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market-farming - Re: [Market-farming] tornado/winds

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  • From: "Beth Spaugh" <lists AT>
  • To: <farmersue AT>, "'Market Farming'" <market-farming AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Market-farming] tornado/winds
  • Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 21:58:36 -0400

It was interesting. We saw dark clouds coming. Didn't hear a warning. We are on the east side of a 2-story building, which provides some protection, and tie our EZUps to the posts of the covered walk. So the back was secure. Two of us were hanging onto the front corners and levitating for a few moments. One tray of tomatoes went flying (thank goodness for chickens - I can just call it chicken food). The real damage was 5 miles north of our market area. Had about an hour and a half of no customers. Then the sun came back out and the customers came back.
Thanks for asking. Glad you were spared.

Beth Spaugh
Rehoboth Homestead
Peru NY


From: market-farming-bounces AT [mailto:market-farming-bounces AT] On Behalf Of Sue Wells
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2007 6:37 AM
To: 'Market Farming'
Subject: [Market-farming] tornado/winds

Beth, and anyone else in area,

I hope you didn’t have any damage at the Farmers Market in Plattsburg yesterday. I saw some coverage on the TV news this morning. Looks like Plattsburg was hit pretty hard, but didn’t hear where anyone was injured, thank goodness. I was just worried about your Farmers Market.

Grand Isle was hit, then it went over to the Georgia/Milton area. Looks like South Hero is good. I was in the Farmers Market in Winooski and we heard about the warning, but too late if it really would have hit us.  We had quite a bit of wind, but nothing super bad.

Grand isle had quite a bit of damage, and no electricity, maybe the road is open by now, but was closed last night. The area fire departments were working hard

after the incident.

I am from tornado country originally, and I didn’t like it there with the tornadoes, but here, they are so rare and there are no tornado sirens, or warnings. After yesterday, I am thinking of trying to find a small portable radio, weather alert device, something to take with me to the Markets, for my safety and knowledge if another bad storm like this one is anywhere around me. Does anyone have any ideas? Out of the 4 markets I do, this one yesterday is the only one I would have a good building to take cover in.  

Sue Wells



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