Subject: permaculture
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- From: "Jerome Osentowski" <>
- To:
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] Apricot trees
- Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 07:30:03 -0700
Kevin, If you have a few of the utah apricot seeds to spare I would like
to try them out here. I have just reconnected with NAFEX EMAIL they have a great newsletter called Pamona I am
also looking for some sweet pit apricots seeds. jerome
Jerome Osentowski, Director
Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute
PO Box 631
Basalt, CO 81621 U.S.A.
Tel/fax (970) 927-4158 E mail:
For more information, please visit our web site at <<>>
>From: "Kevin email" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: RE: [permaculture] Apricot trees
>Date: Sun, Jan 5, 2003, 6:18 PM
> I too have had very good luck raising apricots mostly true to the pit from
> old Mormon orchards in southern Utah. The only drawback is that they will
> not fruit well in the warmth of southern Texas. Did the one in North
> Carolina flower and fruit this last year Larry? Thanks to Larry and Scott
> for all they have done to promote this forum! !Prospero Ano Nuevo!
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Jerome
> Osentowski
> Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 8:29 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [permaculture] Apricot trees
> Marilyn, They should come true to about 70%. I am takeing prop material
> from some 80 year old appricot trees in the valley here and grafting them
> onto hardy root stock. Keep planting out the seeds. jerome
> --
> Jerome Osentowski, Director
> Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute
> PO Box 631
> Basalt, CO 81621 U.S.A.
> Tel/fax (970) 927-4158 E mail:
> For more information, please visit our web site at <<>>
> ----------
>>Subject: [permaculture] Apricot trees
>>Date: Fri, Jan 3, 2003, 9:56 AM
>> My daughter is renting a place with quite a few very large old appricot
>> trees and she had a mega crop last year. I started about 6 trees from
> the
>> pits but about 15 or more have just sprouted. What are the chances they
>> will be similar to the parent trees being they are older standard trees?
>> My land is in the foothills of the mts. of NM so it's not the easiest
> place
>> to grow fruit trees. I'll be working on a greywater system this spring -
>> I have a separate bathhouse that I'm going to use the roof and tub water
>> combined to water these trees. I currently have a few apple and plum
> trees
>> but haven't thought of trees in these numbers before. Any ideas?
>> Marilyn
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[permaculture] Apricot trees,
CHINAGRVE, 01/03/2003
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
Re: [permaculture] Apricot trees,
Jerome Osentowski, 01/05/2003
RE: [permaculture] Apricot trees,
Kevin email, 01/05/2003
- Re: [permaculture] Apricot trees, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 01/05/2003
RE: [permaculture] Apricot trees,
Kevin email, 01/05/2003
Re: [permaculture] Apricot trees,
Jerome Osentowski, 01/06/2003
- RE: [permaculture] Apricot trees, Kevin email, 01/08/2003
- RE: [permaculture] Apricot trees, Kevin email, 01/08/2003
- Re: [permaculture] Apricot trees, CHINAGRVE, 01/07/2003
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