market-farming AT
Subject: Market Farming
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- From: "cjmaness AT" <cjmaness AT>
- To: market-farming AT
- Subject: Re: [Market-farming] onion plants
- Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 03:25:13 GMT
Our onion plants have arrived, right on schedule. Or, at least, right on
schedule for a normal year, which this year IS NOT! We have snow forecast for
tomorrow, and Friday. And, another snow storm predicted for Sunday, and
Monday. And, another for later into next week, which the weathermen are being
rather vague about, with the attitude of, lets get through these storms first.
We haven't plowed yet. We haven't tilled. We have no ground ready for
planting anything. I don't know when we will be able to.
500 pounds of potatoes sitting in my utility room. 7 cases of onions sitting
in my living room. I am not a happy girl right now.
The potatoes will be fine, for awhile. But the onions? What do I do? The
boxes say remove plants immediately! And, do what? Normally they arrive, we
plant. No big deal. Now, I don't know when we will be able to plant, and
these things are ready to go. Do I take them out of the boxes? Keep them
moist? Move to greenhouse, keep them cool, What? I don't know!!! 8 years of
doing this and we have never had this happen.
As always, any advice/help is greatly appreciated.
I'm thinking Hawaii is looking really good right about now,
Perkins, OK where we never get much snow!
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Re: [Market-farming] onion plants,
cjmaness AT, 02/24/2010
- Re: [Market-farming] onion plants, Bobbett, 02/24/2010
- Re: [Market-farming] onion plants, MAsteveINE, 02/25/2010
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: [Market-farming] onion plants, SaladG, 02/25/2010
- Re: [Market-farming] onion plants, cjmaness AT, 02/25/2010
- Re: [Market-farming] onion plants, SaladG, 02/25/2010
- Re: [Market-farming] onion plants, cjmaness AT, 02/25/2010
- Re: [Market-farming] onion plants, SaladG, 02/25/2010
- Re: [Market-farming] onion plants, cjmaness AT, 02/26/2010
- Re: [Market-farming] onion plants, SaladG, 02/26/2010
- Re: [Market-farming] onion plants, cjmaness AT, 02/26/2010
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