Subject: permaculture
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- From: "SALS3" <>
- To: "permaculture" <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] purified water
- Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2008 17:53:24 -0700
hey thanks you folks for the reasoning. I will be making tea, soups and fruit juices from now on. I drink 3 lemons in the water every morning. I make soups and coffee and smoothies and now that I think about it, I seldom drink the water alone. I like to hear all the views and then chose the science that seems best/. this has been a good topic for me .
good better best never let it rest till the good gets better and the better gets best.
[permaculture] purified water,
negiliblek, 10/03/2008
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- Re: [permaculture] purified water, SALS3, 10/03/2008
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Re: [permaculture] purified water,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 10/04/2008
Re: [permaculture] purified water,
sinergyinaction, 10/05/2008
Re: [permaculture] purified water,
Nancy Frank, 10/05/2008
- Re: [permaculture] purified water, sinergyinaction, 10/06/2008
Re: [permaculture] purified water,
Nancy Frank, 10/05/2008
Re: [permaculture] purified water,
sinergyinaction, 10/05/2008
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