Hi Martha,
I have had some interest in the "red fleshed" apples although most of them
seem pretty tart to me. If you haven't seen Greenmantle's website on their
Rosetta collection you might want to take a look, http://www.greenmantlenursery.com/fruit/rosetta-apples.htm.
I have the Arlie's Red Flesh, Hidden Rose, Pink Pearl, Mott's Pink, and at one
time I had Alamata but it never grew right for me. I also have the Rubiyat
which hasn't fruited yet. Besides being too tart for me they tend to be
scab susceptible. Here in western Washington we need varieties that are
resistant to scab. They do make beautiful applesauce too. Pink Pearl
is the best one of the bunch that I have grown.
The Arlie's Red Flesh and the Hidden Rose that I have are entirely
different. The Arlie's Red Flesh is bright red like the picture of
Niedzwetzkyana on Greenmantle's site.
western Washington
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 5:13
Subject: [NAFEX] Red Fleshed apples
I have gotten more interested in red fleshed apples and it has
been a few years since I have seen much discussion on them maybe it is
is time for another go round.
Many places say that the
coloring is climate dependent. Ed said less color as they go south. I
assume that is temperature based rather than day-length based. A
lot of them seem to be fairly tart to sweet tart, some (many?) too tart for
fresh eating. Ed said that Pink Pearl and Hidden Rose were the ones he
had experience with that had detectable sugars. A
description of the Niedzwetzkyana Crab pie got my attention. Supposedly
like cherry pie but whether that was color or flavor or both I don't know. I
have also heard it is 3 inches in diameter too large to be called crab.
I have also hear that it is a good tannin source for cider.
have been poking around in books and on the web. Here is something of a
variety list which I don't have much experience with. I have tasted Pink Pearl
twice. Once as grown in California it was OK another time when grown in
Indiana it thought it was bitter. I tried Grenadine at the California
tasting a few years ago and that was good but not outstanding. Not
something I would think about without the color. Based on what I have dug up
some are very hardy zone 3 some zone 6 some who knows. A fair number appear to
bloom early &/or get scab.
Has anyone experience with any of these?
I am especially interested in Hardiness many of the California ones list zone
6. I'd like zone 4. I m also especially interested in which ones are
worth eating fresh or really good for cooking as opposed to, I might as well
make sauce because what else can I do with it.
Alamata, Burford Red
Flesh, Bill's red flesh(aka Scarlet Surprise) Hidden Rose (AKA Aerlie
Red Flesh), Firecracker, Geneva crab, Giant Russian may be the same as Russian
Giant Crab, Grenadine, Niedzwetzkyana, Pink Pearmain(AKA Pink Sparkle), Pink
Pairfait, Mott's Pink, Pink Parfait (Motts), (I'm not sure if these three are
the same), Pink Princess (same as Jansen's Pink Lady not same as Cripp's Pink
Pink Lady), Pink Old Lady, Purple Passion, Raven, Red Field, Thornberry,
Rubiyat, Winter Red fleshed. I haven't included many of the ones that
seem to be pale pink or pink stained.
Zone 4 high
elevation New Mexico Cool summers with a short
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