as a movement (and money is only a small part of that), but
>in spite of money, or camping, etc, this event is going to be as good as
>what we all make it together, and that has a lot to do with the intention
>and focus we have, going into it. We have an opportunity to move things
>forward to the next level of succession through use of intelligent design
>and I would love to see that happen. I know what the people who are coming
>to this event are capable of - I felt frustrated at having such talent all
>in one place in Cuba and how little that massive resource and energy was
>I'm excited to see the conversations happening now, and hope they continue
>long after the event. If the convergence acts as nothing more than a
>catalyst for broader conversation that addresses some of the tough issues,
>and this conversation leads to better design ideas, more collaboration, and
>a stronger network and movement, it will be well, well worth it.
A very large amount of that can be accomplished right here in this list and
if it needs reconfiguring or needs more co-owners, lets get that done. If
companion resources need to be created that link directly to discussion here,
that can be done too though there needs to be close linking to activity and
traffic going on here. A Google+ page would be an excellent place to start.
Facebook is out for me as I have permanently canceled my membership; I urge
people not to use Facebook for serious, important Permaculture discussion;
anything else would be better, even Linkdin.
Google+ would be a much better option than a blog except for those with
websites that use them. I could create a Google+ page entitled Permaculture
Forum At Ibiblio; those with G+ accounts could post and the public could
comment. Its all free and works flawlessly. If this is created as an
organization's page then it can have a management team consisting of page
owners and page managers with different access privileges for each group.
I found a great page that describes "managing a Google+ page as a team": More:
"This week, Google+ enabled up to 50 people at a time to manage Google+ brand
pages. Since brand pages are how organizations manage their presence on
many page owners need to give multiple team members the ability to edit
and moderate. Yesterday's update not only allows a large team to control the
page, it allows transfer of ownership. So if one person created your page but
someone else needs to be in charge of it, the creator can transfer that
power. The Google+
interface is a little busy, so here's a step-by-step guide for how to
change managers of a Google+ page. Managers have all the same powers as
owners except for two key things: they can't delete the page, and
they can't transfer ownership. Otherwise, both owners and managers can
add and remove new managers, view the roster of managers (including
their email addresses), adjust the page's settings (like notifications), and,
most importantly, do page actions like post content and edit
So, this provides us with the ability to delete or edit pages or content
within pages, i.e. posts and comments, as the need arises.
Also, in combination with Google Drive (Google Docs) and Google Sites
(website) allows us to create archives of discussion threads and documents in
various formats. Google Drive provides space for spreadsheets and documents
created in many other formats. Archives of photos, videos, YouTube video
channel, multimedia, sketches, blueprints, audio (stored in Sites or Drive or
embedded in a Video with a single static image or slideshow) can be created
and stored for free using Google resources. Having a YouTube channel for the
list would be an effective to post videos made during the NAPC for public
viewing. Google+ allows creation of media galleries within each page, easily
accessed by the public and easily managed.
So as an extension to this mailing list we can have the following: Google+
page, Google Site, YouTube Channel, Google Drive (Google Docs).
Come to think of it this might be an excellent way to move beyond this
mailing list to a resource with additional features that are needed by this
Bob mentioned the need for an archive of important posts sent to this list.
All posts sent to this forum are automatically included in the list's message
archives and can be easily and effectively searched using this system:
Ibiblio PC list message archive search using Google's "site" command:
site: [searchstring]
Put this in your browser's search window, not in the URL dialog box.
Ex.: site napc
Here is the URL for the Google search results for that:
I will look into getting this set up today and drag Michael and Bob and
anyone else interested along to help with ownership and share the workload
(probably minimal) :-) I hope others will become interested in this G+
extension of the ibiblio PC list. I think it will be fill a stated need and
be a worthwhile venture for all of us. Getting a GMail and Google+ account is
no more difficult than subscribing to this list and I will help anyone
needing it with account configuration related to privacy issues.
I think that the NAPC will go way beyond the actual event to forge the
frontiers of a new era for Permaculture, globally, on the W/E European
continent and throughout North America.
This list helps as a : -- portal to an expanding global network of landtech
pioneers practicing and teaching permaculture
while designing ecological, biointensive land use systems with integrated
for synergy, sustainability, regeneration and enhanced nature-compatible
human habitat --
So, how can we get the biggest possible yields from this event? Let's start
I have offered one way to help do this above.
>Koreen Brennan
>On Saturday, August 9, 2014 9:48 PM, Jason Gerhardt
><> wrote:
>In re-reading my posts I can see how it could sound like I'm being critical
>of NAPC, but I'm (and I suspect no one else is either) not intending to
>direct my comments toward NAPC. My apologies if it sounded that way. I look
>forward to a great event in a few weeks!
>Just wanted to clarify that,
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>Permaculture Institute USA
>How to permaculture your urban lifestyle
>Avant Geared
>Permaculture: -- portal to an expanding global network of landtech pioneers
>-- who are designing ecological land use systems with integrated elements
>for synergy, sustainability, regeneration and enhanced nature-compatible
>human habitat
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>Permaculture Institute USA
>How to permaculture your urban lifestyle
>Avant Geared
>Permaculture: -- portal to an expanding global network of landtech pioneers
>-- who are designing ecological land use systems with integrated elements
>for synergy, sustainability, regeneration and enhanced nature-compatible
>human habitat
Lawrence F. London
>From Sun Aug 10 20:22:04 2014
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Subject: Re: [permaculture] Four maybe five things that would be helpful to
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On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 7:19 PM, Koreen Brennan via permaculture <> wrote:
> Thanks Bob, for your willingness to get the word out!
> We have most of these things.
> You can also access our posters/banners here:
> And we even have memes! (attached). If they didn't come through, email me
> and I'll send them.
I will insert all following into the homepage for this mailing list,,
Permaculture Mailing List at ibiblio
> Our web site home page has some simple copy about the event that could be
> used:
> We also have a newsletter (sign up on our home page), and a blog that has
> continual updates.
> Press release:
> WHAT: 1st North American Permaculture Convergence
> WHEN: August 29-31, 2014
> WHERE: Harmony Park, Minnesota, an event venue an hour and a half south of
> Minneapolis.
> WHY: A gathering of professionals and students of permaculture design for
> the purpose of continuing education and networking.
> Website:
> Presscontact: Koreen Brennan,
> On August 29th to 31st, 2014 the first North American Permaculture
> Convergence will be held at Harmony Park, a 40-acre outdoor events venue in
> Clarks Grove, Minnesota with a permaculture installation and on a gorgeous
> lake. Permaculture professionals and practitioners of all ages will
> connect with their peer group to make this first continent-wide convergence
> an historic event.
> Permaculture is a system of ecological design that strives to use local
> and renewable resources to create resilient and abundant human systems,such
> as a backyard garden, a farm, or a town.
> The North American Permaculture Convergence is an opportunity for
> permaculturalists to network and exchange ideas and knowledge. Join us for
> educational workshops, hands-on demonstrations, networking, discussion
> groups, round tables, children's permaculture adventures, entertainment,
> music, a permaculture exposition, and local, organic fare. Special topics
> at the convergence will include â permaculture education systems,
> curriculum, regional design nuances, and continent-wide movement building.
> A series of workshop intensives and site tours, featuring Toby Hemenway,
> Jude Hobbs, Mark Shepard and others will be held in the days before and
> after the North American Convergence.
> Early bird tickets are only $200 until August 15th! For event
> registration, please visit our website.
> To get involved with the first annual North American Permaculture
> Convergence or for more information, please visit
>, or write
> Koreen Brennan
> On Sunday, August 10, 2014 4:10 PM, Bob Waldrop <>
> wrote:
> Four things that would be helpful to boost the event:
> A banner-size graphic that advertises the event. I have five websites,
> and could put it up there.
> A properly sized FB cover advertising the event, where the FB profile
> picture doesn't obscure anything important. I would put that up on my
> FB page and also on my permaculture page at FB.
> A FB Profile size webfitti graphic, I would use that too as my profile pic.
> A a standard blurb about the event -- not exactly a press release, but
> maybe four paragraphs touting the event and encouraging attendance? If
> so I and others could send that out on other listservs.
> More ambitious would be an INFOGRAPHIC about the event.
> Bob Waldrop, Okie City
> _______________________________________________
> permaculture mailing list
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> maintenance:
> message archives:
> Google message archive search:
> site: [searchstring]
> Permaculture Institute USA
> How to permaculture your urban lifestyle
> Avant Geared
> Permaculture: -- portal to an expanding global network of landtech
> pioneers practicing and teaching permaculture
> while designing ecological, biointensive land use systems with integrated
> elements for synergy, sustainability, regeneration and enhanced
> nature-compatible
> human habitat --
> _______________________________________________
> permaculture mailing list
> subscribe/unsubscribe|user config|list info|make a donation toward list
> maintenance:
> message archives:
> Google message archive search:
> site: [searchstring]
> Permaculture Institute USA
> How to permaculture your urban lifestyle
> Avant Geared
> Permaculture: -- portal to an expanding global network of landtech
> pioneers practicing and teaching permaculture
> while designing ecological, biointensive land use systems with integrated
> elements for synergy, sustainability, regeneration and enhanced
> nature-compatible
> human habitat --
Lawrence F. London
Re: [permaculture] NAPC: Scarcity?,
Jason Gerhardt, 08/07/2014
Re: [permaculture] NAPC: Scarcity?,
Michael Pilarski, 08/07/2014
Message not available
Message not available
- Re: [permaculture] NAPC: Scarcity?, Lawrence London, 08/07/2014
Message not available
Message not available
Re: [permaculture] NAPC: Scarcity?,
Michael Pilarski, 08/07/2014
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
Re: [permaculture] NAPC: Scarcity?,
Jason Gerhardt, 08/08/2014
- Re: [permaculture] NAPC: Scarcity?, Lawrence London, 08/08/2014
- Re: [permaculture] NAPC: Scarcity?, Darrell E. Frey, 08/10/2014
Re: [permaculture] NAPC: Scarcity?,
Koreen Brennan, 08/10/2014
Message not available
[permaculture] Four maybe five things that would be helpful to publicize the convergence,
Bob Waldrop, 08/10/2014
- Re: [permaculture] Four maybe five things that would be helpful to publicize the convergence, Koreen Brennan, 08/10/2014
[permaculture] Four maybe five things that would be helpful to publicize the convergence,
Bob Waldrop, 08/10/2014
Message not available
Message not available
Re: [permaculture] NAPC: Scarcity?,
Koreen Brennan, 08/10/2014
Message not available
Message not available
- Re: [permaculture] NAPC: Scarcity?, Lawrence London, 08/10/2014
Message not available
Message not available
Re: [permaculture] NAPC: Scarcity?,
Koreen Brennan, 08/10/2014
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