Subject: permaculture
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Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul for president of the United States of America
- From: "Kenneth Benway" <>
- To: "'permaculture'" <>
- Cc:
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul for president of the United States of America
- Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2007 15:23:54 -0400
To all fellow permaculure warriors:
Some of you may have read my email concerning my support for Ron
Paul for president in the 2008 election. In case you did not please take
the time to look at his campaign website at . If you
can find a better human being running for this important office I sure
would like to know about it.
I just received an email from regarding an on line
town meeting forum where the most popular candidates will be invited to
participate in a discussion concerning their position on global warming
and climate change.
As a result of my support for Ron Paul I've joined a RonPaul2008
Meetup group through His support is exploding all through
cyberspace. He is the number one candidate on nearly all on line polls.
Below I've pasted the content of an email I just sent out to our
local meet up group which will probably circulate throughout the global
Ron Paul meet up network in the next few days.
We all know that Permaculture is the solution to climate change
and global warming as well as a host of other issues. I firmly believe
that our time has finally come. The planet is ready to hear our message.
I look forward to your comments and feedback.
Email to the Clearwater RonPaul2008 meet up group:
To all Ron Paul supporters:
Like it or not climate change and global warming are at or near the top
of the list of concerns for much of the electorate. I just received an
email from They are in the process of putting together a
virtual town hall meeting. They are currently polling their members to
determine a short list of presidential candidates based on popularity
that will be invited to participate in the town hall meeting. These
voters are very interested in the candidate’s ideas, solutions and
policies surrounding this issue. Whether global warming is an issue or
not will not be up for discussion. I think we all know that ultimately
Ron Paul will be invited to participate as a candidate in this group.
They are soliciting questions to ask the candidates via video in this on
line town meeting forum. We know that Ron Paul must appear knowledgeable
regarding this issue if we are to assure the support of these voters.
Currently there is only one candidate in either party that has the most
knowledge in this area. His name is Dennis Kucinich. When I talk about
knowledge I mean knowledge that deals with practical solutions, not
Many environmentally concerned voters are already relating to Ron Paul’s
message, myself included. Those of us who understand the importance of
this issue need to be able to work together to assist him in time for
this on line event. The best thing we have going for us is that our team
knows what to do regarding this important issue. The solution is a
sustainable design methodology called Permaculture and several similar
derivatives. Please trust me on this. If you don’t want to take my word
just Google the word “Permaculture” or the phrase “sustainable living or
design” and see what comes up.
I personally could give Ron a quick overview in a matter of a few hours.
This would be enough information that he would knock the socks off the
other potential candidates. I suspect I am not the only supporter with
Permaculture knowledge. I have already begun spreading the word about
Ron Paul through the Permaculture community on a global scale.
I look forward to your comments and feedback.
Ken Benway
Arcadian Design
St Petersburg Fl
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[permaculture] [Fwd: [SANET-MG] permaculture summer events, finger lakes, NY: updates],
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 06/08/2007
Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul for president of the United States of America,
Kenneth Benway, 06/08/2007
Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul for president of the United States of America,
Tommy Tolson, 06/10/2007
Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul for president of the United States of America,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 06/10/2007
Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul for president of the United States of America,
Tommy Tolson, 06/10/2007
Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul for president of the United States of America,
Kenneth Benway, 06/10/2007
- Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul for president of the United States of America, Karen Potts, 06/11/2007
Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul for president of the United States of America,
Kenneth Benway, 06/12/2007
- Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul for president of the United States of America, Karen Potts, 06/12/2007
- Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul for president of the United States ofAmerica, Kenneth Benway, 06/12/2007
Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul for president of the United States of America,
mossmans, 06/12/2007
- Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul for president of the United States ofAmerica, Kenneth Benway, 06/12/2007
Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul for president of the United States of America,
Kenneth Benway, 06/10/2007
Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul for president of the United States of America,
Tommy Tolson, 06/10/2007
Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul for president of the United States of America,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 06/10/2007
Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul for president of the United States of America,
Tommy Tolson, 06/10/2007
Re: [permaculture] Ron Paul for president of the United States of America,
Kenneth Benway, 06/08/2007
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