Subject: permaculture
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Re: [permaculture] Confronting the Context: Permaculture and Capitalism
- From: georg parlow <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] Confronting the Context: Permaculture and Capitalism
- Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2013 21:25:09 +0200
maybe because recession is still hitting us here, alternative economies have caught on, with some people at least.
I tripped over the "still" in the statement above. I think - and this is no my private ideas, but what I gather from people who watch the economy for a living - that the whole shabang is just starting... So don't hold your breath for better times.
Re: [permaculture] Confronting the Context: Permaculture and Capitalism,
Koreen Brennan, 10/01/2013
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- Re: [permaculture] Confronting the Context: Permaculture and Capitalism, Jay Woods, 10/01/2013
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Re: [permaculture] Confronting the Context: Permaculture and Capitalism,
Koreen Brennan, 10/02/2013
- Re: [permaculture] Confronting the Context: Permaculture and Capitalism, georg parlow, 10/03/2013
Re: [permaculture] Confronting the Context: Permaculture and Capitalism,
Koreen Brennan, 10/02/2013
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