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homestead - Re: [Homestead] State vs. Fed

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  • From: bobf <bobford79 AT>
  • To: Marie McHarry <mmcharry AT>, homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] State vs. Fed
  • Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 12:51:47 -0800 (PST)

Marie ; 'didn't mean to come across as a jackass, though I know I do on
occassion. 'listening to President Smiley Face (he was just on Tv smiling
and signing the trillion dollar stimulus bill), and knowing that I will be
paying even more taxes and my productive relatives and friends also will be ,
for generations, so that this generation who have wallowed in excess since
the 1960s, don't have to pay their own bills.

It is not right that a one year old is indebted to pay for the trillions in
political bribes -- bought votes-- being thrown out right now. This is both
parties, and the bankers who own them all.

We have too much government and too damn many government workers -- you are
right -- we should get rid of most of them. I'm sitting here thinking, and
can't think of many who make my life better.

The world is cruel in place outside Asia, Marie. The use of human flesh can
be purchased, cheaply, right here in the city of Phoenix, and every cop knows
where it occurs, but nothing stops the trade. It is monstrous here , just as
it is in Thailand or in Chicago; but that didn't answer my question about the
comparison of Thailand to Arizona. To me, that made no sense.

New York, Chicago, Los angeles, New Jersey, will all be first in line for the
federal bail-outs. If they had run there localisties correctly in the first
place, they would not be broke, and the feds woulsn't have to mortage out
young people futures for the baby boomer's exceese.

I swera that future generations will curse the memory of the baby boomers.
The good they did for a few things like civil rights will all be forgotten
because of their selfish self-centered excess.

I don't mind helping someone who need help. I was raised to be kind and
generous and have lived my private life in that fashion. But, I don't like
being forced by men with guns and keys to prison cells to give the reasults
of my productivity to the lazy and undeserving. There is a difference.

--- On Tue, 2/17/09, Marie McHarry <mmcharry AT> wrote:

> From: Marie McHarry <mmcharry AT>
> Subject: Re: [Homestead] State vs. Fed
> To: bobford79 AT, homestead AT
> Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 1:31 PM
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 1:58 PM, bobf
> <bobford79 AT> wrote:
> > 'what' dollars are the "Republican"
> governors prayijng will be thrown? From where do they come?
> Just actually when did this Congress and President create
> the wealth to back the dollars for which they presume to
> 'throw' ?
> These, as you well know, are dollars that the feds can
> borrow and the
> states cannot.
> >
> > The fact that Arizon's budget is bigger than that
> of Thailand means what?
> Perhaps that selling underage girls for sex is just as
> lucrative as
> whatever you do in Arizona.
> >
> > I don't live in a mud hut or use the side of the
> road as a toilet. Besides, under Governor Napolitano ( our
> new Homeland Security fuhrere and minister of propaganda),
> Arizona ran up a multi-billion dollar deficit. So , how are
> we rich, exactly?
> Are you telling me that you have no businesses that are
> generating
> profits in Arizona? I know that Arizona is full of codgers,
> but surely
> someone in the state works. You have said you have a
> business. How's
> it doing?
> >
> > The only richness I see being thrown about is what is
> being taken from people like me and given to other people,
> which the political morons and parasitesm getting their cut
> on the way.
> That used to be called taking care of the community. Do you
> want to
> live in a gated community with your own rentacops? Or do
> you want a
> community with police, fire, roads, public health services,
> etc?
> >
> > The first thing that needs to be done , in every state
> that has a major deficit, is to significantly cut the wages
> and benefits of State employees ; and then federal
> employees.
> Why cu t their wages? Presumably, like any employee, they
> bargained
> upon hiring for their pay and accepted their working
> conditions. If
> they aren't needed, get rid of them.
> >
> > We could then re-distribute 'those' riches to
> the more needy.
> If it's good for society, we should all participate. It
> may come as a
> shock to you, Bob, but many state workers are working one
> or two jobs
> in addition to the state job, but at least with the state
> job they get
> health insurance. In fact, I'd say 50 percent of the
> people in my
> office would be off doing something else productive but
> they need the
> insurance. I'd still be working as a freelance editor
> if we had a
> reasonable way to buy health insurance in this country.
> >
> > I'm sure you would agree with such good sense and
> social sector philantropy................
> Some days, I think you're a jackass.
> Marie

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