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- From: Leslie <cayadopi AT>
- To: homestead AT
- Subject: Re: [Homestead] Challenge
- Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 11:47:36 -0700 (PDT)
Agree, health care bill is going to worsen things in rural areas, etc.
Something 42% of docs are now considering closing their offices, and are just
waiting the outcome of the litigation initiated by the State Atty Gen's.
I don't know if the law contains language that forces them to accept
medicaid, medicare, government care patients. If it does, and I was a doc
and the payments were being lowered, I know for sure I would go on strike, by
closing the office. If there is no mandate forcing that, they can go on
strike and just accept private patients. They do not need to just be the
latest victim of inflation induced socialist soluations.
Yes, inflation induced. If the currency hadn't been inflated (i.e. reduced
purchasing power by 95% now) then medical care costs would not have escalated
beyond people's affordability. Once the dollar lost its purchasing power,
the mind-set of many in this nation has been to point at the wrong culprit
and take on a socialist approach to solutions. They just don't work in the
long run. Short term you get a shot of heroin in the arm, and long term you
kill the supplier.
Yeah, and pay for the unions on the backs of the poor and elderly. Believe
me, the healthcare bill is NOT going to help those in rural communities or
the elderly or the poor!
Rural docs are going to end up moving or, as some have already said,
retiring early and doing something else if they still need to earn money.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Leslie" <cayadopi AT>
There are not many docs here either, but I did have occassion to speak with
a "primary care" type doc. There are 3 docs in their office, and most folks
around here seem to go to them. He stated that he makes $100k before income
taxes. He also states that the reduction in payment for medicare or medicaid
patients will further lower his income. He states that he does not have any
savings to help his own son go to college.
Tort reform is just a part of the problem. Inflation is the root problem
underneath everything.
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From: Lynda <lurine AT>
To: homestead AT
Sent: Thu, April 1, 2010 2:03:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Homestead] Challenge
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On 4/1/2010 2:47 PM, Leslie wrote:
> Agree, health care bill is going to worsen things in rural areas, etc.
It's odd how things work out.
I'm not sure of all the reasons, and I suspect there would be many if
someone were to make a study of it, but I wouldn't expect to see much
change here in the way physicians' practices go.
One reason is that the upper New England area is not where one goes to
be rich; that's pretty much a given no matter what sort of work one
does, so while we have some doctors here who are "in it for the money",
they are not in the majority. Another reason is that in New England in
general and VT, NH, and ME especially, people don't much care to be told
what to do: independence trumps orders every time, or maybe that's
stubborn bullheadedness, but either way, people tend to just put their
heads down and walk into the storm.
Ever since I've been here (bit over 20 years now) there have been a
number of doctors, PAs, NPs, etc that do not take insurance of any
kind. For the past 15 years or so the numbers have increased to be
about 3-4 times now the number there were when I came here. From
talking to people who've been here longer than I, that seems to have
started when insurance companies began demanding that there be time
limits on appointment times. Then came refusal to pay for certain drugs
for arbitrary reasons, followed rapidly by demands for limited
referrals, billing-structure regulations, control of specialists' intake
of patients, etc. None of those things went over well and over the
years there came to be more and more folks operating independent
practices. Their fees are much lower, care much better, and the
frustration and expense of dealing with insurance companies means that
everyone stays in a better mood all the time. I deliberately work for
an independent practice and the difference from an employee point of
view is profound. There has been increased pressure from various
insurance companies over the years to "bring them in line" but to no
avail. Then they (ins) began to try and pressure for legislation to
make changes but that laid an egg, too. Finally they seem to have given
up in the last few years but I notice they never miss a chance to take a
dig at the quality of care here....falls on deaf ears here.
I'm not sure what the income averages here, but I know of the several
medical caregivers immediate to my area that they are well above the
$100, 000 mark. Disregarding income increases, quite a number of
doctors here work only 2/3/4 days a week: enough for an income that they
perceive meets their needs, and that's that. One is a full-time farmer,
another teaches and does some traveling for an ecology-education group,
various others do whatever it is they do, but the common factor is that
they are at work when they want to be, home with their families much of
the time, whatever. Overall, it seems to have been an equitable
agreement and helps keep the community strong; there is much less of the
'them vs us' kind of grumbling around here than there was where I came
from. I think it's the case because professional people mix right in
with everybody else for a school activities, or contradancing,
clean-the-beach day, potato gleaning, whatever's going on, they and
their families tend to be part of it all, rather than what would be seen
as "too busy" or worse yet (around here), "too good". They drive Subaru
or Toyota like anyone else.
We still have quite a number of doctors here who initially came to Maine
as a part of a program that promised to pay school fees (don't know
whether part of all) in return for X years at a rural health post. A
lot came here to ditch their school loans, then stayed for money to
start a practice, and are still here many years later.
It seems to me that this model could/would work in many places but when
I mentioned it to a midwestern friend (physician) I thought he would
have a stroke; he strongly believes he has to have the insurance money
or go belly-up. Can't be the case because there are any number of
doctors there who treat the German Baptist and Amish groups in the area,
and none of them are taking insurance, for sure, since neither group
believes in insurance. I often hear the excuse that "those doctors are
from their own churches, that's why they can get away with it" but I
know of 5 doctors in the county where I grew up who don't take
insurance, and only one of them grew up German Baptist and stayed in the
church. He went to school on German Baptist money because when he was
in high school that church decided to send a student to medical school
in return for the agreement that said student would return to the
community and practice. Seems to have worked; when I was there in 2007
he was looking forward to retiring, which he is scheduled to do as soon
as the next student they sent is finished school. They just lost a
doctor age 52, sudden cardiac failure of some sort, who was also in the
church but did not have church-funded schooling, not sure who will take
that practice.
As to the Amish, they simply don't stand behind that much schooling but
are willing to pay for someone with unlike beliefs who did go to school,
hardly a 'one of them' situation.... These guys all make house calls,
have hitching rails (and sheds), and cope on a daily basis with the
fact that telephones and electricity are not part of their patients'
lives, along with all sorts of other issues peculiar to working with
plain people. They all take patients who are not German Baptist or
Amish, but none of them take insurance of any kind. Three that I know
of will trade for farm goods, horses, construction labor, other things,
don't know about the others.
So there are obviously two ways to deal with medical coverage (human,
not insurance coverage) that for the most part seem to be intensely
regional and mostly rural, but there are other ways, too. Why more
people don't look around and start asking questions and initiating
changes I don't understand, but I get the feeling that too many people
in this society are waiting for someone else to make the decisions, and
then they scramble to adjust to the status quo and grumble interminably
about how it's not working for them.
I read an article in the weekend paper about how doctors somewhere are
up in arms about the anticipated new insurance payments/non-payments,
and knowing how many practices rely almost totally on insurance
payments, I understand their angst. But maybe they will be the very
ones to make the sorts of changes that make their own lives, and that of
those in their respective communities, both more productive and more
satisfying. Or maybe not, maybe they'll just go on acting like the
victims they've allowed themselves to become.
SJ, who enjoyed the beautiful spring day by clipping19 goats
(neighbors') and one dog (mine) today. Hooves and nails tomorrow.....
Re: [Homestead] Challenge,
Leslie, 04/01/2010
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- Re: [Homestead] Challenge---long, Leslie, 04/01/2010
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- <Possible follow-up(s)>
Re: [Homestead] Challenge,
Clansgian, 04/02/2010
- Re: [Homestead] Challenge, Lynda, 04/02/2010
Re: [Homestead] Challenge,
Marie McHarry, 04/02/2010
- Re: [Homestead] Challenge, sjc, 04/02/2010
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