Subject: permaculture
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Re: [permaculture] Nth Amerian Conference- the Middle
- From: Bob Waldrop <>
- To:
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] Nth Amerian Conference- the Middle
- Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2012 19:54:36 -0500
I think this makes a lot of sense. If a national convergence is going to be useful, shouldn't it grow organically from the grassroots? How many regional convergences are there these days? Looking quickly at google (6 pages), I see --
the NE gathering already referenced (they also win the prize for most refererrals in the first six pages of a google search for "permaculture convergence"
Inland NW -- (Missoula)
NW -- (Olympic peninsula)
Bay area 2011 --
2012 Southern CA
Ontario Canada --
Western Canada 2012 --
* Southeast US, 19th Southeastern Permaculture Gathering
August 3-5, Celo NC.
* Midwest. 3rd Simply Living Fair & Midwest Permaculture Convergence, Bloomington, Indiana,
especially serving the Ohio River Valley.
* Colorado. 6th Colorado Permaculture Convergence,
* Southwest: Southwest Drylands Permaculture Gathering. The Southwest pc community has a lot of
deep roots and has held convergences off and on for many years.
Essay by Michael Pilarski on the need for a national convergence --
11th North American Bioregional Congress will be held in August 2013
at Trillium Community in the Applegate Valley of southwest Oregon
SE Portland Convergence
Bob Waldrop, OKC
On 7/17/2012 2:21 PM, Jono Neiger wrote:
Gathering with lots of like minded permies is exciting. We have just had
our 8th annual northeast regional convergence in Middleborough MA. Its a
lot of work to organize but very powerful. This event grew out of a rising
network of local groups in the northeast u.s. wanting to interconnect and
share resources and support about nine years ago. I feel strongly that the
permaculture network/movement must grow from the grassroots.
Creating a national gathering (or national organization) without growing
from strong regional networks risks the organization floating above the
grassroots, neither representing it or strongly interconnected with it.
I would ask that folks get active locally, which im sure many of you are.
And then start reaching out at the next level of organization, be it the
larger local area or maybe your region. There are so many ways to share
information, inspiration, and support before needing to create the
organization and logistical setup to host a national event. Im not against
a national event, I just feel we need to build the local and regional
connections first.
for the earth
check out one of our regional permaculture organizations:
PINE; Permaculture Institute of the Northeast
Jono Neiger
Regenerative Design Group
308 Main St, 2C
Greenfield, Ma 01301
Conway School
Graduate Program in Sustainable Landscape Planning & Design
PINE; Permaculture Institute of the Northeast
Re: [permaculture] Nth Amerian Conference- the Middle,
Vicki McLellan, 07/17/2012
Re: [permaculture] Nth Amerian Conference- the Middle,
Jono Neiger, 07/17/2012
- Re: [permaculture] Nth Amerian Conference- the Middle, Bob Waldrop, 07/17/2012
Re: [permaculture] Nth Amerian Conference- the Middle,
Jono Neiger, 07/17/2012
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