Subject: permaculture
List archive
- From: John Schinnerer <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: plant DB - startup
- Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 15:52:36 -0800 (PST)
First, a few proposals for those interested in this project:
If we really want to get an open-source style project going, we need a
web/mail space for it; I think it's great to have it starting here but
it is ultimately not of general enough interest to live on this list
(unless traffic is very light on these threads). Remaining here might
be a thread or two about nature/content of data desired/offered.
That is: we want the PC community at large to determine what is and is
not relevant and how to gather it in and make it usefully available, so
perhaps that happens here. The more technical
design/development/implementation/testing stuff IMO doesn't belong on
this list in the long run.
In the meantime, on this list:
Careful use of predefined subject lines, so that those on the list not
interested or only interested in certain elements can delete
effectively. Some first thoughts:
All subjects start with "Plant DB - "
After hyphen comes a qualifier. Some initial proposals:
"software" - messages about the development environment (such as I just
"data model" - messages about what to include, how and where to get it,
how to organize it, etc. (as were posted a while back)
"presentation" - messages (such as recent one from georg) concerning
user interface issues, etc.
John Schinnerer, MA
- Eco-Living -
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plant DB - startup,
John Schinnerer, 12/15/2001
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: plant DB - startup, georg parlow, 12/16/2001
- Re: plant DB - startup, Elijah Smith, 12/17/2001
- Re: plant DB - startup, georg parlow, 12/17/2001
- Re: plant DB - startup, Elijah Smith, 12/17/2001
- Re: plant DB - startup, permed, 12/19/2001
- Re: plant DB - startup, Richard Morris, 12/19/2001
- Re: plant DB - startup, John Schinnerer, 12/19/2001
- Re: plant DB - startup, John Schinnerer, 12/19/2001
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