Subject: permaculture
List archive
- From: "Jasmine Miller" <>
- To:
- Subject: [permaculture] MaxLifeView and SquareMileLiving
- Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 10:15:45 -0500
Here is information on three new lists that support a variety of aspects of
+++MaxLifeView and MaxMaryland+++
MaxLifeView is a list for those working toward a positive, healthy life style
while at the same time choosing to avoid heavy consumerism. It is for people
who choose their activities with careful consideration to the pleasure they
bring as well as all their costs.
If you like any of the following, you might like this list:
Voluntary Simplicity/Creative Frugality
The Tightwad Gazette, Dacyczyn
One Circle Gardening, Duhon
Your Money or Your Life, Dominguez & Robin
Getting a Life, Blix & Heitmiller
The Utne Reader, Social Justice
Gardening: Permaculture, Biointensive, Organic Gardening, Square Foot,
Community, 4 Season Harvest, Heirloom Seeds, Plant a Row for the Hungry, Food
Forests, Fukuoka
Whole Foods, Seasonal Eating, SlowFood,Wild Edibles, Farmer's Markets &
Regional Food Security
Hiking, Camping, Bicyling
Solar, Rocket Stoves, Recycling, Corn Stoves
Appropriate Technology
Nontoxic Cleaners
Free or Frugal Fun, Letterboxing
Choosing real adventures over computer games
Frugal Versatile Wardrobes
Square Mile Living
Topics invited for posting include how you are simplifying your life, how you
are bringing more pleasure to yourself and others, tips for saving money,
low(er)-cost whole food recipes, things you like about your life and things
you want to change, groups you are involved with that support your
lifestyle/changes, books or magazines you would like to recommend, other
email lists or websites related to the list, questions concerning changes you
like to make, thoughtful or thought provoking quotes, and any other related
Posters are requested to be helpful and constructive and avoid flaming other
posters. The list is intended as an offering of helpful ideas and not
intended to pressure people into adopting a certain type or level of
To subscribe to the global list send an email to .
For a list that is centered around the same topic, but also shares
information about specific helpful places, people, and events in the
Maryland, DC, and Northern Virginia area send an email to .
Please feel free to post this to other lists as appropriate.
Square Mile Living is a concept popularized by Vicki Robin, author with Joe
Dominguez of Your Money or Your Life. In Square Mile Living people try to
live as much of their life as possible within a mile radius (squared off) of
where they live. This tends to focus and simplify life and increase the
interdependence and health of the local economy. Additional benefits
include time saving, frugality, community building, reduced footprint and
ecological improvment. In general you can expect that you could walk to any
place in your Square Mile Block in 20 minutes or less although cliffs,
canyons, and bodies of water create exceptions. And besides all of those
wonderful, and at times lofty seeming goals, Square Mile Living is also a fun
personal and group challenge. What percent of your life can you live in
your Mile area? How much can you improve that percent each year?
To locate your Square Mile Block (SMB), find the spot of your residence on a
map. Mark dots one mile to the north, south, east, and west of your
residence. Each of these dots will be the center of a line that forms your
Square Mile Block. Draw the four lines. Your block will be two miles wide
and two miles long with your residence in the center. So your Square Mile
Block is a total of four square miles. Much of the space inside your SMB
will be a mile or less from your residence, making many locations a short
walk. However, since it is a square rather than a circle, the diagonals
from the residence to the corners of the square will be a little more than
mile for part of the way along with some of the locations toward the corners
of the square.
The next step is to see what sort of opportunites abound in your Square Mile
Block and how to enjoy and increase them. We will share ideas for this on
the list.
(Please note that Square Mile Living is also sometimes called Mile Square
To join the list, send an email to
Please feel free to post this to other lists as appropriate.
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- [permaculture] MaxLifeView and SquareMileLiving, Jasmine Miller, 01/06/2003
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