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homestead - Re: [Homestead] wood stoves

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  • From: Clansgian AT
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] wood stoves
  • Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2008 15:58:02 EST

> >Maybe someone here can explain what a "Check Damper" is for on the
> stove. It's on the cooking surface by where the stove pipe connects. I
> think it is supposed to be open when the firebox damper is closed and
> visa versa?

Rob, do you mean that knob that sticks up vertically out of the top of the
stove near the stovepipe?

That damper only operates in the open or closed position, it is not supposed
to be partially open. You close it when you light the stove and the smoke
goes straight up the flue. When the flue is drawing nicely, you open the
(push it down) and the smoke must now circulate iunder the cooktip and around
the oven before exiting the flue.

If you light the fire in a cold stove with the damper open, the smoke cannot
find its way to the flue and comes out in the room instead.

So you close that damper completely to light the stove, then open it
completely in normal operation.


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