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homestead - Re: [Homestead] The longest post yet-Anger

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  • From: rayzentz AT
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] The longest post yet-Anger
  • Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2008 12:55:43 -0500

Bev, Thank you for your words. They express my feelings pretty well, but in a
much kinder way than I would have said it. We need you here, because Gene and
I would just end up shooting at each other... ;-)

Don't let it get to you, 'cause then the socialists win without a fight. Keep
on, sister, keep on...


PS. I have been wearing all bleck for the past two days, because I am in
mourning for the country I once knew. I fear we have heard it's death knell.
I am not mourning the election of Obama, but rather the fact that the
majority of my peers voted him in. I am reminded of the scene in Star Wars,
in which the Chancellor (who turns out to be VERY EVIL) is given sweeping
power by the senate. Senator Amadalla comments something to the effect of,
"Is this the sound of freedom dying, cheers and applause?"

-----Original Message-----
From: EarthNSky <erthnsky AT>
To: homestead AT
Sent: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 1:26 am
Subject: [Homestead] The longest post yet-Anger

I thank Bev for the congratulations that she offered so generously
last night. The amount of vitriol on this list is saddening to me.
The rift between people I care for and respect and others that I care
for equally needs to be mended. Perhaps in a week or two or three,
we can work on that. Or maybe not.
Thank you Marie, and all, for your kindness. I was sincere in my
ongratulations. I'm not going to do a Hasselback just yet, but I will
ry harder to see the positive side of living in a New America. More on
hat later.
My issues with certain list members are not new. I left this list once
ecause of the double standard that I saw. I left again last night, and
ame back today. This post is about anger.
have a lot of leftover anger regarding this election and this list.
he list is the only place I really discuss politics, and this election
s my first foray into political discussions in the 13 or 14 years or
hatever that I have been here. I have participated at a cost to my
ersonal relationships, and I am not referring to Gene. Don't get me
rong, I entered the fray knowing that I was amongst those who held
pposite opinions, and for the most part, I do enjoy reading views that
re opposite mine, however there is often a double standard on this list
hat favors liberalism and those who lean to the left, and that double
tandard really bothers me. <Palin voice on> If you can't see the double
tandard, then you are probably one of the ones I'm talkin' about.<Palin
oice off> ;)
I was chastised for labeling people as Pro and Anti-Obama and yet, those
ame people have said nothing about Gene labeling me as closed minded or
oon's characterization of Sarah Palin as trash.(Sorry to pick on you
oon, that was just the most recent label that I have read on the list)
A label is apparently ok, if the liberal members agree with it. And
hen there is so much talk of respect and civility, and yet, that rule
nly seems to apply to some people and not others. Gene posted an
rticle with his baiting and confrontational comments, and I responded
ith an argumentative opinion. Gene said recently that he respected my
pinion, but when I voiced it in response to his post, he called me
losed minded. Yesterday or before that, he started off a post to Drew
uestioning Drew's open-mindedness, which automatically makes a person
o into defense mode. It is all super ironic, since I think Gene is the
ne with a closed mind when it comes to hearing negative things about Obama.
I have always, always, been someone who tries to make peace and find
iddle/common ground because I don't like conflict. This is true of me
n this list and in my personal life. I should be safe to venture into
he following as I think I am beyond the first 100 words that Gene reads
f my posts. (and btw, wasn't that a shining example of being
espectful, to tell someone that you only read the first 100 words or so
f their posts, and yet, the same day, post a link to a multiple page
rticle for the list to read-it felt like a slap in the face to me-and I
m still hurt, one of the reasons I don't feel like I belong here
nymore. Anyway, there was talk recently of looking for commonalities,
ut when someone wants to say that it is daytime when it is clearly
ighttime just to goad another into an argument, well, there is no
alking to someone like that.
ere is an example, look at this:
It is never enough to stop exposing criminality. The Supreme
Presidency and the DC Whorehouse exist as they do because too few
Americans make efforts to expose it and to vote against the
wrongdoers. "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
Gene wrote that a week or so ago. I think, by all accounts, Ayers
ommitted criminal acts. Even Obama says they were despicable. But not
ene. He can see the criminality in W, but not in Ayers. He can see
he criminality in the DC Whorehouse, but only on the Republican side.
ow can you find commonality with someone when you can't even agree on
hat 'criminal' means or what the DC Whorehouse is? Oh, he will now
robably come out and say 'despicable' isn't 'criminal' or play some
ther word game,,,whatever. He did make a relevant quote though. The
rice of freedom *is* eternal vigilance. And when there is something
rong, it is our civic duty to expose it. That is why I will continue
o ask questions about Obama. We need, no, we deserve to know
verything about the man whom we are to trust to keep us safe from all
hreats both foreign and domestic. Since he is not volunteering
nformation and has blocked information, it is our duty to get tough and
o try to find out what is being hidden. There are a lot of gaps in his
istory. There is a lot to question. I'm not liking some of the answers
've gotten. Obviously, some people don't even care that there are
aps....'it's irrelevant' they say, but maybe, just maybe, those of us
ho do care, who do see the gaps and the problems, might just be the
orch and canary bearers as we venture into the future. IMO, if we can
iscuss Sarah Palins pregnancy or lack of one, we can discuss the faults
nd foibles of President Elect Obama. We certainly discussed the faults
nd foibles of Bush, Clinton, and every other president of the last 50
I said in the beginning of this post that I had a lot of anger about
his election. I've thought a lot about it over the last week or so,
nd I think I am most angry with our educational system because people
re simply not informed. A 24 year old guy Ron works with did not vote
ecause he did not register because "that new college picks the
resident so I don't have to vote". Then, there are the more informed
eople who are swayed by the media or their family or their peers, but
ho never truly think for themselves and don't truly understand the big
icture. There are all kinds of education problems. Some of us, myself
nd Sarah Palin included, didn't study politics or government, and
efore this election did not have a clear picture of the differences
etween socialism and communism and capitalism and fascism and all the
isms of economics and politics. I'm still learning. So there's
ducational anger...
here is also racial anger. My entire life, I have believed that race
oes not matter. I was taught, like I taught my children, to live by
he words of Martin Luther King, to judge a man, not by the color of his
kin, but by the content of his character. I live by that. I believe
hat to be a truth-a path to a better world, and that is why I taught it
o my children. And yet in this election, I see hundreds of thousands
f black people who have voted for Obama not on the content of his
haracter, but on the color of his skin. This angers me, and I fully
xpect that I will not be alone in my anger on this matter. I feel
hat white people, the MSM, and even some people on this list gave Obama
pass because of his race, and never looked very hard at the rest of
he picture. His childhood and upbringing did affect led to
is ideology. The problem is, I see a blue violet ideology and you see
lue green ideology, and no one really knows where Obama lies in the
pectrum...and it does matter, because we deserve to know.
ne more comment about race and then I will let it go here. I think
ontrary to popular opinion, that Obama's election will hurt race
elations in this country. When I say New America, this is what I
eference. We are now living in a new and different America, where
ttitudes are very different than they were even three days ago. When
ou combine the new sense of empowerment blacks feel, with the
xpectation that Obama will be a savior to the poor, with the anger that
hites have over reverse racism and ideological anger like what I feel
nd described above, you end up with problems and I think you will start
o see the clashes very soon, even before the inauguration. Today, at
he dealership where Ron works, black employees did not show up for
ork. I don't know how widespread this is, but I know it is at least
reater than a local phenomenon because I have heard the same comments
rom people in other cities. Apparently, some people don't see the need
o work, because their housing, insurance, gasoline, and medical bills
ill soon be taken care of. They can't wait for Socialism to take
ffect. I personally hope that people come to their senses soon, but I
ear this behavior will grow and that there will be serious implications
o race relations. One of the guys that works with Ron, Rocky, is a
weet man. He's older than me, and illiterate, but he has a huge heart
nd well, he's the kind of guy you would want to tell stories to your
randkids. He's dirt poor-takes care of his handicapped sister, and
hey treat him like crap at work-he's the guy who cleans up new and used
ars. We always just give him eggs because he only makes $7/hour. In
0 years, Rocky has never been out of work, but He laid out today. I
an pretty well tell you that Rocky wasn't out partying in the streets
etting drunk. I believe that he believes that he and his sister will
e taken care of. <sigh> If Rocky is buying into that, we are in real
rouble, my friends. I am angry with Obama for misleading decent
ardworking black people.
I am also angry that I was not able to convince anyone to vote against
bama, either for a Libertarian or for McCain or another party/write in.
I could not even convince my naive daughter, who believes that with
bama's help, she will be able to go back to school full-time. So I
eel like I failed her in that regard. My fears of Socialistic change
n this country have also led me to be angry about the future for my
randdaughter. I want her to be able to sit and write 1000 word or
0000 word dissertations against her President should she choose to do
o. I would like to have left this Homestead to my children, but I fear
hat they will never own it because they won't be able to pay the taxes.
So that's as much of it as I have been able to figure out.
'm not leaving homestead just yet because it is my duty to be vigilant.
I expect that that will cause problems, and for that I will apologize
n advance, but perhaps you will try to understand that my search for
hat I feel is truth is my way of coming to terms with my feelings.
erhaps, while I am looking at Obama, I will see in him what Oprah sees.
I doubt I will, but I promise that I will try to see things in a more
ositive light.
n that vein, I have to share this..
have Fox on TV, A few minutes back Alan Colmes said (in good spirit)
ow did Liberals convince enough Conservative Americans to elect a
ocialist like Barack Obama?
Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to
ate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda
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