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permaculture - Re: [permaculture] Fwd: Mycorrizal "fertilizers"?

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  • From: venaurafarm <>
  • To: permaculture <>
  • Subject: Re: [permaculture] Fwd: Mycorrizal "fertilizers"?
  • Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 18:14:28 -0400

On 3/22/2013 4:46 PM, sals3 wrote:
does mycorrizal grow in compost tea? I think your right on throw what you
find under a healthy plant that your growing for most of what the plant
needs . I never knew mycorrizal was one of them . I just use to buy it and
rub it on the roots when planting. could you use that dirt to make a good
batch of compost tea for a sick plant of the same kind???

You need these two books, Sal; as an intro to the subject you can read the entire Soil Biology Primer, text and images, online at:

Soil Biology Primer
The Soil Biology Primer is an introduction to the living component of soil. To read the content of this book online, visit The NRCS Soil Biology Website -
The Soil Biology Primer is an introduction to the living component of soil and how it contributes to agricultural productivity, and air and water quality. The Primer includes units describing the soil food web and its relationship to soil health, and units about bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, arthropods, and earthworms. For farmers, ranchers, ag professionals, resource specialists, conservationists, soil scientists, students and educators.


Teaming with Microbes Revised Edition
A Gardener's Guide to the Soil Foodweb. By Jeff Lowenfels & Wayne Lewis, foreword by Elaine Ingham.
Teaming with Microbes enlightens readers in two important ways. First, in clear, straightforward language, it describes the activities of the organisms that make up the Soil Foodweb, from the simplest of single-cell organisms to more familiar multicellular animals such as insects, worms and mammals. Second, the book explains how to foster and cultivate the life of the soil through the use of compost, mulches and compost teas.
This revised edition updates the original text and includes two completely new chapters concerning mycorrhizae and archaea!


Soil Biology Primer
Soil Biology Primer
Soil Food Web
Food Web & Soil Health
Soil Fungi
Soil Protozoa

The Soil Biology Primer is an introduction to the living component of soil and how it contributes to agricultural productivity and air and water quality. The Primer includes units describing the soil food web and its relationship to soil health, and units about bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, arthropods, and earthworms. It is suitable for a broad audience including farmers, ranchers, agricultural professionals, resource specialists, conservationists, soil scientists, students, and educators.

Printed copies of the Soil Biology Primer may be purchased at the Soil and Water Conservation Society online store at

Starting with The Soil Food Web, use the navigation links at left to access the web-based version of the Primer and additional resources. This online version includes all of the text of the original, but not all of the images of the soil organisms. The full story of the soil food web is more easily understood with the help of the illustrations in the printed version.

Elaine R. Ingham
Andrew R. Moldenke, Oregon State University
Clive A. Edwards, The Ohio State University

Arlene J. Tugel, NRCS Soil Quality Institute
Ann M. Lewandowski, NRCS Soil Quality Institute
Deb Happe-vonArb, Soil and Water Conservation Society

By Elaine R. Ingham
An incredible diversity of organisms make up the soil food web. They range in size from the tiniest one-celled bacteria, algae, fungi, and protozoa, to the more complex nematodes and micro-arthropods, to the visible earthworms, insects, small vertebrates, and plants.

As these organisms eat, grow, and move through the soil, they make it possible to have clean water, clean air, healthy plants, and moderated water flow.

There are many ways that the soil food web is an integral part of landscape processes. Soil organisms decompose organic compounds, including manure, plant residue, and pesticides, preventing them from entering water and becoming pollutants. They sequester nitrogen and other nutrients that might otherwise enter groundwater, and they fix nitrogen from the atmosphere, making it available to plants. Many organisms enhance soil aggregation and porosity, thus increasing infiltration and reducing runoff. Soil organisms prey on crop pests and are food for above-ground animals.
Click to see sketch of soil organisms living within a soil aggregate

The soil environment. Organisms live in the microscale environments within and between soil particles. Differences over short distances in pH, moisture, pore size, and the types of food available create a broad range of habitats.

Credit: S. Rose and E.T. Elliott. Please contact the Soil and Water Conservation Society at for assistance with copyrighted (credited) images.

The soil food web is the community of organisms living all or part of their lives in the soil. A food web diagram shows a series of conversions (represented by arrows) of energy and nutrients as one organism eats another (see food web diagram below).

All food webs are fueled by the primary producers: the plants, lichens, moss, photosynthetic bacteria, and algae that use the sun’s energy to fix carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Most other soil organisms get energy and carbon by consuming the organic compounds found in plants, other organisms, and waste by-products. A few bacteria, called chemoautotrophs, get energy from nitrogen, sulfur, or iron compounds rather than carbon compounds or the sun.

As organisms decompose complex materials, or consume other organisms, nutrients are converted from one form to another, and are made available to plants and to other soil organisms. All plants – grass, trees, shrubs, agricultural crops – depend on the food web for their nutrition.
Click to see a diagram of a simple soil food webClick for a picture of a glossary of soil food web terms

Growing and reproducing are the primary activities of all living organisms. As individual plants and soil organisms work to survive, they depend on interactions with each other. By-products from growing roots and plant residue feed soil organisms. In turn, soil organisms support plant health as they decompose organic matter, cycle nutrients, enhance soil structure, and control the populations of soil organisms including crop pests. (See table of functions of soil organisms below.)
Click to see a table of the functions of soil organisms

Organic matter is many different kinds of compounds – some more useful to organisms than others. In general, soil organic matter is made of roughly equal parts humus and active organic matter. Active organic matter is the portion available to soil organisms. Bacteria tend to use simpler organic compounds, such as root exudates or fresh plant residue. Fungi tend to use more complex compounds, such as fibrous plant residues, wood and soil humus.

Intensive tillage triggers spurts of activity among bacteria and other organisms that consume organic matter (convert it to CO2), depleting the active fraction first. Practices that build soil organic matter (reduced tillage and regular additions of organic material) will raise the proportion of active organic matter long before increases in total organic matter can be measured. As soil organic matter levels rise, soil organisms play a role in its conversion to humus—a relatively stable form of carbon sequestered in soils for decades or even centuries.
Click for photo of mites chewing a leaf

Soil organic matter is the storehouse for the energy and nutrients used by plants and other organisms. Bacteria, fungi, and other soil dwellers transform and release nutrients from organic matter (see photo at left).These microshredders, immature oribatid mites, skeletonize plant leaves. This starts the nutrient cycling of carbon, nitrogen, and other elements.
Collohmannia sp.

Credit: Roy A. Norton, College of Environmental Science & Forestry, State University of New York. Please contact the Soil and Water Conservation Society at for assistance with copyrighted (credited) images.

“Soil organic matter” includes all the organic substances in or on the soil. Here are terms used to describe different types of organic matter. See the "Components of Soil Organic Matter" chart below.

Living organisms: Bacteria, fungi, nematodes, protozoa, earthworms, arthropods, and living roots.
Dead plant material; organic material; detritus; surface residue: All these terms refer to plant, animal, or other organic substances that have recently been added to the soil and have only begun to show signs of decay. Detritivores are organisms that feed on such material.
Active fraction organic matter: Organic compounds that can be used as food by microorganisms. The active fraction changes more quickly than total organic matter in response to management changes.
Labile organic matter: Organic matter that is easily decomposed.
Root exudates: Soluble sugars, amino acids and other compounds secreted by roots.
Particulate organic matter (POM) or Light fraction (LF) organic matter: POM and LF have precise size and weight definitions. They are thought to represent the active fraction of organic matter which is more difficult to define. Because POM or LF is larger and lighter than other types of soil organic matter, they can be separated from soil by size (using a sieve) or by weight (using a centrifuge).
Lignin: A hard-to-degrade compound that is part of the fibers of older plants. Fungi can use the carbon ring structures in lignin as food.
Recalcitrant organic matter: Organic matter such as humus or lignin-containing material that few soil organisms can decompose.
Humus or humified organic matter: Complex organic compounds that remain after many organisms have used and transformed the original material. Humus is not readily decomposed because it is either physically protected inside of aggregates or chemically too complex to be used by most organisms. Humus is important in binding tiny soil aggregates, and improves water and nutrient holding capacity.

Composition of soil organic matter

The organisms of the food web are not uniformly distributed through the soil. Each species and group exists where they can find appropriate space, nutrients, and moisture. They occur wherever organic matter occurs – mostly in the top few inches of soil (see graph below), although microbes have been found as deep as 10 miles (16 km) in oil wells.

Soil organisms are concentrated:

Around roots. The rhizosphere is the narrow region of soil directly around roots (see photo below). It is teeming with bacteria that feed on sloughed-off plant cells and the proteins and sugars released by roots. The protozoa and nematodes that graze on bacteria are also concentrated near roots. Thus, much of the nutrient cycling and disease suppression needed by plants occurs immediately adjacent to roots.

In litter. Fungi are common decomposers of plant litter because litter has large amounts of complex, hard-to-decompose carbon. Fungal hyphae (fine filaments) can “pipe” nitrogen from the underlying soil to the litter layer. Bacteria cannot transport nitrogen over distances, giving fungi an advantage in litter decomposition, particularly when litter is not mixed into the soil profile. However, bacteria are abundant in the green litter of younger plants which is higher in nitrogen and simpler carbon compounds than the litter of older plants. Bacteria and fungi are able to access a larger surface area of plant residue after shredder organisms such as earthworms, leaf-eating insects, millipedes, and other arthropods break up the litter into smaller chunks.

On humus. Fungi are common here. Much organic matter in the soil has already been decomposed many times by bacteria and fungi, and/or passed through the guts of earthworms or arthropods. The resulting humic compounds are complex and have little available nitrogen. Only fungi make some of the enzymes needed to degrade the complex compounds in humus.

On the surface of soil aggregates. Biological activity, in particular that of aerobic bacteria and fungi, is greater near the surfaces of soil aggregates than within aggregates. Within large aggregates, processes that do not require oxygen, such as denitrification, can occur. Many aggregates are actually the fecal pellets of earthworms and other invertebrates.

In spaces between soil aggregates. Those arthropods and nematodes that cannot burrow through soil move in the pores between soil aggregates. Organisms that are sensitive to desiccation, such as protozoa and many nematodes, live in water-filled pores.

Click to see a graph illustrating how soil life decreases with soil depth
Photo of root tip surrounded by bacteria

Bacteria are abundant around this root tip (the rhizosphere) where they decompose the plentiful simple organic substances.

Credit: No. 53 from Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry Slide Set. 1976 J.P. Martin, et al., eds. SSSA, Madison WI. Please contact the Soil and Water Conservation Society at for assistance with copyrighted (credited) images.

The activity of soil organisms follows seasonal patterns, as well as daily patterns. In temperate systems, the greatest activity occurs in late spring when temperature and moisture conditions are optimal for growth (see graph below). However, certain species are most active in the winter, others during dry periods, and still others in flooded conditions.

Not all organisms are active at a particular time. Even during periods of high activity, only a fraction of the organisms are busily eating, respiring, and altering their environment. The remaining portion are barely active or even dormant.

Many different organisms are active at different times, and interact with one another, with plants, and with the soil. The combined result is a number of beneficial functions including nutrient cycling, moderated water flow, and pest control.
Click to see a graph illustrating how soil microbial activity peaks during warmer and wetter times of year

The living component of soil, the food web, is complex and has different compositions in different ecosystems. Management of croplands, rangelands, forestlands, and gardens benefits from and affects the food web. The next unit of the Soil Biology Primer, “The Food Web & Soil Health,” introduces the relationship of soil biology to agricultural productivity, biodiversity, carbon sequestration and to air and water quality. The remaining six units of the Soil Biology Primer describe the major groups of soil organisms: bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, arthropods, and earthworms. For more information about the diversity within each organism group, see the list of readings at the end of “The Food Web & Soil Health” unit.
Next chapter: "The Food Web & Soil Health"


NRCS Soil Biology Website -
Soil Biology
The creatures living in the soil are critical to soil health. They affect soil structure and therefore soil erosion and water availability. They can protect crops from pests and diseases. They are central to decomposition and nutrient cycling and therefore affect plant growth and amounts of pollutants in the environment. Finally, the soil is home to a large proportion of the world's genetic diversity.
Soil Biology Technical Notes
NRCS Soil Biology Technical Notes are a series of technical publications designed to provide additional information about soil biology.
Soil Quality Publications
Publications offering information on soil quality are provided below.
Directives and Series Documents
Soil Quality Technical Notes
Soil Quality - Agronomy Technical Notes
Soil Quality - Urban Technical Notes
Soil Biology Technical Notes
Education and Outreach Publications
Soil Quality Demonstrations & Lesson Plans
Soil Quality Posters
Soil Biology
Soil Conditioning Index
Practice Effects, Programs, Indicators, etc.
Soil Quality Technical Notes

Note 8: Soil Quality Information Sheets
Soil Quality Introduction (PDF, 200KB)
Indicators for Soil Quality Evaluation
Indicators for Soil Quality Evaluation (PDF, 700KB)
Soil Crusts (PDF, 30KB)
Organic Matter (PDF, 30KB)
Soil pH (PDF, 67KB)
Aggregate Stability (PDF, 25KB)
Infiltration (PDF, 65KB)

Resource Concerns
Hydrophobicity (PDF, 280KB)
Compaction (PDF, 25KB)
Soil Erosion (PDF, 20KB)
Available Water Capacity (PDF, 70KB)
Soil Biodiversity (PDF, 60KB)
Sediment Deposition on Cropland (PDF, 25KB)
Pesticides (PDF, 60KB)
Salinization (PDF, 85KB)

Note 9: Soil Quality Thunderbook
Soil Quality Thunderbook Cover and Spine (PDF, 74KB)
Soil Quality Thunderbook Body (PDF, 244KB)
Soil Quality Thunderbook Divider tabs (PDF, 70KB)

Note 10: Soil Quality Physical Indicators: Selecting Dynamic Soil Properties to Assess Soil Function (PDF, 210MB)
Aggregate Stability (PDF, 380KB)
Available Water Capacity (PDF, 210KB)
Bulk Density (PDF, 340KB)
Infiltration (PDF, 315KB)
Slaking (PDF, 500KB)
Soil Crusts (PDF, 250KB)
Soil Structure and Macropores (PDF, 480KB)

Go to Assessment for additional topics on biological and chemical indicators of soil quality.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is Soil Biology?

Soil Biology is the study of microbial and faunal activity and ecology in soil. These organisms include earthworms, nematodes, protozoa, fungi and bacteria. Soil biology plays a vital role in determining many soil characteristics.

What are the benefits of healthy soil?

Reduced water usage

Improved nutrient cycling

Increased drought resistance

Deeper root growth

Improved soil structure (less compaction)

Increased disease resistance

Safe for children and pets and cannot be over-applied

What is plant succession?

The process of change in the species structure of an ecological community overtime. The orderly process of one plant community gradually or rapidly replacing another can result from the developmental changes in the ecosystem itself or from disturbances such as wind, fire, volcanic activity, insects and disease or harvesting. In a particular environment, there is a characteristic sequence of biotic communities that successively occupy and replace each other overtime following disturbance.

What is compost?

Modern, methodical composting is a multi-step, closely monitored process with measured inputs of water, air and carbon- and nitrogen-rich materials. The decomposition process is aided by shredding the plant matter, adding water and ensuring proper aeration by regularly turning the mixture. Worms and fungi further break up the material. Aerobic bacteria manage the chemical process by converting the inputs into heat, carbon dioxide and ammonium. The ammonium is further converted by bacteria into plant-nourishing nitrites and nitrates through the process of nitrification. A good book on compost: Field guide to on Farm Composting

Do I have enough Mycorrhizie Spores?

The quickest and best way to know if you have enough spores is to plant then take a sample of the roots and have it tested for mycorrhizal colonization. No matter how many spores you have if it ultimately creates the roots to be colonized then it has been successful. The issue can be that spores must be within close range of roots when they germinate for colonization to work. If they are not in close proximity they will die. One thing you should know is that if your soil is in good health this process happens naturally. If you get the fungal and bacteria count in balance and have good protozoa the mycorrhizal colonization will take place without buying any products at all.

What type of environment to plants need?

Broccoli/Cabbage (Strongly bacterial)

Row Crops/Grasses (Slightly bacterial)

Berries (Equal bacteria and fungi)

Deciduous Trees/Vines (2-10 times more fungal)

Conifers (100+ more fungal than bacterial)

Note: Tomatoes are in the grass/row crop category, while strawberries, grapevines, kiwi, rhododendron, and snowbrush fall in the berry/vine/shrub category. Deciduous trees include poplar, almond, peach, citrus, coffee, apple, avocado and olive. Conifers include pines and most evergreens.

Mycorrhizal Inoculum - Endo or Ecto?

For row crops, vegetables, grass, most berries, shrubs and deciduous trees, vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAM) are the fungi of choice, while conifers and some late-successional deciduous trees require ectomycorrhizal fungi.


Why is biology testing important?

By knowing the current biology you are able to make adjustments that are more suitable for the desired crop, which will maximize crop production. Ongoing monitoring ensures optimal conditions throughout the growing season and leads to reduced dependency on fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides which is more environmentally friendly. When using less traditional fertilizers you lessen the amount of salt in the soil which in turn requires less water consumption. In addition, good biology creates less compaction creating room for a deeper roots system.

Why should I test with Earthfort?

Earthfort specializes in Soil Biology. We have been measuring biology since the laboratory opened in 1996. We use proven methods of direct count micropathy which are referenced under our assay descriptions . Upon results Earthfort provides a telephone report interpretation for those customers new to interpreting data. If requested we are able to provide remediation consulting for those who want assistance on the practical application of soil amendments. If you can measure it you can manage it.

How do I take a sample?

Take your samples from 5–10 different spots. Usually you will want to sample from problem areas you have if any. One easy way to sample is using an apple corer. Push through the top of the soil down 3-4 inches. Do this 5-10 times and put all the samples in a clean bucket. Then you will mix these samples together. Out of the mixed material put approximately two cups of material in a sandwich size plastic zip lock bag. You will want to leave some air in the bag. Again, you only need two cups of material.

How do I submit a sample?

Place 2 cups of material into a sandwich size zip lock bag. Leave some air and empty space in the bag. With liquid samples, use a clean 1 liter plastic bottle. Include about 300ml or 10 oz of liquid in the liter bottle. Do not fill the bottle, leave room for air. Try to take the samples the same day you plan to ship if possible. If you must store samples until the next day keep it refrigerated. Do not freeze material as the freezing then thawing will kill many of the microbes. If shipping compost teas please ship next day air otherwise your samples can arrive within 3-4 days. Send sample to: Earthfort 635 SW Western Blvd Corvallis, OR 97333. Please include the testing form.

Does it matter what time of year the soil sample is submitted?

The two times you don't want to pull a soil sample for biological testing: when the ground is frozen or water logged. Other than that, anytime will provide a good profile of the soil relative to the target crop.


What is compost tea?

Compost tea is an aerated solution that is teaming with billions of beneficial microorganisms that can be applied directly to the leaf surface of a plant as a foliar spray or used as a soil drench to improve root systems. It is made by extracting and replicating the beneficial biology and diversity in compost into a liquid form. Compost tea works by putting the aerobic beneficial biological diversity that your plant needs onto the leaf surface of the plant or the soil. Compost tea should be used within 4 hours once the aeration has stopped. You can apply compost tea every two weeks to your garden.

How do I reduce foam when making tea?

Use a very small amount of organic corn oil.

What should my DO meter read?

Your dissolved oxygen meter should read between 7 and 10 parts per million. You should not be lower than 7 parts per million.

What PSI should be used when injecting compost tea?

Injection of the tea into an irrigation system is a very common practice and can be quite successful. Diaphragm pumps are the preferred type of pump as they tend to minimize damage to the biology. We have worked with tea pressurized as high as 300psi. The important consideration is what is the impact pressure after the tea leaves the system? Also, how many right angles or sharp surfaces does the tea have to travel over before leaving the system? Minimizing the internal damage and allowing adequate travel through space before impact will all greatly reduce the damage to the organisms. Typically, it is assumed that once the tea exits the emitters the actual pressure drops dramatically.

How often for foliar application?

Typically, to prevent foliar diseases apply 5 gallons of tea per acre every two weeks, starting a couple weeks before bud break. Continue every two weeks until harvest. If disease is observed, spray immediately on to affected areas, drenching the area. This results in protection of the leaf surface by beneficial organisms consuming or out-competing the disease.

How long can tea be held?

Tea generally will remain aerobic for 6 to 8 hours. After 8 hours, aerobic activity falls rapidly due to lack of oxygen.


How do I make good compost?

Wood chips, a couple of yards work well, alder, maple or some other non-aromatic wood.
Organic steel cut oats, about 50#'s or so.
Source of starter biology, either a good compost tea (about 5 gallons) or Soil ProVide (one gallon should work).
Cardboard, non-waxy, with minimal printing, enough to cover the whole finished pile.

Create a 3-4 inch layer of wood chips apply the oats over the layer, spray it with the liquid, and then repeat the process until the wood chips are used up. Then cover the whole pile with the cardboard, it may be useful to put something over the cardboard to keep it from blowing away.

Let the whole thing sit for 6-9 months, it is best to do this on soil. After the 6-9 months mix the whole pile together, let sit for another 2-3 weeks then send a sample into the lab.

How do I reduce pests and improve disease resistance?

Pest infestation and plant disease result from a lack of competition against plant predatory organisms. The rich biodiversity of healthy soil systems prevents the outbreak of over population of any one microbial species. Without protective ecology to balance the food web, plants are more vulnerable to antagonists and pathogens unchecked by competition from beneficial organisms. Determining the vitality of the organisms in your soil is the first step in supporting the diversity that will protect your plants.

How can I save water?

Soil biology can increase a field’s water holding capacity by adjusting the chemistry and physical properties of a soil. As the organisms consume and excrete organic matter, they produce the substances that glue soil particles together, stabilizing soil aggregates and improving texture. This process creates a diversity of small pore spaces in the soil that hold water by the molecular forces of adhesion. Building soil biology to increase water holding capacity saves money on irrigation, prevents leaching of nutrients, and makes your soil more tolerant to drought.

How can I cycle nutrients naturally?

Testing your soil will help you to understand how nutrients become available to plants through the different communities of microorganisms that make up your food web. Bacteria and fungi are the primary decomposers that break down dead plant matter and compost. Larger organisms, including protozoa and nematodes, eat the primary decomposers and excrete excess nutrients in a form plants can absorb. Most soils disturbed by tilling and pesticides are highly bacterial and lack the protozoa required to complete the nutrient cycle. When you understand what biology is active and living in your soil, you can improve fertility by adjusting practices which support the organisms needed to balance your food web and deliver nutrients to the plants.


What is Humic Acid?

Humic acid is the dark, stable component of fully decomposed organic matter. Microorganisms excrete small molecules from digested organic matter that attract each other and reform into large, highly complex supramolecules with chaotic structures that are very resistant to further decomposition. The molecular structure of humic acid is shaped by many folds and branches that create increased surface area with both positive and negative charges to hold all different kinds of nutrients and other ions in the soil solution. The complexity of the humic acid molecule also aerates clayey soils by separating clay particles with substances of lower density, holds excess water in micropores created by its high amount of surface area, and chelates heavy metals to release phosphorous and other nutrients tied up in insoluble molecular forms. Humic acid is the end product of living cells after decomposition. There is a very low concentration of humic acid in regular soils, especially low in agricultural soils with depleted organic matter content. There are higher concentrations of humic acid in finished compost. The most potent source of humic acid is from ancient deposits of slowly decomposed organic matter preserved from ancient wetlands eg. Alaskan humus. A good humic acid will be cold water processed as a low acid extraction. It will contain humic acid, fulvic acid, ulmic acid and trace elements.

What is the difference between Fish Hydrolysate and Fish Emulsion?

Fish hydrolysate, in its simplest form, is ground up fish carcasses. After the usable portions are removed for human consumption, the remaining fish body, which means the guts, bones, cartilage, scales, meat, etc., is put into water and ground up. Some fish hydrolysate is ground more finely than others so more bone material is able to remain suspended. Enzymes may also be used to solubilize bones, scale and meat. If the larger chunks of bone and scales are screened out, calcium or protein, or mineral content may be lacking in the finished product form. Some fish hydrolysates have been made into a dried product, but most of the oil is left behind in this process, which means a great deal of the functional food component would be lacking.

Comparison with fish emulsion:
If fish hydrolysate is heated, the oils and certain proteins can be more easily removed to be sold in purified forms. The complex protein, carbohydrate and fats in the fish material are denatured, which means they are broken down into less complex foods. Over-heating can result in destruction of the material as a food to grow beneficial organisms. Once the oils are removed and proteins denatured and simplified by the heating process, this material is called a fish emulsion. The hydrolysate process has substantially lower capital and production costs compared to fish emulsion production.


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