market-farming AT
Subject: Market Farming
List archive
- From: Hugh Lovel <uai AT>
- To: org-grow AT, sanet-mg AT, bdnow AT, joffedaron AT, queendama AT, srcosmos AT, JAMES.THOMSON AT, Fragfarm AT, market-farming AT, jarc2 AT, mdav AT, ryancohen AT, vickie_george AT, rlcyl AT, barneskad AT, e_strick AT, cornelia_cho AT, julia_ochs AT, jarc2 AT, jim.curran AT, bill_pleasants AT, mct.thompson AT, michellegoss AT, Davrougeau AT, raven AT
- Subject: LONG: Rain in Makaibari?
- Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 23:58:25 -0400
The subject of rain in Darjeeling, India came up and you'll have to read
what happened. I hope you find this interesting.
Hugh Lovel
Making Rain
By Hugh Lovel
On March thirteenth Christine Murphy, the editor of Lilipoh, wrote to me:
Dear Hugh,
Here is a post from the friends we visited in Darjeeling at
Makaibari. Already then they were desperate for rain. Didn't you once say
you knew how to make rain--could that be shared with them? It would be so
important. Look forward to hearing from you. All the best--Christine
Dear Christine,
Please, please forgive the delay in replying. The truth is that we
still have had NO rain and are in the lowest of spirits. After the drought
of last year, we had desperately hoped for a good season this year. But
alas, that might not be. . . Love--Srirupa.
Dear Christine and Srirupa,
No rain, eh? Another one of these ask Hugh things?
If you are in an area where it is normal to get rain at this time
of year it may be fairly easy to make it. There are several methods. I
don't know the culture and traditions of India but I'm sure there must be
ancient methods there. Maybe in our day and age they have been treated as
superstitions and probably have fallen out of use. But such things can be
re-created again if one has sufficient understanding. Or new methods might
be created as my story about Wilhelm Reich shows.
Cloud Formation
Basically what is happening in droughts is the atmosphere is stuck.
It is congested. It is poisoned, toxic, lifeless. This can be caused by a
variety of things. Pollution, atomic blasts, ill thoughts and bad practices
on the parts of people. The cure is life force. Pattern energies. Ether.
Clouds are build-ups of ether. They contain pattern energies. There's some
variety to the patterns so there are different kinds of clouds just as
there are different kinds of fires different sorts of bodies of water,
different forms of rocks and minerals.
In the towering thunderheads there first is built up warmth, and
second built up light. These build up in their respective patterns inside
the cloud's boundaries. This is the kind of cloud that cooks at the top and
gets dark and suctional at the bottom. It billows up against colder air at
the top and it can develop such updrafts and such condensation that a
hailstorm results. Don't fly an airplane into a cloud like this. The warmth
rises and cooks up almost like a percolator coffee pot at the top. And as
it does this the warmth gets so intense it changes state from warmth ether
to light ether and there are flashes of lightning.
I was told in high school that lightning is caused by static
electricity building up in clouds. However, static electricity never builds
up under moist conditions. What is really happening is warmth ether
precipitates into light ether. In a thunderhead light ether is also built
up very intensely. So when the warm precipitates into light the light ether
is overloaded and it precipitates into tone. Tone is the pattern energy you
will hear in running water, in living water. It is vibratory. It makes
water into a very good solvent, a medium for chemistry. And of course, with
thunder there is rain falling.
Ever notice how on extremely hot summer days or evenings you can
have quite a flashing display of heat lightning but hardly a drop of
rain--and, of course, no thunder? The warmth ether is overloaded, but not
the light ether. There's not much in the way of radiant, white clouds. But
then, ever notice in the early spring when the light has returned but it is
still cool? You can be blanketed with low, rolling clouds and as day grows
light there is rolling thunder and gentle rain, even sometimes hard rain,
but hardly any lightning.
Lightning is warmth ether condensing into light and thunder is
light ether condensing into tone. This rich, etheric aliveness, this
pattern energy in the atmosphere is what gives us rain.
Native Americans
So the question really boils down to how can we enrich the
atmosphere with life so that we get rain. The Hopi Indians did it in the
summer in the American Southwest so they could grow corn in the desert.
They found sinks and vents, places where the earth received or gave off
life energy well, and there is where they planted. Even though there was
little moisture in the atmosphere they would get the sinks to soak up life
energy at night and the vents to give it off into the atmosphere during the
day. Then little clouds would grow to provide a shower or two for their
cornfield. Sometimes the vent that gave off into the atmosphere would be
some distance from the sink that took it in. No matter, they would chase a
cloud for miles, herding and nursing it with all the life energy they could
channel into it in order to get it to rain on their corn patch. They had
elaborate systems and ceremonies to accomplish this, and they got rain. For
centuries they got rain like this.
The Native Americans were great for what we might call herbal
essences, sympathetic majic and witch doctoring. But you could just as well
call it homeopathic medicine, dances, mantras and radionics. They knew
quite a bit about the sowing and building up of pattern energies.
Rolling Thunder, the Shoshone Medicineman of the plains did things
somewhat differently. He worked more with the broad, low hanging cloud
cover that developed in the Great Plains. There was much more moisture in
the atmosphere where he worked. He knew how to feed the light ether until
it was dense and pregnant and he would get the type of rains where the
thunder rolled and rolled as the rain fell.
Wilhelm Reich
The twentieth century Austrian-American Scientist, Wilhelm Reich,
did things much, much differently still. He discovered how to make devices
that drew ether. He made powerful suctional devices. These had long,
straight pipes that could suck the light ether out of clouds. He mounted
these on a large resonating chamber with flexible pipes coming out the
bottom which he placed in running water. The more the water gurgled past
the ends of these flexible pipes the better his resonating chamber
resounded. He made his straight pipes adjustable for length so he could
draw a broader band of ether, and he made the whole array moble like a gun
turret so he could point in any direction except into the ground. If he
pointed these "cloudbusters" at clouds the clouds evaporated and
disappeared, hence the name. You might not think that useful for making
rain, but guess again.
These cloudbusters drew light ether so well and from such distances
that Reich could sweep the atmosphere in a locality where it was toxic and
dead and draw a stream of light ether from hundreds of miles away--even
from outer space. The plane of the ecliptic is an especially rich place to
draw from--as is the Milky Way Galaxy. This brought ether streaming in and
freshened the atmosphere. Then he could point toward one horizon, usually
either east or west here in the States since that took advantage of the
natural flows. This would get a strong stream going. Then by pointing in
the opposite horizon he got a counter stream going. This created a vortex
and a storm system. Then by pointing straight up and drawing from the
zenith he contracted the atmosphere and caused rain. Pretty elaborate, and
also pretty dangerous. But workable as long as it was not overdone.
(Just a little aside here: I don't advise this method. A
cloudbuster is a really dangerous device. Reich also found that pointing a
cloudbuster at UFOs caused them to loose their ability to fly, at which
point he realized he could probably build an ether motor and a few other
things. This got him in trouble with the Air Force brass at
Wright-Patterson--who backed off gracefully once they felt sure Morris
Fischbein, the FDAs notorious witch hunter, could handle Reich quite
nicely, thank you. Reich died after a short time in the most secure prison
in the US Prison System.)
Hugh Courtney
How Hugh Courtney does this biodynamically is much safer even if it
is a good bit less dramatic. It also shows how powerful the biodynamic
preparations are as etheric, patterning agents. The Native Americans should
have had such effective tools for distributing patterning energies and then
they wouldn't have had to work so hard dancing, chanting, making herbal
smokes, beating drums and shaking rattles. But what the heck? They enjoyed
the exercise and they weren't all that worried back then about rescuing a
planet that was dying.
Courtney uses biodynamic preparations, and he applies all of them
in sequence. There is more tendency for it to rain at full moon because of
the intensification of light in the atmosphere, and after all, rain is born
from concentrating light ether until it turns to tone ether. So Courtney
likes to start two or three days before full moon, and, of course he likes
to start when the moon is in a water constellation.
Usually he begins with a spraying of barrel compost on the soil in
the evening. This requires a third of a cup of barrel compost to every 3
gallons of water. With a tripod and stirring stick in a large barrel one
can stir enough for 15 acres. Stirring involves getting a vortex going in
one direction until it matures and then reversing directions and building a
vortex in the opposite direction. Generation after generation of vortices
are developed and dispersed.
With a vortex one creates an island of order amidst the surrounding
ocean of chaos. With the creation of generation after generation of
vortices an evolution of order is achieved. This is essential to the best
function of the preps. Barrel compost, horsetail, 505 and 507 are stirred
intensively for 20 minutes, but the horn preparations are stirred for an
hour apiece.
Barrel compost is a special biodynamic compost made from pure cow
manure in a barrel buried in the earth with six special biodynamic
preparations inserted in the compost. I believe in India this is called
cowpat pit manure, and it is made in a brick lined pit. The preparations
are made from yarrow flowers, chamomile flowers, stinging nettle leaves and
stems, oak bark, dandelion flowers and valerian flower juice. The leaf and
bark preparations are placed in the middle because they draw energy in and
hold it, while the flower preparations, which fountain out energy, are
placed around the outside. With my barrel compost I cover the barrel and
scatter horsetail--the herb, Equisetum--over the top. I've found this works
best, ensuring the pattern energies of the sun, moon and planets are
focused on the compost and caught up therein. I'm not sure Courtney does
this quite
this way. In India I don't think the horsetail is sprinkled over the top
In any event, I'm sure Courtney makes a decoction of horsetail and
sprays it as a mist into the air early the next morning since the horsetail
is so highly siliceous it makes a good morning spray for the atmosphere and
balances out the digestive cow manure barrel compost.
Try to understand these preparations are stirred very intensively
in such quantity that many acres are covered shortly before dark and again
shortly after dawn. There's good reason for this morning/evening schedule.
Ether streams toward the sun. It streams downward into the earth at
night as the earth soaks in the dew. It streams upward during the day as
the dew burns off and the light and warmth rise into the atmosphere. We
want to enrich and hold the ether close to the earth's surface and don't
particularly want it to sink too deep. For rain we surely don't want it to
rise too far into the upper atmosphere. So we spray close to the hours of
sunset and dawn when the ether is streaming toward the horizon and is at
its richest near the surface of the earth. This gives a boost where we need
Suppose we want to get it to stop raining? We would spray at
midnight and noon so we drive the ether to greater depths and heights, and
we would start our sequence in a fire constellation shortly prior to new
Sequential Spraying
With biodynamic sequential spraying we spray a fairly large area
with barrel compost and horsetail--maybe 40 or 50 gallons worth of each
prep at 3 gallons to the acre. This may be as much exercise as those Native
Americans got, but we've given several acres of land a fine sprinkling of
barrel compost and we've misted our horsetail over an equal area. This
establishes patterns on a larger scale than those Hopi medicine men and a
comparably larger effect can be expected. Plus it heals and rejuvenates the
We come back the second evening and we stir and sprinkle the
biodynamic horn manure that evening just like the barrel compost--though
the horn preparations are stirred for a whole hour. Horn manure is cow
manure buried in cow horns over the winter, and it stimulates the
nighttime, sinking side of the life forces. The following morning the horn
silica is misted into the atmosphere just like the horsetail. It is finely
powdered quartz crystal buried in a cow horn over the summer, and it boosts
the daytime, venting forces.
Just recently in biodynamics we've realized we've been missing a
preparation all along. Horn clay. It mediates on a daily lunar cycle and an
annual solar cycle, between the horn manure and the horn silica. It is a
real give and take preparation made by burying cow horns filled with clay
for an entire year. You should start now to make your own as it may not be
available in India yet. It holds the opposite polarities of the ethers
together and really makes things hum, and it should follow the horn silica
in the evening, sprinkled on the soil.
I can add a little further personal twist to Courtney's procedure.
I would spray the valerian flower juice preparation (507) as a mist into
the atmosphere the following morning because this works with phosphorus and
light and further enhances the light ether and cloud formation. I would
then follow the valerian preparation with the oak bark preparation (505)
sprinkled on the soil that evening. This works with lime and water and
catalyses rain.
Last Thoughts:
If you try this full sequence and you don't get rain I miss my bet.
You should have the ethers moving richly over a good sized area. Around
here when we've done this we got rain for a 20, 50 or even 100 mile radius.
I think Mercury goes direct today (3-14-00) and we're getting pretty close
to full moon. You'd better jump on this as soon as Mercury goes direct--but
not before.
I realize this is a lot of work stirring and spraying these
biodynamic preparations, but do it over as much area as you can. If you
don't have horn clay, use what clay you've got, perhaps enlivened with a
little barrel compost.
The past several years I've found an easier and cheaper way to do
this same sequence of biodynamic preparations and cover a larger area. I
use a radionic instrument called a Malcolm Rae Extended Range Potentizer
with Interrupter and homeopathic BD prep cards. Using a map or aerial photo
as a wittness in the well, the cards give me the preps as patterns. I can
dial the potency to adjust the treatment's phase and the interrupter turns
the instrument on and off a couple hundred times a minute so I get
thousands and thousands of tiny treatments over the course of an hour or
two. I can treat thousands of acres and not even use up any biodynamic
What makes biodynamics, homeopathy and radionics work is the
principle of fluid dynamics that a microscopic change at a point can effect
large scale changes in the medium. Weather forecasters call this the
butterfly effect. With the Malcolm Rae instrument you have the equivalent
of hundreds of thousands of butterfly's flapping their wings in tandem, and
this technique allows a crazy, lazy American to forego irrigation this past
seven years. I need the time to write I guess.
The trouble is you need rain immediately and as I understand it you
are already stirring and spraying the biodynamic preparations. You'd have
to get the Malcolm Rae equipment and the cards and learn this other
technique. But it sure is easy.
Hugh Lovel
Blairsville, Georgia
Christine Murphy writes:
Hugh, Thanks Again,
You once asked about an ad. You should have an ad in LILIPOH, both for the
pipes and why not for consulting, rain or otherwise. You can see it is
needed. Let me know if I am to send you information. If you do advertise,
there should be an informative article on your work to go with it,
including pictures.
Let me know and all the best,
Rajah writes:
Dear Christine,
I'm in receipt of the most exciting revelations from Hugh. He's
certainly at a special level of realization. Though I realize instinctively
from my soul,the purport of his message, it'll take a while for my head to
catch up with it, translate it to a workable system for our situation, with
trial and error and evolve to the nuances he has exposed us to. Indeed it's
a great honour, and I do not desire to dilute it in any way. Hopefully come
next season, we'll have worked it out. However, I'll probably have heaps of
questions (most of them very naive and obvious), hopefully Hugh'll have
the patience to bear up with it.
I'm not sure the copy of this will arrive at Hugh's so please thank
him from all Makaibari life forces for sharing some of his amazing secrets,
that has excited all our community immensely.
Loads of love to you and yours,
Dear Christine,
I haven't heard. Did Srirupa actually put my methods to work and
did he get rain?
Recently in analysing his problem I visited the area in my mind's
eye. It is up in the foothills of the Himalayas between Nepal, Sikkim,
Bhutan and Bangladesh in the Ganges watershed where the Indian plate dives
under the Asian plate and this subduction pushes up the Himalayas. The land
rises sharply to the north toward Tibet, but the Ganges watershed runs
upward to the west toward Delhi and Jaipur before tapering off into the
Indus watershed, which runs south from the Punjab to Karachi.
What I found was the nuclear test dueling between India and
Pakistan in '99 severely poisoned the ethers in the Hindu Kush, and the
prevailing winds--unable to push this disorganized atmospheric flow across
Tibet--swept it east across southern Nepal and the Ganges/Bengal region.
This resulted in floods in China where the Yangtze caught the burden of
atmospheric moisture which might otherwise have been destined for
Darjeeling, which experienced drought. This situation HAS NOT BEEN
CORRECTED. There is still a stagnant cloud of deadened ether settled in the
Ganges watershed and pushed up against the Himalayan foothills.
Powerful tools though the biodynamic preparations are, these folks
are going to have trouble correcting their problems with just spraying the
preps. I suppose I should have looked into this when I gave them that
discourse on making rain, because they have a particularly severe situation
and might need a method like my Malcolm Rae potentizer or even Reich's
Amongst the most serious disturbances of the ether are the
disturbances caused by nuclear tests and nuclear/radioactive events in
general. This is because radioactivity is fallen (deadened, disorganized)
life ether, the most intense of all the ethers--the ether associated with
the earth element. By conducting these tests at the time of year where
warmth and light are nearing their peak of streaming forth from the earth
into the atmosphere, India and Pakistan succeeded in poisoning the very
life force streams that result in rain throughout that region. To truly
correct that problem involves healing the area up against the Kush where
the nuclear tests occurred. I would say these folks in Darjeeling better
get busy at doing just that with their thoughts, prayers and mantras
because they could have another year of drought following this one, and
even another beyond that if they don't rectify things. It is over in the
mountains bordering India and Pakistan that these people need to focus
their prayers if they want to experience real relief in Darjeeling.
It would be particularly helpful if they were to look into what
Sanskrit mantra or mantras to chant to heal the ethers and bring rain and
chant these with thoughts directed to healing the Kush. This is a good
example of how everything is connected and how to help oneself one must
help others. Surely they should be able to find the right mantras in that
part of the world. Mantras are formulations of powerful, energy based
language for meditation and prayer. You know, sound=chemical ether.
Christian scripture indicates, "In the beginning was the Word." And if you
go back to Genesis you can see that the tone ether is more potent than the
light ether, as is indicated by the passage, "God SAID, 'Let there be
light.' and there was light."
A more inauspicious time for nuclear brinksmanship could hardly
have been found. It wouldn't surprise you, would it, to know that the
agents of Ahriman work both directly and indirectly in the governments,
financial institutions and major industries of the world?
Their natural domain is the economic sphere, particularly the money
power, but they have extended this to control the political sphere as well.
And they derail the bulk of science and religion by buying it off with
funding for frivolous projects, thus turning the souls oriented in this
direction over into the illusions of Lucifer. Anyway it is in the agenda of
the Ahrimanic beings that we see the "raison d'etat" for the
Indian/Pakistani nuclear arms race and the Chinese invasion of Tibet. What
other compelling need did these governments have for such ruinous acts?
Similarly, why did the US devastate Iraq and Yugoslavia? To help the little
people get out from under tyranny? Really?
Of course this current period of world dominion (where these agents
of Ahriman have the masses working themselves silly at poverty and death
dealing activities in order to maintain a system of interest payments and
wage slavery) is an educational period in human evolution. As this time
comes to a close and people start waking up out of their trances they will
wonder how they ever could have dreamed to make nuclear weapons or to put
poison on food, etc.
I think of these beings--which live within the earth--as dragon
spawn or dragon's blood. I ought to look into the Zoroastrian traditions
about Ahriman someday. There is something quite reptillian about Ahriman,
as in human beings Ahriman takes over the lower brain, the brain stem
associated with reptillian evolutionary development. On the other hand
Lucifer, I guess you know, takes over the higher brain, the cereberal
As I'm SURE you know, human beings are susceptible to influence by
either Ahriman or Lucifer or both, and it is by developing our heart
center, the Christ within, that we overcome the influences of both Lucifer
and Ahriman and integrate our lives. For now, however, humanity is
suffering through difficult times, as easy times do not build character.
Higher powers are letting these things go on, and will let them continue a
while longer. Really it is up to us to win the day for ourselves.
You know, being ruled by reptiles isn't as bad as all that. Suppose
that higher powers were to really take us back the evolutionary ladder and
give us over into the dominion of spiders. Spiders are far more
manipulative than reptiles. It seems to me we'd better master our lessons
at the hands of reptile intelligences so that when it comes our turn to
undergo the tutelage of spiders we will be prepared. Humanity has a long
way to go on the road to conscious cosmic citizenship. We're not ready for
spiders yet. That's a long ways off.
Well, anyway, I could see I needed to follow up on the Makaibari
drought problem, which I haven't heard the outcome of and my clairvoyant
vision tells me is not corrected. Their situation is an especially severe
one resulting from nuclear brinksmanship and it is pure poison. It surely
has a VERY depressing effect on the psyche too. They should pursue the
sequential spraying of the preps, but they are going to need to do a little
more to get relief in this case. My indications are they can do it. They
must take heart. It is in the heart where the power of reining in Ahriman
and Lucifer resides.
I'll post this to the e-mail address contained in your letter, but
you might try forwarding this so the information is certain to get there.
I'll post you something sometime later by surface mail in regards to
advertising and an accompanying article. Gosh knows I need to do something
like what you suggest. I need to translate my wealth of (hard won!)
knowledge and insight into teaching and deeds.
Warm regards,
Hugh Lovel
Blairsville, Georgia
Dear Hugh,
Thank you so much for your long post, which I forwarded to Rajah.
It finally got through, and so did his reply to me as follows. I am so
grateful for what you write, and only hope that this new and mutual
collaboration will be of large scale help to the world. Rajah said he was
coming over here in May, I think. The "Anupa" he refers to is his
sister-in-law who lives across the bridge from me and through whom I came
to learn about Makaibari. These people are all extremely imbued with
courage. I will reply to your post soon again. We should draw a map of the
globe as you are describing it. I am sending you the latest LILIPOH.
Salutations Christine,
I'd replied to Hugh on receipt of his earlier mail but it
bounced. His second mail only confirms his state of enlightenment and the
connection from our past incarnations. I'll try and answer his mail and cc
to you in case it bounces again and you could then forward to him please as
an additional measure.
Srirupa and I had both received and replied to your earlier mail and
am surprised that you have not received them. We are so glad you have taken
time out to keep a sharp eye out for Anupa (who though fiercely independent
is quite vulnerable). The drought continues as Hugh mailed, and
surprisingly our recourse to our ancient mantra techniques are already on
stream. His barrel method has not been resorted to as I felt it was too
late this year, and more importantly I feel the need to meet him and
clarify many of the nuances which are missed in such a message. After all
we are talking about fine tuning of the nth order here. It's not a formula
to be run like a train on a railway track!
Heaps of love from all of us at Makaibari to you and yours.
Salutations Hugh,
Thanks for going to the cause of the drought this end, rather
than the effect. Indubitably you have found the solutions through intense
pain to evolve to where you're at today. We've not put your suggestions to
practice this year as it was already too late, and more importantly we've
had copious rains of late just as we were on the verge of voyaging down the
road shown by you. However, we'll give your way our best when we do get
the monsoonal deluge a few months later.
Both (my wife Srirupa) and myself will be visiting the States later
on in the year and I for one would dearly like to meet you to really
realize the nuances of your methods as your solutions really require
coalescence of our various bodies. My mother who's 79 does have access to
mantras,which she's promised to reveal prior to her transition. She's only
revealed the rituals connected, but not the mantra. Frustration!! She opts
to perform the magic herself (and believe me at her age she's
cantankerous). However, she came up to the farm arthiritis and all and
broke the drought. In retrospect, why did you choose to help us with your
candour without even knowing us, unconditionally, when my nearest and
dearest place conditionalities?
Thank you from all Makaibari life forces.
Dear Rajah,
I'm so glad the mantras worked. I foresaw they could and would. At
first I thought this only vaguely when I suggested India must have its
ancient methods which in our modern age might have fallen out of use. But,
of course, when I meditated on this matter again and wrote you the second
post I realized what these ancient methods must involve--mantras. So then I
knew and wrote that it would be particularly helpful to use mantras as
these are very, very powerful.
You know? In our brains and nervous system we experience light, and
when this is abundant we consider it as enlightenment. But what feeds our
brains? It is in our guts where all that rumbling goes on that the
nourishment, the vital forces that nourish our brains, arise out of the
universe's chemistry and life and go to the brain to provide for its
enlightenment. Mantras with their tones, vibrations, chemistry, really aid
in the nourishment of our brains and nervous system. This is ever so
helpful if one seeks enlightenment.
For our arms and legs and all our muscles to function in exercise
and hard work we must do a lot of breathing. We get the vital forces for
this outward activity from the outward environment, the atmosphere. But
when we use our brains this does not place much demand on breathing. In
fact, when we work inwardly in meditation it is helpful to breathe a little
less, to hold the breath in and hold back a little on letting the carbon
dioxide out. Then we experience the nitrogen, which enters us from within
through the digestion, instead of the oxygen we breathe. We can find out
almost anything in the universe that way.
As to why I would help you without even knowing you, having never
met you in the flesh in this lifetime?
I was asked. Christine asked me.
I was touched by her earlier post about Makaibari on the BDnow
e-mail list so the empathy was there. Unconditional love? How does one
learn such a thing? Perhaps it helped that many, many years ago (27 years)
I read Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi and this stimulated me on this
path--reminded me of it. Even with unconditional love, however, one does
not help unless one is asked.
Help may be the craziest of all the crazy things about human
beings. We must have help/can't have help. We need help on the path to
become worthy but we see ourselves in our unworthiness and we cannot ask
for help. We are not worthy of help. And so we don't ask. The Creator and
all the powers of nature are there waiting for us to ask. As the Roman
Catholics teach, God is everywhere and in all things. (But they have this
little caveat that somehow God is NOT in us sinners.) All we need do is
ask, but we ask so little and so seldom. For the most part we do not even
help ourselves.
What would be really helpful is meditating on our standards of
perfection and on all the invalidations and suppressions we experience
regarding these standards.
On the one hand we invalidate and suppress our power, our willing
nature. We say we do this or that or are this way or that way BEcause
of--and we have so many reasons. We give up our responsibility in so many,
many, ways. We talk of rights and our governments even talk of bills of
rights. But then we say might makes right, and there are those who seek to
control others instead of minding their own business. Somehow we manage to
ignore responsibility. Ghandi was asked to support a bill of rights that
was before the United Nations, but he indicated what was needed instead was
a bill of responsibilities.
This is on the one hand, the side of our active participation in
the physical universe. What disempowerment!
On the other hand we invalidate and suppress our thinking nature.
Our thought settles on the essences of things, the beingness, doingness,
havingness, knowingness and so on and we tend to pick out one essence and
work with this as the final, only and total solution to all our problems.
"If I only generate _______ness everything will be fine. It will take care
of everything." But of course sooner or later this does not prove true as
the universe is a totality of ALL essences and cannot be dealt with
piecemeal. So invalidation and suppression set in and we try to create our
favorite essence differently and better and eventually we come to deny we
are even doing such a thing. We set in trying to destroy the essence, alter
the essence, and eventually to create its absence altogether. Whew!
This is on the other hand, the side of our participation in the
spiritual universe. Such impairment of thinking! Such confusion and
obstruction of thought! Virtually everyone has a very rich bank account of
such stuff, and it is how we carry on in the spiritual universe. Shucks!
In between these two extremes we invalidate and suppress our
feeling nature. With the will we are concerned with the guts, and with
thought we are concerned with the head. Feeling, which comes from the
heart, mediates between these polarities, the earthly, lime polarity of the
guts and the cosmic, silica polarity of the head. This middle, rhythmic
realm of give and take, of feeling, is where our sense of self resides. The
ego resides in the blood. This is the realm of clay, which mediates between
lime and silica. This is the meaning of the saying that man is made of
clay. We ourselves stand between the extremes of earth and cosmos and we
weave the two together by the way we give and take, reach and withdraw
through the medium of feeling, the heart, the pulse of life incarnate.
You know, we often speak rather loosely of "egotists" who brag and
bully, make foolish promises, lord it over others and make a crashing bore
of themselves. But the reality is they have such an inadequate egoic
development that they are insecure and therefore go to much trouble to
assert that they ARE important, DO exist, HAVE to be taken into account,
KNOW so much. You will find that you cannot hurt the feelings of those with
a truly expansive sense of self. You cannot hurt their egos as their egos
are far too enormous. They don't have to assert themselves as their feeling
of self is secure. These are the people who can comfortably be themselves,
can admit their mistakes and shortcomings, can give away anything they own
and can learn from criticism. Serenity of self is a matter of being able to
experience anything without feeling compelled to do anything about it.
When people look at their ego, their self, in their mind's eye this
commonly seems like a sparkling gem and is tragically beautiful. This is
where we are identified with our standards of perfection, and because of
all the impairment, the invalidation and suppression, the evaluation and
advice all around us this beautiful self seems so tragic, so helpless, so
filled with longing for worth and so remote from expressing it. It is here
in the heart, the feeling life so overwhelmed by fears and desires, that
clearing must occur for us to be able at last to unite willing with
thinking and manifest spirit in everyday life.
This also is the significance of biodynamic horn clay, which I
mentioned in my first post.
The biodynamic horn manure imparts a new impulse of formative
forces for the guts, the digestion, the lime polarity and the will.
The horn silica imparts a new impulse of formative forces for the
head, the fructification, the silica polarity and the thinking.
But without horn clay to impart a new impulse of formative force
for the heart, the give and take, the clay, the feeling we miss the boat
and either go overboard in our efforts to control or become lost in thought.
As we clear the fears and desires out of our egos we will learn how
to work with our wills into the objective world of feeling that we think of
as the powers of nature. They are waiting for us to ask, but they will do
nothing without a clear, heartfelt request for their help.
I very much hope you can find a way to visit when you are in the
US. It would be wonderful to meet you in the flesh. Summer is my farming
season so I stay mostly at home working at growing biodynamic food. There
is nowhere near enough of it in the world.
Many blessings
Hugh Lovel
Blairsville, Georgia
LONG: Rain in Makaibari?,
Hugh Lovel, 04/18/2000
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: LONG: Rain in Makaibari?, Dave Bennett, 04/19/2000
- Re: LONG: Rain in Makaibari?, wytze, 04/19/2000
- Re: LONG: Rain in Makaibari?, Ava Devenport, 04/20/2000
- Re: LONG: Rain in Makaibari?, Hugh Lovel, 04/21/2000
- Re: LONG: Rain in Makaibari?, Marie Kamphefner, 04/21/2000
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