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homestead - Re: [Homestead] what we already knew, or guessed

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  • From: EarthNSky <erthnsky AT>
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] what we already knew, or guessed
  • Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 12:48:07 -0500

Since some of you don't read Fox, you might have missed Al Gore's backpedalling...

Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore <> reportedly has had a change of heart on ethanol, telling a conference on green energy in Europe that he only supported tax breaks for the alternative fuel to pander to farmers in his home state of Tennessee and the first-in-the-nation caucuses state of Iowa.

Ok, so list, what about blue green algae...what's y'alls take on that? Better than corn based ethanol?


On 11/23/2010 12:19 PM, Lynda wrote:
I'm talking about biofuels. Growing the corn,etc. takes petroleum products. Lots of fertilizers which are petroleum based. Tractors on the farm. They still have to be hauled to the plants. The processing plants are run on petroleum products. Then the resulting fuel is hauled, by truck which is more petroleum products, to the end use.

They are assuming right. Farmers aren't big on natural means of growing. They use the same thing they've always used which is petroleum based.

So, no, corn is not a good fuel. In fact, corn, as currently grown, isn't a good anything! And the biofuel currently available costs more in petroleum products than going to the corner gas station and filling up on fossil fuel now.

And, as I said, there are much better ways to go and hemp is one of them. And harvesting "stuff" out of the ocean is NOT!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Wendy" <crazygardens AT>

I assume that you mean petroleum requires lot of chemicals and needs to be
hauled a gazillion miles to be processed. When I first read it, I though you
meant biofuels. lol That are some of the beauties of biofules. Lots less
chemicals additives required and processing can be done in small plants
scattered all over the country near the grow points. No more centrally located
processing like petroleum and far less chemicals. I think I get what the
artical is trying to say about the corn husks. If you want nice corn plant
matter, you have to enrich the soil because corn is such a heavy feeder. Just
enrich it with animal manure and compost from the non usable parts of other
plants. I think they are assuming that you are going to use petroleum
fertilizer to enrich your bio fuel crops. I agree with you about hemp
production. The original deisel engines were designed to run on fuel from hemp
oil. I have noticed a lot of disinformation going around about alternate
energies. Much of this disinformation comes from plugging biofuel sources into
the petroleum process loop. People need to get their mind out of the box when
it comes to alternate fuels.

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EarthNSky Farm 34.498N 85.076W
SISU! (Finnish--There is no single word in English that encompasses
all that sisu means, but it combines the following ideas: guts, pep,
determination, stubbornness, perseverance, hardiness, stamina, go, do,
nerve, spunk, pluck, and grit. It's like "Just Do It!"& "Go for It!")

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