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- From: Rob <becida AT>
- To: homestead AT
- Subject: Re: [Homestead] Hatching math
- Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2008 02:27:54 -0800
At 12/20/2008 01:51 AM,EarthNSky wrote:
13.2 + 1.3 = 14.5 kilowatts used per hatching round.
I will round that off to 15 kw.
According to my power bill..
If I am calculating daily kw costs from last months bill correctly, I am
paying about 10 cents per kw directly to the EMC per at 10
cents a day x 22 days = $2.20 the grand total for electricity used for
each hatching.
Is that right?? Can it really be that cheap to hatch eggs?
One chick at the farm store costs $2. Hatcheries are even more expensive.
25w x 24h= 600w/day
3w x 24h= 72w/day
672w/day x 22d= 14784w
15kw x $0.1 = $1.50
Basically, one chick pays the electricity....that can't be right. I am
overtired and sans sleep..someone look at the math above.
My God, with laying hens selling for $8 or more in these parts, I could
make a fortune! ;)
Keep in mind the 6 or 7 months from hatching to laying and you might be on to something.
FWIW I built a brooder from reading this site (thanks Karen!) and it worked really well, I kept it in an 8x8 building that was just for brooding chicks. Having a dedicated brooder house turned out to be a good thing.
Lot's of other good reading at
becida AT
[Homestead] Hatching math,
EarthNSky, 12/20/2008
Re: [Homestead] Hatching math,
Rob, 12/20/2008
Re: [Homestead] Hatching math,
Robert Walton, 12/20/2008
Message not available
- Re: [Homestead] Hatching math, Rob, 12/20/2008
Message not available
Re: [Homestead] Hatching math,
Robert Walton, 12/20/2008
- Re: [Homestead] Hatching math and Day 22 update, EarthNSky, 12/21/2008
Re: [Homestead] Hatching math,
Rob, 12/20/2008
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
Re: [Homestead] Hatching math,
Karen L. Black, 12/20/2008
- Re: [Homestead] Hatching math, EarthNSky, 12/20/2008
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