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internetworkers - Re: IRC (was RE: [internetworkers] New website ideas)

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  • From: Ian Meyer <ianmeyer AT>
  • To: "Internetworkers:" <internetworkers AT>
  • Subject: Re: IRC (was RE: [internetworkers] New website ideas)
  • Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 15:31:45 -0500

Alright, I just replied to this message since it was the latest in the thread but...

I am currently about 1/4 of the way through Rev. 2 of the INW IRC FAQ, and its a lot more client-agnostic, and will be a lot better. It's going to be a HTML file and some images, and will have a Table of Contents as well as hyperlinks within the doc so skip directly to sections as well as back to the top.

I should get at least halfway done tonight, I'll try to figure out my NCSU hosting to get it up online somewhere so you guys can check it out.

Also, the offer for a shell for those of you that want to run a command line client all the time but don't have an always-on connection or a laptop (like me) still stands, as soon as I get irssi working under Panther, they'll be available. (Note: If that didn't make sense, it will after this revision of the FAQ)


On Oct 28, 2003, at 3:21 PM, Shea Tisdale wrote:

But we have had the occasional 'jab' about it by some...

-----Original Message-----
From: internetworkers-bounces AT
bounces AT] On Behalf Of Michael D. Thomas
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 3:03 PM
To: 'Internetworkers:'
Subject: RE: IRC (was RE: [internetworkers] New website ideas)

Well for starters, you never hear of any debate about top-posting on
IRC. <g>


We haven't had any such debates yet, anyway.

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