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internetworkers - Re: [internetworkers] Commercial lease in RTP?

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  • From: Thomas Beckett <thomas AT>
  • To: "Internetworkers:" <internetworkers AT>
  • Subject: Re: [internetworkers] Commercial lease in RTP?
  • Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 19:22:00 -0400

Michael Czeiszperger wrote:
I appreciate it. I'm specifically looking for the typical "class B" office space for a software shop with no retail customers, i.e. just rooms in the back of an office building somewhere.

The space over the Friendly Barber Shop in Carrboro has pretty frequent turnover. It's a classic Carrboro software startup location. Make sure you get the rooms with heat, however. There may be room at 118 East Main as well. I saw that they are remodeling for "professional offices" but haven't seen any actual tenants.


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