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permaculture - Re: [permaculture] New to List - inquiry

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Subject: permaculture

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  • From:
  • To:
  • Subject: Re: [permaculture] New to List - inquiry
  • Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 21:29:50 EDT

Randall says "I am new to the permaculture list. I am working on a 5,000 acre
ranch we are working to turn into a sustainable community. I am most
interested in permaculture. I mean by that, actually working on permaculture
questions that relate to same. "


The best way to get maximum use from this list is to ask us questions. There
are a great many of us who never post unless they have something they think
will be useful to add to the discussion, in terms of their own practical
experience on the land.

The people on this list live all around the world. I'm sure some of them
enjoy the same growing conditions you do, and have struggled through some of
same problems you may be encountering. Use us as a resource.

If you aren't interested in our political opinions they're only a click away
from oblivion. But welcome aboard, and we hope we can be of use to you.


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