Hi All,
I've been reading a bit of what's going on
regarding fire blight with great interest. For the nine years that I have
been growing fruit trees I have had very little incidence of fire blight.
The little fire blight that I had was in a few of my quince trees. I
haven't been very diligent about spraying my trees either, I might add. As
a matter of fact, one of my resolutions this year was to be more
proactive/intelligent with my spraying. I did my dormant oil and ferbam
and continued with imidan (thank you Harvey Lisle) and manzate. I, for the
first time, also applied streptomycin with my imidan/manzate spray.
Perhaps I applied the streptomycin too late, perhaps this year was perfect for
the growth of the fire blight bacteria or perhaps I was too lazy regarding
orchard sanitation. Either way, I have been walloped with a bad dose of
fire blight on my seckel pears and a few apple trees. I have cut out as
much dead/diseased wood as possible and have sanitized both the wound/blade with
rubbing alcohol. The bacterium progresses. At this point what should
I do? A local professional orchardist said to not spray anymore
streptomycin as I would be wasting money. He said to let the fire blight
take it's course and prune it out this winter. What is the recommended
course of action? Is it too late to apply streptomycin? I appreciate
any and all advice. Regards, ken
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 6:26
Subject: Re: [nafex] Ed, Ozzie, Joe, Tom
please read Re: What is going on with this tree????
Yorrba wrote:
MESSAGE----- > Hash: SHA1 > > Ed, > > I
understand your argument, but I've got to disagree with you. I think
your friend will agree that Tom Van der > Zwet is also a well-respected
fireblight expert (some would argue that he "wrote the book" on blight) and
he > and others have shown that pruning diligently as soon as blight
symptoms appear can control blight even > without strep sprays.
Also, as you know, Ed, summer pruning doesn't have the same level of
growth > stimulation as dormant season pruning. Anyway, I'll agree
that it is a hell of a way to control the disease. But > compared
to losing the whole tree, it sometimes just might be worth
My initial response to Kevin
had to do with the practicality of his situation. Or, in an urban
situation he cannot control common vectors like the various and many
leafhopper species, stinkbug (esp.), Jap beetle, psylla, etc. which are
rampant in the humid, hot midwest during summer
months. During the first epidemic I had here in
88, I consultated the various experts including Tom and was advised to cut
hell out of them. And in so doing, lost many 5 year old trees of Gala/M9
interstem due to secondary infections. We walked
the orchard at weekly intervals for a couple of
months. Now I should also tell you that there are
problems with Paul Steiner's predicting system, Maryblyt. Or
the incidence of trauma blight caused by common hail storms which occur at
night (or with rapid melting of hail, they are unknown). Mayblyt
can't and doesn't include this incidence with any degree of
accuracy. And lastly, you are indeed
correct. I think the incidence of various other blights such as
psuedomonas are more common in the east that most folks realize and are
very often identified as fireblight.
Ed, So. Indiana Heaven (albiet
cloaked at times!), etc
> > > Yorrba > > On
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 19:17:58 -0400, Ed & Pat Fackler wrote: > >
>Kev: > > > > For reasons
unknown, I can't view the photos you refer to. > > >
> However, if this tree is of bearing age, I'd not
prune it at all. > >Reason. Additional pruning will stimulate
new growth and given the potential > >for subsequent FB infection
which thrives on new growth, you are only asking > >for additional
damage. > > The late Paul Steiner (my good
friend) of U-MD wrote the book on FB, > >developed the predicting
system known as Maryblyt, etc. and this is his > >strong
recommendation. Or leave the damaged tissue until late winter,
then > >prune it out. > > > >ed >
> > >fuwafuwausagi@usa.net wrote: > > > >> It
was written: > >> > >> > Yep, that's blight.
Prune hard. Take at least 15 cm below the > >> visible
symptoms and sterilize your shears with > >> > 10% bleach (0.5%
sodium hypochlorite) or 70% ethanol between cuts. > >> It is a
nasty disease. Best of luck. > >> > > >> >
What variety is this tree? > >> > > >> >
Yorrba > >> > >> My reply: > >> >
>> Would a few more of you guys view the photos and state your
opinion > >> please. I'll let you know why I am so
concerned after the consensus > >> is in. > >> >
>> Kevin > >> > >> > >> >
>> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ >
> > > > > > > > >Your use of Yahoo!
Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ >
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